Search results

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    Glock - P80 Pistol

    Glock and Lipsey's have partnered to make a retro model, the Glock P80. It is modeled after the original Glock, the first 2,000 pistols Glock sold to the Austrian Army in 1982. After that small run, the pistol was renamed, G17. The...
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    22LR Ammo Brick, $149.89. WOW!

    Would you pay $149.89 or more for one 500 cartridge brick of 22LR? Count me out. That's what "Cheaper Than Dirt!" is charging while supplies last, for Armscor ($149.89) and Wolf ($179.89) variants. (8/11/2020) CTD bills itself as, "America's Ultimate Shooting Sports Discounter." Really?
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    1873 Winchester Reproductions - Value?

    Do you have any idea what a Winchester 1873 reproduction rifle may be worth a generation or two from now? Are they collectible? Is Miroku's offering of higher value due to its Winchester mark on the barrel? Or is "Made in Japan" a negative, despite high qualify parts and workmanship? Wood...
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    Sneaky Pete Holsters - Review

    I'd been on the lookout for an outside-the-waist holster for my Ruger LC9, for more than a year. I wanted something attractive and durable. I bought a Sneaky Pete holster. It is 100% soft leather, with a separate and attractive leather lining. It is a bit big. It looks like it can hold a...
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    Winchester 1873 Rifle

    I would like to own a Winchester 1973 rifle and have a budget of $1600. Would it be best to buy an old Winchester 1873 or a new one (replica) from the current maker of Winchester rifles (Japan)? With only $1600, an older but good condition 1873 is probably out of my league. If you bought a...
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    Best 22 Rifle...for the money?

    I think the Marlin 60 is the best out-of-the-box value? What's your take?
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    SIG522 - S&W M&P15-22 - New .22LR Rifles

    With the cost and availability of ammo getting more expensive and harder to find, would you consider buying the new SIG522 or S&W M&P15-22? Both are due out sometime in 2009 (Spring) and retail for about $500. They look good and will probably be fun to shoot.
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    Murders with Firearms...USA #8!

    Murders by firearms (per capita) by country... Rank - Countries - Amount #1 South Africa: 0.719782 per 1,000 people #2 Colombia: 0.509801 per 1,000 people #3 Thailand: 0.312093 per 1,000 people #4 Zimbabwe: 0.0491736 per 1,000...
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    Country with Highest Gun Ownership

    The country with the highest gun ownership; the USA? Correct. "USA Today" reports 89 small arms per 100 people in the United States. Serbia, just 38. Yemen, just over half; 55. Related news from the US Census Bureau reports that half of all homes in America have at least one firearm...
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    Smith & Wesson...a $2.78 stock!

    On the heels of cutting 80 manufacturing jobs, there's more bad news for Smith & Wesson. Today (10/3) its stock price tumbled to another 52 week low; closing at $2.78. Its high price was $22 in the past year! S&W has lost the services of its VP of Marketing and reassigned two other company...
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    Ruger stock drops like rock!

    On top of its SR9 recall and lower than expected sales and profits, the stock took another tumble...DOWN 26%! Ruger, in a government filing, said it had over $16,000,000 in cash. Turns out it is really just over $6,000,000. Ruger (Thursday) has a maket capitalization of just $119,000,000...
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    Disney fires back on guns at work...

    I agree with companies like Disney and the Chamber of Commerce (article from "Orlando Sentinel" - below). Can private property rights be ignored? What is your position? The NRA is looking radical by pushing this measure, IMO. --------------------------------------------- -Disney fires back on...
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    Court Ruling could result in much smaller NRA

    Americans have won the gun fight, but the NRA may be the big loser. Now, I'm concerned that membership, renewals and large philanthropic gifts will begin to drop off dramatically. Could the NRA be half its current size in a few years? Yes, state by state and municipality by municipality...
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    Getting a Concealed-Weapons Permit in Florida is a Joke!

    If we don't insist on reasonable testing for CWP, we may face a backlash that could restrict our gun right. Florida's process is a complete and total joke (IMO) and the NRA should advocate reasonable changes in the law and not blindly endorsing the status quo. The editorial below is very...
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    Internet Hunting...

    What's your take on Internet hunting, now banned in 35 states? ----------------------------------------------------------------- PANAMA CITY, Fla. -- Internet hunting will not be coming to Florida. The Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission voted unanimously to outlaw the practice...
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    Ammo costs...up, up and away!

    I've been buying Federal 22.LR bricks from Wal-Mart for a while. It's a good range round and at $9.88 for 550, it was a deal. Now, Wal-Mart has raised the price to $10.97. That's more than an 11% increase...overnight! It's still cheaper than other .22LR ammo on the shelf, but please...when...
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    Recommendations of best .22 rifle...

    In your opinion, what's the best .22 autoloading rifle for under $400? I don't want to buy an expensive scope or accessories to make it function well. Looking for the best stock .22 on the market. It will be used for target practice, not hunting. I had been eyeing Ruger's 10/22 synthetic...
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    Mitt Romney - what now...

    What advice would you give Mitt Romney to help him win the Republican Party nomination? Who knows, as an NRA Life members, Mitt or someone on his staff might even read your responses?
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    What's your best gun show deal?

    Deals at guns shows can be hit or miss. My best buys were a new Glock 17 for $479 (a good price, not great) and a new Walther P22 for $219. While a show can be fun to experience, most prices seem high on everything from guns to ammo. Why do you or don't you visit gun shows and if you go...
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    "Rent A Gun"

    How much would you pay to rent a gun? Try before you buy. I know so many people who bought a gun and traded it in or sold it to someone because it wasn't quite what they were lookin for. Their financial loss is a gun dealers gain; lines their pockets with big profits. I've made the same...