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    What guns would you buy with half million dollars?

    I'd buy a whole lotta 1911s, bolt action rifles, smoking range and a Canon 1Ds MK III with every L lens! Too bad this isn't my money :D
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    Lost a good Soldier and a friend

    A platoon from my company dismounted to check out a possible IED. A FEMALE with a suicide vest detonated and killed one of the Soldiers. He was 24 years old and married. The platoon leader and SAW gunner were also badly injured and required surgery. Roughly 8 local nationals (2 kids) were also...
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    Hi folks

    It's been awhile since I checked in and hope everybody is doing well with the wave of hurricanes and all... As some of you knew, I was in An Najaf for a few months. It got really hairy down there for awhile but things have cooled down since. Now that the situation is somewhat stabilized, I'm...
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    Pictures from Najaf

    i'm in najaf now. i didnt think it could get any worse than the last location but this place is hell. there is absolutely nothing around the camp for 5 miles but sand. no shade other than the vehicles and tents. ground temperature will reach 170 degrees by next month. The city of Najaf is...
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    Last night

    last night was pretty bad. we got hit hard by mortar rounds. the iraqi's got lucky and nailed the ammo supply point. all the ammo (A LOT OF AMMO) cooked off and rounds, rockets, star clusters, grenades, AT4's, bombs etc from the ammo point flew everywhere. we ran for cover in a bunker and the...
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    Howdy folks

    I see that TFL is up and running! Woohoo!!! my hat off to Rich :) the past few years have been quite hectic. im currently in iraq and will not be leaving anytime soon. it's my second rotation here. other than the improvised explosive devices, occasional mortar attack and random AK47 fire, it's...
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    Custom 1911 with Boron Carbide coating pic

    Built by Pete Single Unfortunately, since I'm a bit far away from home, I've yet to touch my new 1911!! :( Can't wait to get home and shoot it! Boron carbide is a dark finish that's VERY thin (2-3 micron's, one micron is about .00005, which translates to .00015... hard chome is about...
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    Say a prayer for me

    Ladies and Gentlemen: Over the course of the past year, I had the absolute pleasure of working along side some of the most educated people in the firearms industry – the staff at TFL. During my time here, I’ve had the opportunity to share my knowledge and learn amongst people I now call friends...
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    Share your favorite venison recipes!

    Grilled Steaks 3/4 of a inch thick deer ham or loin steaks Marinade: In a three-cup sized mixing bowl, combine: 1/3 cup soy sauce 1 - 2 tsp. A-1 Sauce About 7 shakes of Worcestershire sauce 1 garlic clove (or as much as you like!) About 4 shakes of Tabasco sauce (optional) Water (about 1 to...
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    Active Duty 'Conscientious Objectors' On The Rise

    Friggin idiots! Active Duty 'Conscientious Objectors' On The Rise By Michael Betsch Editorial Assistant October 17, 2001 ( - An increasing number of U.S. military personnel who enlisted prior to Operation Enduring Freedom are now seeking conscientious objector status...
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    Tips on aging deer meat

    Generally during the winter, I will hang and 'age' my deer (after field dressing) for 2 days with a clean bed sheet wrapped around it. However, during archery season, the weather is much warmer. Do you guys do anything special to prepare your venison? I ended up hanging my deer with clean bed...
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    nice wallpaper

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    Anybody else went duck hunting today?

    Today was the opening of early duck season in Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, there were gusty winds and heavy rain, which made a miserable morning. In addition, the ducks weren't flying. We only saw 2 all morning. :( The sky is now clear but the winds are still gusty. My deeks and Benelli is...
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    Dear Americans

    Dear Americans, When I opened my e-mail this morning I had about twenty forwards of the article written by Gordon Sinclair, the Canadian who so eloquently praised the United States. What most of you do not realize is that this commentary was written many years ago. Those of us in the Military...
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    Cute Pic

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    Decided to play with my camera today...

    Pete Single Custom 1911 Browning Hi-Power 9mm Busse Combat Steel Heart E (7.5") Benchmade 145 Nimravus Cub Nothing like guns and knives :D
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    Embroidered TFL shirts - "United We Stand" theme

    High quality embroidered T-Shirts and Polo Shirts are available from Ms. Embroidery, Idette. These shirts are absolutely beautiful! She's embroidered several different batches for us over at and we love em! Here's a mockup of what the shirt will look like. These are the...
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    Wallpaper for y'all

    Hello Mr. bin Laden! Meet Mr. Colt 9mm carbine! Needless to say, I never had so much fun shooting my Colt.
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    War. Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary defines war as: 1 a (1) : a state of usually open and declared armed hostile conflict between states or nations (2) : a period of such armed conflict "Will we go to war?" seems to be the popular question. Cries for revenge and Bin Laden’s head is...
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    My Name is OLD GLORY!

    My Name Is OLD GLORY! I am the flag of the United States of America. I fly atop the world's tallest buildings. I stand watch in America's halls of justice. I stand side by side with the Maple Leaf on the worlds longest undefended border. I fly majestically over institutions of learning. I...