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  1. C

    Need Advice about grips for SA shooting

    Hello guys, I have a S&W 617, that I like very much, fitted with hogue monogrips, which are very good for Da shooting. Now, I'm taking some time off PPC like exercises, to do some old fashioned Bullseye work (one handed duelling style shooting) and I find the monogrips not really fit for it. I'd...
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    Walther or GSG 1911?

    Hello, I'm after a good 22 LR version of the venerable 1911. I've seen a couple of interesting guns: one is the Walther 1911 and the other is the GSG. I would, at first glance, favor the Walther, because it can be had in a milspec attire, which I prefer. The GSG, however, seems well made and I...
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    Back in business

    Hello, me and my 617/2 are together again, after a long separation, we went to the range this morning. 50 rounds fast Da (staging), PPC style, 12 meters Uploaded with
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    New to me Korth .38 spl snubby

    I never saw this before, interesting piece. I just thought that maybe others didn't know about its existence.
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    The holster that I want

    Hello, after experimentation and thinking, I've come to the conclusion that the holster that would be best for me is as follows. Is any holstermaker making it, by chance?
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    Revolver holster modification

    Hello, a long time ago I bought a fine pancake holster for k and l frame Smiths, made by iRon. Looking at it now, I'm not mad about the fact that it leaves the triggerguard exposed but my main concern is that it is a pancake hoster. Doing some tests, I discovered that having the butt so high...
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    Those 2" 6 shot .38 gone out of fashion

    I don't own one, but I'd like to, the concept appeals to me. In Italy, when I was in my twenties we made 3 Colt DS copies (Franchi, SAB, Uberti) and a S&W based 6 shots snub (Sauer license). Spain made 2: Astra 680 and Llama Scorpio. Czechs made the CZ Grand Model. You could buy Colt DS, Agent...
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    Is anyone using a 6" for home defence?

    My defensive revover is a 4" 686, I bought it when I was 19 and, in my mind, it had to be of "service" type. With time and experience, I came to the conclusion that a 6" .38 or .357 would serve me just as well, if not better. Now, we do have a silly rule: 6" revolvers are classed as "sport...
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    Need to find two books from someone who ships to Europe

    In my collections, there are not "Second Place Winner" by Bill Jordan and "Secrets of Double Action Shooting" by Bob Nichols. I'm an old fashioned revolver nut, I must have those.
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    Would this be of any interest to you?

    Hello, I've developed a procedure to build "do it yourself" dummy revolvers for practice of stances and contact drills in the house, in total safety (no need to worry about them being empty). I'm not sure you may be interested and I'm not sure this is on topic in this forum, if it is not, I...
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    A few contrasting quotes on snubs

    I like to put one expert against the other, at times, it helps remembering no one has an ultimate truth. According to copyright rules, I post short senteces only. Askins About the S&W M&P 2": "The gun makes the BEST of belly gun types with the 2" barrel...what is probably most handy is that the...
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    My father will turn 63 the 10/10/10. I told him it would make more sense if he turnt 64 that day, but he just wouldn't listen :rolleyes:
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    Kneeling and barricade stances question

    Hello, I'm looking for some advices on techniques. My right knee doesn't like the traditional kneeling stance, I was pondering on the CHP kneeling stance (leaning forward, weight on the front leg, no sitting on the right heel). Has anyone used it for some time? I know several barricade stances...
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    Decisive week

    Hello, I've probably mentioned in the past that I have gone through some health problems and surgery in the past years. Because of this and overzealous appliaction of the oppressive law in my country, it was upon me to demonstrate that I'm prefectly fit in any respect. In the meantime, my guns...
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    Night Guard for open carry (just dreaming)

    Hello, I was thinking of what would be my ideal carry gun, if I was a LEO or Security Guard and I had to carry openly. In my mind, I pictured a .357 mag. 4" with an high capacity and a weight around a couple of pounds. I know I probably promised not to do image editing anymore, but...
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    New to me S&W revolver

    I just saw this in an online auction. I am curious to learn more about it. To me, it seems like a fixed sights N frame, and it is quite handsome :)
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    Most Handsome Service .38?

    Hello, I really like the service revolvers in .38 spl, not just as tools, some are, imho, real pieces of beauty. At the top, for the look, I would put the Colt Official Police 4", old type with the half moon front sight, the skinny barrel 4" S&W model 10 and the model 15. Which .38 do you like...
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    Indian Contract? I heard in the late '80 that India bought .38 S&W Rugers, is this one of them? Carlo
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    Making a battery out of a family

    I was thinking about a practical matter: we actually like to learn one gun (yes, we shoot many, but at least I do have specific preferences for guns I'd actually use), but we may need more than one type of handgun, in a lifetime. Considering a holster gun / home defense gun, a replacement for...
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    Ghost Ring?

    One of the features I like the most in a rifle is the sights. It would be interesting to try a combination of ramp front sight and ghost ring on my home defense S&W 686 too. Does anything like a ghost ring for revolvers exist? Regards Carlo