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  1. C

    CDNN and 10rnd M-1A mags

    I recently bought a couple of the 10rnd M-1A mags from CDNN that were being billed as being from 'Famous and original supplier' either 5- or 10-rnd mags for $19.95ea., new in baggie. Mine are stamped C.M.I. which I am told was Check Mate Industries, an original USGI supplier of mags for the...
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    Fed Ord M-14SA and CMI mag questions

    I posted these questions of other boards while TFL was down. Sorry if it is a repeat for some of you. I like to thoroughly research stuff and check a number of sources. Two brains are better than one. Anyway, here goes... M1A Question I was given a hand-me-down Fed Ord M-14SA (M1A) by my...
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    Forgotten Facts, by Paul Harvey

    >FORGOTTEN FACTS BY; PAUL HARVEY > > > > Back in 1969 a group of Black Panthers decided that a fellow black panther named Alex Rackley needed to die. Rackley was suspected of disloyalty. > > > Rackley was first tied to a chair. Once safely immobilized, his friends tortured him for hours...
  4. C

    Three inch barrels -- sound off if you love 'em

    I'm glancing down the list of threads here and I see a bunch of people that have 3" barrelled whatevers. Why did you settle on the three inch? Why do you love it? Personally, I have a 3" stainless Taurus 85. I wanted the three inch because it seemed to balance better in my hand than a two...
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    Veterans Salute Guns

    I remember reading something somewhere recently that many Veterans are now being buried without the honor guard performing the salute because many Vet organizations no longer have operable guns to do so. Each and every day we lose thousands of WW2 vets nationwide. The Korean Vets are now...
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    Election results map?

    I've seen the presidential election results map by counties, but is there one by Congressional district? The Electoral College is based on the number of Congressional seats in each state. US House seats are determined by population. Supposedly, all US House seats should have roughly the same...
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    Another CCW case in Ohio

    I heard a story on the radio (WNWV, 107.3 Cleveland) Thursday, Oct 26 where former Cleveland Indians relief pitcher Jose Mesa is just now being tried for a 1995 case involving his carrying a concealed weapon. As most of you know, Ohio is one of the very few states that still has no provision...
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    Cleveland officer shot

    This may be old news, but I don't see a thread on this one.... This past Sunday night, a Cleveland Ohio police officer was shot in the face after he made a traffic stop. Based on the called-in license plate number the officer made before getting out of his car, police later apprehended a...
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    S&W Closes its doors

    I heard on the news (radio) on my way home from work this afternoon that Smith & Wesson has closed its manufacturing plants indefinately, citing backlash from its agreement with the Clinton administration. I will try to get more info later.....
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    Don't die!

    Yesterday the news reported that 'Police siezed an arsenal from a suburban home' near Cleveland. A man had called 911 because he was having a heart attack, The paras arrive too late to save the guy. They are 'shocked' at the number of weapons in the house so they call the police. The...
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    MMM Trash

    Million Mom March trash, literally!! :mad: Check it out! I was given this link by a member of the Second Amendment Sisters, ,that kinda proves what a bunch of irresponsible people were organizing the Million Mom March...
  12. C

    Need help with MLK quote

    My wife, Mustang Sally, and I are going to DC for the AIMM rally/march. We are making the rally signs this weekend and need the correct Martin Luther king, Jr quote.... It goes something like this.... "A Right restricted is a Right denied" Is this quote accurate? Does anyone have any idea...
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    Ohioans, please respond!

    This is your last chance to get on board one of our busses to Washington DC for the SAS-AIMM rally on Mother's Day. Round trip busses from Northeast Ohio $26! Bus leaves Saturday nite, 10pm. Arrives DC ~8am on Sunday, ATTEND RALLY 9am-2pm. Bus leaves DC 5pm, arrives back ~1am. No expen$ive...
  14. C

    SAS AIMM busses from Ohio

    HELP We're trying to fill some busses from Ohio to the Second Amendment Sisters'( ) Armed Informed Mothers March counter march to the anti-gun Million Mom March on Mother's Day, May 14. Roundtrip bus fare from Cleveland is $26 Roundtrip bus fare from Cincinnati is $55 The...
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    Guess who's exempt from firearms registrtion?

    From Middle American News April 2000 edition: When any one of the run registration scemes now under discussion in the backrooms of the nation's capital becomes law, there's one group that won't have to obey it. If you think that means the FBI, DEA, Secret Service, the military, or even the...
  16. C

    Help with references?

    Some time ago, on the Rosie boards, or was it on, we were in a discussion of the impetus of the NFA of 1934. Some say it was gangsters and mobsters, some say labor troubles (beginnings of unionization) or was it the Vets' march on Washington. Does anyone have the histories of these...
  17. C

    Ever heard of this one?

    A few months ago I was given a semi-auto .22LR rifle that is a dead ringer for an AR-15. It was made by Di A. Piscetta of Italy and imported by EMF of California. It is called a Jager (umlaut over the 'a' in Jager) AP-74. Thr reciever is cast aluminum of something like it, it has a triangular...
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    Book wanted

    I am trying to locate a copy of Handloading for Handgunners by Maj. George C Nonte, Follet Publishing Co, 1978 Any help? I have been searching the tables at the local gun shows but no success. ------------------ Remember, just because you are not paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get you!
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    People Magazine

    The issue of People Magazine that hit the stands yesterday has a blurb on the cover about the 30 something 'children' that died by gunshot the same week Kayla did. They had short stories on about half of the deaths, and a sentence or two on the others. I would guess that half of the...
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    Second Amendment Sisters

    The anti-gun Million Mom March, scheduled for Mothers' Day, May 14, 2000, on the Mall in Wahington DC has some serious competition. The Second Amendment Sisters, a PRO-self defense group, is staging a counter-demonstration on the same day, time, and place. They are calling it AIMM, for Armed...