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  1. B

    Leave them alone and you end up working!!!

    So yesterday we had a LONG meeting with the forester on our place, a meeting which Louann bailed on after about a hour. When I get back to the camp from having rode and looked at a bunch of trees with him I find the note below on the floor...
  2. B

    I know you guys get tired of this but......

    What you are seeing is the results of this mornings' efforts on the water with Louann. What you can not see are the bruises on her leg and arm and the gouge on her hand from when she slipped while fighting the gator. What you also can not see is the ragged edges I have on one rear cheek from the...
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    First time hunter.......

    Made a trip to the lake this morning with the wife, daughter and her boy friend ( His first time on a gator hunt. ). Caught this guy ( 11' 8" ). Kind of odd in that we heard them bellowing just like in the spring and then this guys swims out all bowed up a few hundred yards away. Got lucky in...
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    Not exactly hunting but as we all get worked up over snakes.....

    Sense any discussion of snakes on the forum seems to get a good rise I thought I'd post this article from one of the science web sites. And truth be it does kind of fit in with hunting.....sort of...... Expert Names Most Dangerous Snake By Ross Pomeroy Which snake is the most dangerous...
  5. B

    Yesterday's gator.........

    Went back to the lake on Friday morning, just me and Louann. Spotted this guy and all appeared to be going well, to well. After snagging him on a light rod, 30# test and not much drag, he ran off only about 20-30 yards and settled down on the bottom. Soon as he settled down Louann, who was...
  6. B

    So they don't have fur.....still hunting in my book!

    Not a lot of story to this one other than the 2 hours it took me and Yul to figure out how to get his big ugly butt into the boat!! And should I mention it was raining and lightening by the time we started the run to the ramp. Measured a little over 13 feet.........well north of 650 pounds...
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    Tell me we don't have a problem!!!

    Look at the time/date stamp on the pictures and tell me that we don't have a problem.....
  8. B

    The joy of summer in the woods.........

    Spent most of the day in the woods.......proving once again that intelligence is not necessarily part of the outdoors! And YES!......The yellow blurs are what you think!
  9. B

    So explain this......

    Louann and I spent part of Sunday in the woods picking blackberries & blueberries, just looking about at the animals......and FEEDING THE YELLOW FLIES AND MOSQUITOS! So at one point we see these 2 does feeding along the built up road, maybe 100 yards away. Sense we are in the truck they pay us...
  10. B

    Hogs & a mama turkey who won....

    First thing....DO NOT make fun of my truck......yes it is 21 years old andlooks like *&^%$# but just like Louann, I can't seem to part with it. Second thing is that I know in a lot of places seeing those 2 little guys would be like seeing the front edge of a locust storm.......but there is not...
  11. B

    Hunter with a question for you "shooters".....

    Not being a gun guy, even though I own a few and hunt, I thought I'd wander over here where the folks that really know guns lurk to ask this question. First let me explain the reason for the question. We own timberland here in FL, land that we lease out to a group of real nice guys who hunt it...
  12. B

    Successful......but not a turkey.....

    Got even with Yul today for his leaving me standing in the road while he shot the turkey on our last trip.......well.....I sort of got even. Morning started off exciting as we had a bird gobble at least a 100 times in the course of 1 1/2 hours. When we first heard him he was across a creek...
  13. B


    Worked a bit to long and hard on Saturday so when it came time for me and Louann to hit the woods looking for turkeys on Sunday......well.....ain't neither of us the spring chickens we used to it was a little late when we went through the gate. After talking about we decided that the...
  14. B

    Saturday turkey...dumb one......

    Last Saturday morning Yul and I ran into the dumbest, or maybe the most sex starved turkey ever. After parking the trucks and seeing Louann off ( she wanted nothing to do with the turkeys so wandered off in the other direction with her rifle looking for pigs. ) Yul and I set off down a LONG...
  15. B

    Off season lease work.......advice......

    Roads and ditches have to be kept up off season and last Sunday was a day for it. Was down in a ditch with the chainsaw clearing a blowdown when this thought occurred to me, sadly a little to late. So here is the advice: If a wasp is stinging you on the neck while you are running a chainsaw...
  16. B

    Test run of new scanner.....and old picture....what is it?

    Now this is not EXACTLY hunting, even though it was shot, but as it does involve cleaning animals, a unusual animal, and as it is in reality a test run for the new scanner, a scanner from which will come at least a few interesting HUNTING pictures, I figured it would pass muster with the mods...
  17. B

    On the way to the woods today.......

    Louann and I were on the way to the woods this morning to work on fire lines and to just mess about while the bugs are not to bad when we came up on these guys in a yard........You can see what they were up to.....NE Florida. And as a side note we did manage to find a few TICKS!!! More...
  18. B

    Seems kind of early for this but it has been warm.....

    Louann and I were out riding the roads yesterday afternoon and noted a couple of sets of single turkey tracks going for long walks right down the road. Usually we see a lot of this in mid to late February and on into the season but it may be that the toms are starting to wander about some...
  19. B

    Getting ready for next year.........

    Louann & I went over to Baker County today to help ( we were not much! ) and learn ( did a lot of this ) at a prescribed burn on a hunt club owned by a friend. First time we've actually been at one from start to finish, everything from the "Prescription" for the burn and then the nuts and bolts...
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    Passing it on to the next generation.....just great!!

    Officer Jason Hutchinson and K-9 Officer Mike Guy were working the Dellwood area after receiving a complaint of shots being fired from the roadway just after dark. After several hours of surveillance on the area, the two officers observed a vehicle enter a field and begin shining a spotlight...