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  1. M

    These are the stakes:

    This map from the World Islamic Mission tells us, like Mein Kampf did, what the goals of the opposition are: The events of the last week were our Pearl Harbor. We're going to find out who exactly our friends and foes are. We'll have disasters and...
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    Leonard Peikoff's Take

    I'm not an Objectivist, but this is absolutely spot on. From the Ayn Rand Institute: Fifty Years of Appeasement Led to Black Tuesday By Leonard Peikoff Fifty years of increasing American appeasement in the Mideast have led to fifty years of increasing contempt in the Muslim world for...
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    My Letter to The Japan Times

    I finally got this in the newspaper over here after waiting for about two weeks, in response to a few nitwits. READERS IN COUNCIL Most crimes don't involve guns According to U.S. Department of Justice, in 1998, "Victimizations involving a firearm represented 23 percent of the 2.9 million...
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    Alan Keyes on the WOD

    I wish I had had this guy's education. from World Net Daily Drug War Threatens U.S. by Alan Keyes I am frequently asked whether laws against drugs send the wrong message about the importance of liberty and self-control. Why would someone think such a thing? Usually two reasons are given...
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    Sten Artifact

    This was posted over at "Full Auto" and drew one response which, although enlightening, did not provide me with exactly what I wanted to know. Thanks for any info. Speaking of Stens..... Over here I saw a Sten receiver, minus return spring, (and the) breach block (is) minus cocking handle...
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    Great Site! Enjoy!
  7. M

    Air Rifle Question

    I shoot at a ten meter air rifle arcade in Nagoya where they also stock standard paper targets. I've noticed that routinely while shooting from an arm rest I get good groups about the size of my thumb just below the bull, and no bull's eyes. On the second string I shoot off hand, and using the...
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    Another Idiotic Ruling from Our Friends in Cook County

    Judge Rules Lawsuit Against Gunmakers Can Proceed from The Chigago Tribune By Rick Hepp Tribune Staff Writer February 14, 2001 While saying that various gun manufacturers were not negligent in the deaths of slain Chicago Police Officer Michael Ceriale and four other gunshot victims, a...
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    How to Organize an Anti 2nd Amendment Rally (Long)

    How to Organize a First Monday March First Monday is an annual campaign launched on the first Monday in October, coordinated by the Alliance for Justice in conjunction with Physicians for Social Responsibility, for the purpose of focusing attention on social problems in need of creative...
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    Billinghurst Underhammer Rifles

    Apparently the most idiot-proof rifle ever designed, from what I remember from way back was that the Billinghurst trigger guard served as the mainspring as well, making it an extremely simple and reliable mechanism: fewer things to break. I've since ransacked the internet and have found only a...
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    Tractor-Trailer Embargo of Cities Run By Idiots and Socialists

    Since the USA depends on tractor-trailer trucks for the transportation of most goods and commodities, it stands to reason that an organized, selective trucking embargo of cities that enact nut-fudge gun laws would have a significant impact. If truckers could organize such a thing, I am convinced...
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    Randy Newman's "Political Science"

    "No one loves us, I don't know why, We may not be perfect, but Heaven knows we try, And all around, even our old friends put us down, Let's drop the Big One and see what happens. We gave them money, but are they grateful? No, they're spiteful and they're hateful, They don't respect us, so let's...
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    Why No Forum for Black Powder Shooters?

    Why No TFL Forum for Black Powder Shooters? Are we an endangered species? Doesn't anyone else like to see all their troubles go up in smoke? Can we have one? Can we? Can we? Hunnh? Pleeeeze? [grovel-plead mode OFF]
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    Democrats Enlist S. American Dictator to Help with Re-Count

    This is pretty funny:
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    New Net Flick

    Try this: Any comments?
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    Kocher's Take on the Election II

    When one sees the struggle for America's soul as a nearly seventy year old battle between the idea of self-government and mutual enslavement, it becomes obvious that the forces for self-government have been in retreat, if not a rout, ever since Reagan left office. We are now desperately trying...
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    Kocher's take on the election (long)

    This was deleted from Free Republic due to the hysteria it generated. Read it fairly before condemning it, as it's the most cogent assessment of how things are I've read. More Hard Reality Robert L. Kocher Ladies and gentlemen, let's take a look at the record and history of this situation...
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    Have We Lost the Battle for Sanity?

    Bush could not wallop Gore. The election is still too close to be called. Hillary has been elected to the Senate. Nader and the Greens took about 3% of the vote. Gore's flat, controlled affect, and his carefully contrived, staged public persona indicates a man whose fundamental questions are...
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    Hillary Clinton Must Be Stopped

    In this most recent of "We Gotta Know This Stuff" essays, Robert L. Kocher argues that America's future freedom is not a result of the Presidential elections but the Senatorial race in New York. I'm sold. Hillary is the shrewdest and most dangerous enemy that the Republic has ever had, bar...
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    Why I Support Al Gore

    An excellent satire is available at: ------------------ ALARM! ALARM! CIVILIZATION IS IN PERIL! THE BARBARIANS HAVE TAKEN THE GATES! [This message has been edited by Munro Williams (edited October 10, 2000).]