Search results

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    Major Investigation..."In Florida, it's easy to get license to carry gun."

    Some criminals qualify for concealed weapons. This is pretty much the theme of a major investigative story reported by "The Orlando Sentinel." Check it out...FYI.,0,4080624.story?coll=orl-home-headlines If this link doesn't...
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    FiringLine (New URL)

    Just wanted to let you know that "" is available. If you want to drop "The." Name registrations are cheap at ($7.99 annual). I'm not with godaddy and won't gain, so this is not SPAM. Just thinking of a way to make your site even better. allenomics
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    Glock 21SF

    Any word on when the G21SF will be available for sale? How about price? Initially "glockworld" had it listed for pre-order in the $505 range (obviously higher from a brick & mortar retailer). Does anyone know if its grip will be sized more like a G17 (with reduced ammo capacity) or a G21, or...
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    Good Pistol Training Classes

    Any recommendations on obtaining pistol training? NRA options seem like a good start, but with so many certified trainers, how can a novice determine who's worth the time and money? Thanks for you thoughts.