Search results

  1. C

    SA and DA shooters side by side?

    Hello, I've been watching some vids of SASS shooters in competition and they are quite impressive. I was wondering if any informal competition has been recorded with SA and DA revolver shooters side by side, on strings of five or multiple targets. I know that I would do better in DA than...
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    What would be the best rimfire sa for small hands?

    Hello, I'm not planning a short term purchase, I will have to take my time, a good deal of it (healing in progress). I was thinking about an sa (rimfire) revolver to add to my da ones. I have tiny hands, so I'd pick a small gun with hammer spur that can be reached by short thumb, without...
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    Curiosity about old pocket top break revolvers

    Hello, I was pondering on the mass of informations we have regarding some large old revolvers, such as the SA Army and, on the other hand, the smaller quantity of info I have found about the many smaller top break whillies of the turn of the century. This is one interesting article Is...
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    Polish 38

    Hello, this one is new to me, has anyone of you ever tried out one? Wifama
  5. C

    Gen prec. corp

    Hello, here is one I never heard about before 22 revolver Actually, I browse collectors and auctions sites mainly to learn about new, to me, old guns. Does anyone have some news about it or even experience with it? Carlo
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    A 22 for an old fashioned shooter

    Hello, I would like to profit of the experience of the members of this board for an adivice on a future purchase. I would like to buy a .22 lr semiauto for slow and rapid fire practice (one handed) at 25 meters, I don't mean to compete with it, just informal shooting. I would like it to...
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    First 50 after 3 years

    Hello, after three years of inactivity, I managed to find some time for the range. I went there to throw 50 downrange with a rented 22, since I'm renewing my permit. I shot one handed, at 25 meters, 20 rounds slow fire, 30 rapid fire, with a CZ. The CZ was poorly balanced and jammed 10...
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    .22 VS assaulting pitbull

    It happened yesterday: a woman had bought a pitbull 3 days before, the dog attacked a smaller dog they also had and then assaulted the woman's sons that were trying to help the smaller dog. The lady took a .22 out of the safe and hit the pitbull 9 times (out of 9 or 10 shots, lesson 1: don't...
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    Rimfire question

    I'm not an expert in cartridge technicalities, but there is a question that puzzles me: why we don't have a low cost .38 rimfire? Once rimfire were avaliable in an ampler array of calibers, is there a specific reason why no one makes a rimfire with standard pressure .38 spl balistics? Carlo
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    Home made laser kit for bullseye practice

    Hello, I have been working on some suggestions given to me in this forum, with regard to indoor practice devices. I've come up with the following: Pistol: A toy revolver with a laser lead along the barrel (taken from another toy), the switch button has been taped firmly behind the...
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    Classic texts?

    Hello, I would like to expand my shooting knowledge with regard to the classic styles. I'm after some book covering the style of Joe Benner and others of the 50' bullseye shooting circle (currently I'm using Askins as sole refernce for the period). I would also like to buy some...
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    One handed double action

    Hello, I find one hended double action shooting, Askins style, fashinating. Sadly I don't have much time for the range now, so I try to practice with dao pellet pistols (yes, I know the value of such thing is not much, but my interest is recreational shooting, not combat shooting). My...
  13. C

    Frankenstein contest

    What is this revolver made of?