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  1. C

    Multiple projectile loads

    Once upon a time, I came upon a box of Remington Multi-ball loads in .38 Spl. I bought it for the novelty. I later found a box of Remington Multi-ball in .357 Mag. Yep, bought those too! The printing on the boxes state that it is for 'Law Enforcemnt Use Only' (Any particular reason for...
  2. C

    Gore sound bite

    I heard a sound bite by VP Al Gore the other day that has started me thinking... He was talking about '..we register our cars and licence their drivers, why cant we license guns and their owners...' At least that was the gist of the speach. That started me thinking about DIRECT parallels and...
  3. C

    Yet another new tactic of the Antis

    Here in northern Ohio it has been deemed politically incorrect for county governments to allow gun shows. Late last year after the Littleton incident, Cuyahoga county (Cleveland area) commissioners tried to stop a scheduled gun show at the county fairgrounds. They were shocked that they had to...
  4. C

    Gun show dealers

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think so... There seems to be a misconception my the media about Gun Shows. They constantly bray on about the 'loophole' that exists about firearms sales at a gun show. All licensed FFL dealers must keep records of all firearms that pass through their...