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  1. K

    Glock armorer question - connector ruggedness

    Howdy! (gosh it's been a while) Anyhow, quick question for y'all. If I understand the Glock trigger system correctly, the connector is just a big flat spring that flexes along its flat axis in the frame as it's squeezed by the trigger bar and released by the slide. So here's the question...
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    Colonial era military vs. civilian arms questions

    I heard the Heller audio the other day (belatedly, I admit), and one of the judges asked something about antecedents to modern select-fire rifles and suchlike in the context of militia arms. He seemed fuzzy on what would apply. First - am I correct that in assuming that a longarm of the...
  3. K

    To port or not to port: 1895GS, .45-70

    cross-posted from THR for a little more advice... the vote so far seems to be mostly not-ported.. "Well after playing with quite a few rifles the last few days, I think the winner is the big-bore Marlin. I just put a couple pistols on the block down at CCA, and whenever one or both sells...
  4. K

    how much error room in leupold scout scope?

    I see their website says eye relief is 9" .. how much room on either end of that can you still get a decent sight picture?
  5. K

    Wood stock refinishing questions

    Hi! I'm slowly getting back around to refinishing a beater .30-06 I got months and months ago. Original finish was a VERY beaten varnish -- I'm leaning towards some kind of oil finish for the redo. I've already gotten off the icky varnish and sanded it down. The really cool bit is that under...
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    The Constitution isn't worth a dollar.

    Or if it is..... here's the perfect stocking stuffer -- $1/copy if you buy 10. :D I handed out all my copies last Christmas... looks like it's time to stock up on more. -K
  7. K

    NVGs and aiming

    I keep seeing pictures of the fellers over in Afghanistan running around with these monocular-type night vision goggle thingies. How do they aim a rifle that way? Seems like you couldn't get any kinda of alignment on the iron sights -- do they only use some kind of red dot set up with a large...
  8. K

    the people you meet in business..

    So as some of you might remember, I was talking patents and development of a couple gun-related accessory trinkets recently. (I like to call 'em "Kaylee's Great DUH" :) ) Anyhow, the ball's been rolling steadily along, patents filed, manufactuers lined up, incorporation pending, website...
  9. K

    Vets, especially Desert Storm, need advice

    A very dear friend of mine is getting increasingly loud "might be deploying" rumblings from his higher ups.. he's a Combat Engineer sergeant, US Army Reserves. He's asked me if I know of any vets he could hit up for stories -- especially the guys who were in Iraq back in the Gulf War. Would...
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    DA revolver function question

    Okay, another question about that Colt Police Positive I'm trying to get back together. Looking at it again, it seems that the cylinder rod isn't the problem. Rather, the little locking lug that locks the cylinder in place isn't retracting far enough when the hammer comes back, and so the...
  11. K

    .22 versions of centerfire rifles

    Why is it that so few manufacturers also make .22 versions of their rifles? I mean, Marlin's 39A makes a wonderful practice alternate to their 336... why don't Winchester and Remington to the same? Kinda frustrating to have to look in the $600+ range for a Kimber to get close to the Winchester...
  12. K

    Fix it up, or leave as is?

    My grandmother is moving houses, and we just happened across her late husband's old Colt .38 Special Police Positive. I was thinking of having it fixed up for her. Honestly, the poor thing is in pretty sorry shape. The cylinder rod is bent out of whack (too many detective movie reloads I...
  13. K

    can a WWII USGI 1911 be C&R'd?

    I ran into a feller trying to tell me his C&R lets him order old USGI 1911s without an FFL. Frankly, that sounds off to me.. I knew some foreign knockoffs were legal C&R... but US models that fire common off-the-shelf .45ACP? I don't suppose any of y'all know what the latest whim of the BATF...
  14. K

    U/D scopes?

    Anyone know anything about these? I got the impression this one was a pre-K-mart "K-mart special" kinda thing, if you take my drift. But the light gethering of that little fixed power 4X was phenomonal! I mean, in rapidly darkening dusk, I was picking out steering wheels of golf carts parked...
  15. K

    Gunshops.. why don't they clean second hand stuff?

    While pulling apart this Rem I picked up, I realized than under all that fouling, the bolt had a pretty nice jewelled area (where not worn away) -- and the bore was REALLY nice under all the goo. Further... this seems more the rule than the exception -- that there's some really nice rifles out...
  16. K

    Two more Rem 700 questions...

    Yeah, I just found an old .30-'06 hunter beat to heck on the outside but with a beautiful bore.. looks like a daisy. Cheap to. Anyhow.... I've seen the instructions on how to adjust a Rem trigger.. but is there a way to get those trigger parts out and clean out the gook from twenty-odd years...
  17. K

    round-bottom Rem receiver and other questions...

    Why do folks say a squarish bottom (say, as on a Tikka) is more stable/accurate than the Remington round-bottom receivers? Wouldn't those two big bolts keep the action from torqueing in the stock at least as well as a square body? Secondly.. why are so many of the Uber-Tactical S***** ;) rifles...
  18. K

    Bolt travel.. why is it....

    .. on modern pump shotguns that the entire bolt travel must be enclosed? As opposed to the old '97s that the Cowboy folks like, where the bolt comes out the rear over the hammer like in a lever rifle? Seems to me that it forces everything else forward, and thus makes the gun more cumbersome to...
  19. K

    Does ANYONE make ball .30-06 anymore?

    Other than handloaders, I mean? It seems like anywhere I look, all I see is $20-$30/box fancy-dancy softpoint/hollowpoit/SuperDeader'n'aDoornailDeerkiller type rounds. Kinda makes it hard to practice with that kinda dough involved. I understand all the old military ball dried up a while ago...
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    Extended safeties, reciprocating bolt handles, yadda yadda yadda...

    Got a question for y'all.. Given the choice between two sets of controls on a firearm -- one that's sleek and close in to the weapon, and another that juts out all over, but is easier to manipulate, which do you prefer? For example -- on a FAL type rifle -- would you prefer a fixed handle...