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    Q: Will the Extended CMC Power Mag Bases Fit Wilson Mags?

    Need to order some stuff, and I'd like to know if the Extended Bases from Chip McCormick for his Power Mags will also fit on Wilson magazines...? Thanks, - Gabe
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    Gun Control and The History Channel

    In a thread in General, DonP excerpted part of an article on gun control from the History Channel's web site. I thought the full article was worth sticking up here for discussion. Find it by searching on 'gun control' at the History Channel web site.
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    CCW in Restaurants: Maine

    Folks, I know I should be contacting a lawyer, and I will soon. But I figured it was worth the time to ask here first: It was my understanding (via and others) that in the state of Maine, you could not carry in establishments licensed for on-premesis consumption of liquor. This...
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    [FOX] Got Some Extra Guns?

    How is it that Nancy-freaking-Hwa gets quoted at length in just about every article that touches this subject? What qualifies her as being able to even open her yap about firearms and constitutional issues??? - Gabe Got Some Extra Guns? Friday, September 20, 2002 By Liza Porteus NEW...
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    I don't know if everybody noticed, but Super Troopers was released to video a couple days ago. Some of us saw the trailer when it was released in January, and IMO, this movie lived up to the anticipation. This is a seriously funny movie. :D Meow. - Gabe
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    Now THIS is an SUV.

    I want one. :cool: WAR WAGON - Gabe PS: Here's more:
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    Study: Guns No Safer When Locked Up,2933,57051,00.html Saturday, July 06, 2002 By Dan Springer SEATTLE — Trigger locks and gun safes don't reduce the number of gun accidents, and they actually put gun owners and their families in greater danger, a new report says. "What happens is it makes them...
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    Federal Death Penalty Unconstitutional, Judge Rules

    Monday, July 01, 2002,2933,56681,00.html NEW YORK — A judge declared the federal death penalty unconstitutional Monday, saying too many innocent people have been sentenced to death. U.S. District Court Judge Jed Rakoff issued a 28-page ruling reaffirming his...
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    Ann Coulter Kicks Katie Couric's...

    I didn't see this, but since there's no shortage of Ann Coulter fans here, and you probably can't find a TFL'er in the Katie Couric fan-club roster, enjoy. :) - Gabe Couric not affable in 'Today' fray Coulter has referred to host as 'affable Eva Braun' June 27, 2002 Posted: 9:29 AM EDT...
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    House Committee Approves Guns in Cockpits

    It's a pathetic excuse for the real thing. But there it is. - Gabe House Committee Approves Guns in Cockpits,2933,56315,00.html Wednesday, June 26, 2002 WASHINGTON — Ignoring Bush administration objections, the House Transportation Committee voted Wednesday...
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    Pledge of Allegiance Ruled Unconstitutional,2933,56310,00.html Pledge of Allegiance Ruled Unconstitutional Wednesday, June 26, 2002 SAN FRANCISCO — The Pledge of Allegiance is an unconstitutional endorsement of religion and cannot be recited in public schools, a federal appeals court ruled Wednesday. In...
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    [FOX] Gun Forces Move Fight to Local Level

    Friday, May 17, 2002 By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos,2933,52999,00.html WASHINGTON — Gun control advocates who concede they have less sway with the Bush administration haven’t given up the fight for more aggressive laws at the local and state levels. But where some...
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    TFL is Rapidly Appraoching 1 Million Posts

    Get the champagne corks prepped, we're almost there... I know we pride ourselves on quality over quantity, whch makes this milestone all the more spectacular. As the odometer zooms towards the roll-over point, I'd like to say thanks to Rich and the Minions for a fine site, a fine job and many...
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    Adios, Bill Maher.

    Maher canceled, Kimmel lands slot at ABC May 14, 2002 Posted: 1:09 PM EDT (1709 GMT) NEW YORK -- Goodbye Bill Maher, hello Jimmy Kimmel. The Associated Press is reporting that ABC is canceling Bill Maher's late-night...
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    Tests: Most seniors lack basic history knowledge

    Tests: Most seniors lack basic history knowledge May 10, 2002 Posted: 2:16 PM EDT (1816 GMT) WASHINGTON (AP) -- High school seniors have a poor grasp of U.S. history, with less than half able to identify or explain the Monroe Doctrine, Nat Turner's rebellion or the Bay of Pigs invasion. The...
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    [CNN] w/ Poll: Should Airline Pilots Be Armed? Should airline pilots be armed? Yes. 71% 32774 votes No. 29% 13661 votes Total: 46,435 votes - Gabe
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    Do not miss this weeks Onion! It's like the 'all-TFL' Onion this week. Especially the Infographic and the Saddam Hussein check bit and the freaking 'bling-bling' is there too! It's amazing. :) - Gabe
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    [CNN] NRA: Gun foes practice 'political terrorism'

    NRA: Gun foes practice 'political terrorism' April 28, 2002 Posted: 7:30 AM EDT (1130 GMT) RENO, Nevada (AP) -- National Rifle Association leaders took credit for President Bush's election Saturday, saying they're taking...
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    [FOX] Guns in Cockpits Finds Supporters

    Guns in Cockpits Finds Supporters,2933,51261,00.html Friday, April 26, 2002 WASHINGTON — A campaign by airline pilots to carry guns in cockpits has gained the support of two key House Republicans despite the opposition of Bush administration officials...
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    What Can You Tell Me About Maine?

    Howdy folks, The wife and I are almost certiainly re-locating from Washington State to Maine in the near future. I grew up in upstate NY, but never spent much time in Maine, outside of a blitz-drunk foray to Acadia Nat'l Park in high school...but it's all a blur now. I've looked into CCW and...