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    Anthrax Found?!?! Man Hospitalized in Palm Beach County With Anthrax The Associated Press Published: Oct 4, 2001 TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - A 63-year-old man has been hospitalized with pulmonary anthrax, Florida Lt. Gov. Frank Brogan said Thursday. Anthrax has...
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    AR-10 Question

    Just wondering for those that have fired the AR-10 if they liked it and would recommend adding it to a collection???
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    to ponder on

    everyone seems to be in a feeding frenzy(sp) over Bin Laden right now but I think this thorn in our side for the past ten yrs is in on it to... lets go back to the Reagan yrs, hmmm our "friends" Iraq was at war with Iran, and who came to the rescue the good ole US... The Reagan admin gave...
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    Is Al Gore Mentally Ill?!?!?! Gore's increasingly desperate refusal to admit he lost the presidential election has some observers wondering if he is mentally ill. In fact, he fits the criteria for narcissistic personality disorder to an eerie tee. A...
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    Gore Helped in Florida by Thousands of Illegal Votes With Carl Limbacher and Staff For the story behind the story... Friday. Dec. 1, 2000, 4:40 p.m. ET Gore Helped in Florida by Thousands of Illegal Votes Thousands of Florida felons who likely voted for Vice...
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    What will you do

    This is in no disrespect to anyone that posts here, just a few things that I wanted to note. As many of the members here know if you have read my posts in the past I am all for america getting its back broken. I see post now and in the past that people are ready to strike, by nonviolent means...
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    what the media doesn't tell you

    this goes to a secure link
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    Counting Votes

    Here is what a famous leader had to say about vote counting "Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything." attributed to Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin
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    More good/bad news

    They are reporting right now that state of FL can certify their vote without Palm Bch if they dont get there vote tally in by Tues
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    Gore Web Site Solicits Activists to Complain About Vote Sunday, November 12, 2000 12:01 am EST Gore Web Site Solicits Activists to Complain About Vote More evidence the Gore-Lieberman campaign is not interested in a simple recount of the Florida vote: The home page of the campaign's...
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    Gore Gains 19 – Officials Say Total Recount Could Mean 1900 Votes

    Story at
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    Gore will be a hypocrite

    Here we have the media jumping up and down and jessie jackson squeling like a stuck pig that he is that 19,000 peoples vote should be counted, but there are 22,000-26,000 votes in duval county (FL) that were thrown out cause chad was hung, But they (media)were reporting that it is too late for...
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    Executive Orders and the Presidential Campaign

    With impeachment as the backdrop, Bill Clinton crowed about the conduct of the White House during his unprecedented period of turmoil. He proudly proclaimed, "We saved the Constitution." Leave it to the president to declare that a heap of manure is really a storehouse of jewels. A certain...
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    New Report Details Threat of International Conflict Thursday, Oct. 12, 2000 Many believe that the Clinton-Gore years will be remembered for scandal and corruption. Unfortunately, Clinton-Gore's true legacy be a far more dangerous world – a world for which they have left us unprepared. You won't hear about this approaching era of...
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    China Prepares U.S. War Scenarios

    By JOHN LEICESTER, Associated Press Writer BEIJING (AP) - In word and deed - namely its biggest military show in 35 years - China has made clear that it views the United States as potential enemy No.1. Besides blowing up targets, test-firing missiles and driving tanks, the military displays...
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    West Nile

    Monday, Oct. 23, 2000 10:27 p.m. EST CIA Source: West Nile Virus Worse Than Believed The deadly West Nile virus has spread as far west as Michigan and as far south as North Carolina. Just two years ago the killer bug started in New York City, more specifically in Queens neighborhoods just...
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    tyranny runs through the land

    I've been away for awhile and no not jailed =) but as I read the topics I have to wonder what this country has come to. Not more than 224 years ago we fought to get away from the "Red Coats" and then 140 years ago we fought what some would say slavery but there was much more, the south fought...
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    Here is a raffle on a nice gun The Maryland State Rifle and Pistol Association is pleased to announce the raffle of a limited-edition Beretta AL390 Diamond Sporting 12-gauge shotgun. One of only about 300 manufactured, this deluxe shotgun is valued at approximately $3,000. Special features...
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    Police don't know where shots came from Saturday, June 10 Police don't know where shots came from Associated Press KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- A fan was shot and wounded in the stands at Kauffman Stadium during a Kansas City Royals-Pittsburgh Pirates game, officials said...
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    A decent web site

    Just surfing the web and came across this site