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    White House Calls for End to 'Sick' NRA Rhetoric WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House criticized a National Rifle Association official on Thursday for saying there was ''blood'' on President Clinton's hands because of the 1999 killing of basketball coach Ricky Birdsong and...
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    N.R.A. Lays Responsibility for a Killing on Clinton By MARC LACEY WASHINGTON, March 15 -- Escalating the war of words over gun control, the National Rifle Association said today that President Clinton had blood "on his hands" for politicking on the gun issue instead of...
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    Md. Senate Panel Set to Shoot Down Smart Guns Md. Senate Panel Set to Shoot Down Smart Guns Special Report: Full Post Coverage By Daniel LeDuc Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, March 16, 2000; Page B1 A key Senate committee appeared ready to kill a proposal to...
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    Gun-Friendly Record Expected to Be Issue AUSTIN –– In a makeshift classroom at a suburban gun store near here, nine men who described themselves as decent, hard-working, law-abiding Texans sat listening to a firearms instructor named Ross Bransford one recent...
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    Reno Shoots Back at NRA Reno Shoots Back at NRA By David A. Vise Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, March 16, 2000; 1:04 PM Attorney General Janet Reno today vigorously defended the Clinton administration against attacks by officials of...
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    Semi-Auto bashing tonight

    I might be wrong but... MSNBC is having a story on the Semi-auto weapons tonight at 8 EST. One of the clips shown, "semi-autos allow you to kill, and kill quickly." I have a feeling I will be ranting at a innocent TV again. ------------------ Rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
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    500,000 felons

    How come this number pops up all the time by anti's but never say a thing about the prosecution rate. Shouldn't there be 500,000 behind bars. On Hardball tonight w/Chris Mattews, some senator, forget who, said that the gunshow loop hole was that private dealers can bring 50 guns to a show and...
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    EqualTime Gun Control

    MSNBC's Equal time is going to bring up gun control. On right now 630 pm EST
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    Marching mums take aim at the gun lobby Marching mums take aim at the gun lobby By MARK RILEY, Herald Correspondent, in New York A group of concerned women is organising a Million Mums March on Congress to show their distress at the continuing incidence of gun violence among...
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    Key senator may call shots on `smart gun' legislation senator may call shots on `smart gun' legislation Blunt chairman Baker dislikes aspects of bill -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By...
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    Wet weather slows hunt for fugitive

    Here is a article that was in the Sun this morning about our newest BG. I love how the system works. This guy should still be in prison but his time was suspended. They want to blame the mother for buying his firearms, but if he was still in jail she wouldn't have bought them for him in the...
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    Did anyone see AMW last night. I cant remember the case, it was about the guy that was shooting abortion clinic doc's.. They showed on the re-acts that the guns were a AR-15 and AK-47. I don't know for sure if that is the weapons he used so I could be putting foot in mouth, but what a way to...
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    Maryland Residents

    I have a question for Maryland residents. I was wondering if the state has ever put together a day where children 14-17 could go out and learn about guns and then shoot them? I was going into a local gun shop a few days ago and was listening to a 18 yr old. He was talking jibberish, not that I...
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    Words of the Gun Control Lobby

    look at some of this garbage. They claim they just want "sensible legislation", and that they don't want to ban guns...but they are lying, and their own words prove it, no conspiracy theory necessary: It is our aim to ban the manufacture and sale...
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    New territory

    Is there any undisovered Continent out there. Boy I wish there was. Considering that this country will takes years to recover from the trader we all know and love. So much has happend in the last 8 years. Look at all the stuff that has happend. Correct me if I am wrong, I am still a youngin'...
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    Crooked company...

    here is something that I came across, found it kind of interesting..Can you imagine working at the following Company? It has a little over 500 employees with the following statistics: * 29 have been accused of spousal abuse * 7 have been arrested for fraud * 19 have been accused of writing...
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    GOP raffle raises funds, anti-gun ire GOP raffle raises funds, anti-gun ire $16,000 is collected for Carroll party amid criticism; Another one is planned; Republicans call it a victory for rights; critics decry event...
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    Do GI's get paid too much?

    I recieved a e-mail on this and wondering what your takes on it were. On 12 Jan, Ms Cindy Williams wrote a piece forthe Washington Times denouncing the pay raise(s) coming service members way this year-citing that the stated 13% wage gap was bogus. A young airman from Hill AFB responds to her...
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    Liberals continue their dash from liberty

    Got this off the B-more Sun Liberals continue their dash from liberty Gregory Kane --------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
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    Anti-gun products I have a few of these I would love to give some people =) ------------------ Rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.