Search results

  1. E

    K, L, J?

    I'm guessing these designations have some reference to the actual shape of the frame, but are size and heft what they're about too?
  2. E

    Polishing vs. decapping?(newbie question).

    I've been gearing up and reading for a couple months now and am about ready to start using my Rockchucker. Question #1: I've read that tumbling or other methods of cleaning brass (soaking in brass polish) should be done after cases are decapped but before they're resized. How is this practical...
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    How accurate can a snubnose be?

    Firing a few would've avoided this question but I never have. What kind of accuracy can/should be expected from say a .357 with a 2" or 2 1/2" barrel? I know it's a "purposeful" weapon for close-quarters situations, but is it any fun to practice with?
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    Airlight frames -- stability, accuracy, durability?

    Airlite frames -- stability, accuracy, durability? I haven't even decided to buy a small wheelgun yet, let alone a S&W, so this isn't meant to provoke boycott-fueled derision. I'm curious in general about the ability of a significantly lighter gun with a 2"-3" barrel to perform as reliably and...
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    Concealed Carry Primer?

    What's a brief sketch of concealed carry requirements/restrictions/ease of procuring -- from "easiest" to most difficult states? I only mean an example of worst, best and middle say. I've only recently (since being here) started to think about this beyond an abstract idea of knowing some...
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    New baby coming home.

    I tried to do this before, if it repeats I'm sorry. I've been huntin' since a kid, shoot a C&B Uberti repro I love, but have never had a wheelgun that ate smokeless. MY VACQUERO CAME IN TODAY AND I PICK IT UP TOMORROW! (After I get my wife at the airport.) Sorry if this sounds weak and tyro...
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    Dixon's Muzzleloading?

    Anyone familiar with Dixon's Muzzleloading in Kempton, PA? Renowned as the most extensive BP stop east of the Mississippi and a great place to just visit. Despite my last name, I'm no relation and get no discount, but the owners are more than fair and more than generous with their time and...
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    Amusing stories?

    Talked to a WCO at a public range awhile back and he related an incident that somehow came to his attention. A whitetail hunter bagged his best buck ever (12-points, I think). He waited after the shot. Tracked the bloodtrail. Found his trophy. Checked the shot placement. Then he pulled a...
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    Favorite books.

    What are some of your favorite books on any topics related to this forum (or not)? Fiction or non-fiction, political or adventure, whatever.
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    Favorite books?

    What are some of your favorite (fiction or non-fiction) books on hunting and related topics -- pioneers, trappers, wilderness, guns, etc.?
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    I started hunting when I was 12. I own five guns. But... I've never joined the N.R.A. First, anybody out there who belongs but has reservations with its policies, dogmatism, etc.? Second, any TFLers who don't belong for any reason at all? Now, let me expose my limited rationale for never...
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    Ruger #1 International caliber?

    I think my next long gun purchase will be the Ruger #1 single-shot in the International styling. This model comes in only the following four calibers: .243 Win., .270 Win., 7x57mm, and .30-06. Any big game use would be mainly whitetail, but what are opinions on favorite or most versatile of...
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    Rash buy?

    I got an RCBS Rockchucker Master Kit in the mail a few weeks ago. I haven't started using it yet, but have been picking up some other accessories and working through the NRA guide to reloading (already read ABC's of Reloading). I'll start with 45-70 cartridges for a rolling block repro. So...
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    SA caliber?

    I'm getting ready to purchase a Ruger Vacquero in the next month or so, but am still not sure what caliber to go with. In all honesty I'm strongly leaning toward .45LC just because of the history, but understand there are cheaper and easier-to-shoot (accurately) calibers. I'm not involved in...
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    Butchers wax?

    While retrieving my 870 barrel from a re-bluing, I asked the gunsmith if he had any advice for preventing rust in the future. Without hesitation he said butchers wax. He recommended a coat of butchers wax on external metal and light silicone on internal moving parts. He even said he'd follow...