Search results

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    The Proper Mindset: An Example

    Fight to win, not just to survive. - Gabe Hawaiian Teen Loses Foot in Shark Attack, Saves Himself by Ripping at Animal's Eye,2933,48921,00.html LIHUE, Hawaii — With a shark biting on his leg and thrashing him about in the water, Hoku Aki started tearing at...
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    TFL Instructor's Forum?

    Rich and Crew, The idea of a TFL Instructor's Forum/Training Forum has been brought up and I wanted to get a thread started to see how much interest there was. Also, if you thought it was feasable or not. Anyone have any suggestions or comments? - Gabe
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    "As long as one clown is oppressed, no man is free,"

    LOL! :D - Gabe March 17, 2002 Clowns protest on Pacific Sentinel staff report SANTA CRUZ — Years of latent frustration in the clown community broke through the surface Saturday afternoon as a tide of bulbous...
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    Are 'No-Knock' raids Constitutional?

    ATTN: THIS IS AN ANONYMOUS POLL Please do not comment or post here. In your opinion, are 'no-knock' raids Constitutional? (Please specify if you are LE or not only in the poll itself.) Thanks, - Gabe
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    Gun-toters Welcome in Virginia Capital

    Gun-toters Welcome in Virginia Capital,2933,45141,00.html Friday, February 08, 2002 RICHMOND, Va. — Security may be tightening in state capitals around the country, but Virginia lawmakers are still confident that gun-toters in the Capitol building don't present...
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    Pat Rogers

    I just wanted to say that Pat Rogers writes the most informative and professional gun-mag articles I've ever read. Outstanding! Head and shoulders above the crowd. - Gabe
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    DSArms SA58 blown up real good - Gabe :D
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    9/11 Flight Path Graphic

    A map of the United States under attack. Let's Roll! - Gabe
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    Medal of Honor Citations Makes for seriously engaging reading. Such as: - Gabe
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    Wounded Army Captain Details Offensive Against Taliban

    Washington Post Wounded Army Captain Details Offensive Against Taliban By Peter Finn Washington Post Foreign Service Tuesday, December 11, 2001; Page A01
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    3-letter minimum for searches?

    The search page 3-letter minimum is driving me nuts! How is a guy supposed to do a search for Colt XS-series pistols when I can't search on 'XS'?! HEEEEELLLP! :) - Gabe
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    The Red Cross: Take the Money and Run

    They also bought some new phones. Silly me, I thought my money was going to the victims naive. :mad: - Gabe FoxNews,2933,38212,00.html Red Cross Fends Off Fundraising Criticism Wednesday, November 07, 2001 By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos WASHINGTON...
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    [Fox] Gun Control Book Based on Faulty Data

    This guy is toast. :) - Gabe,2933,36122,00.html
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    Congress Gets Slapped by W

    Shaddap you fools! - Gabe
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    [Barf Alert] Minuteman Sans Musket at Jefferson Middle School

    Jefferson Middle School in Fort Wayne, Ind. Monday, October 01, 2001,2933,35435,00.html
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    [CNN] Clinton Suspended

    Clinton suspended from practicing law before Supreme Court October 1, 2001 Posted: 11:34 AM EDT (1534 GMT) WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Former President Bill Clinton has been suspended from practicing law before the Supreme Court, the court's justices...
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    Full Text of Terror Guide

    Wow. We battle armies of smiling robots. - Gabe,2933,35389,00.html
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    [CNN] Pilot's Union Wants To Pack Heat

    On the 'Breaking News' banner...more details soon, apparently. :cool: - Gabe BREAKING NEWS Pilots union to ask Congress to allow pilots to have guns in cockpit. Details soon.
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    [CNN] Passengers voted to attack hijackers

    September 13, 2001 Posted: 9:30 AM EDT (1330 GMT) NEW YORK (CNN) -- Passengers on board the hijacked United Airlines Flight 93 that crashed in rural Pennsylvania Tuesday apparently decided to attack the terrorists who had commandeered the...
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    [FoxNews] Keep an eye on this one: ATF warrant gone bad

    Two Law Enforcement Agents Shot in California,2933,33424,00.html Friday, August 31, 2001 People living in an affluent section of Santa Clarita, Calif., have been forced to evacuate after a gunman shot and wounded a federal agent and a...