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    Robert L. Kocher's Writing Again

    I've been having some major ISP headaches of late, also WebSENSE nonsense and have intermittent access. Nice to see everyone again while I still can. Kocher's writing again folks. Check out his most recent articles at Laissez-Faire City Times His last three articles...
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    Kit Ravenshear: Muzzleloader Mastercraftsman

    Anyone know anything about Kit Ravenshear? Has he retired? Is any of his work on the Web? Thanks, folks.
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    Laissez-Faire Capitalism is the Only Moral System

    I live in a national socialist state (Japan) where the ideas of individualism and market economics make people's palms sweat. Things are pretty shabby, hot water is a luxury, and apples cost about $5.00 each. I have actually seen watermelons for sale for $1,600.00 a piece. Other examples abound...
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    A General Theory of American Politics

    "Running for, and holding political office is an effective government affirmative action program for hiring the severely mentally handicapped. It gives mental defectives something to do. It makes them feel good about themselves. It keeps them off the street where they might otherwise hurt...
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    Red China, WWIII, and Other Fun Facts

    An interesting look at Red China may be found here: Talk about "watching a murderous fellow skilfully sharpening a knife!" :eek: [This message has been edited by Munro Williams (edited May 23, 2000).]
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    There's GOOD NEWS Tonight!

    News World Communications, Inc., owner of The Washington Times, has acquired UPI. There is now a major media news organization firmly in the conservative camp. Hallelujah! Check out for more details. :) :)
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    Proposed Revision of the 2nd Amendment

    The Virtual Church of the Blind Chihuahua is a very interesting place. DOGPAC is their political paw. They have recently started discussing guns. The head honcho there is a physicist who used to make nuclear weapons. His proposed revision of the 2nd is well intentioned and well thought out. I...
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    "Did Stephen King Invent Janet Reno?"

    A really good essay about Reno can be found here: This administration is something out of a social-science fiction nightmare. ------------------ ALARM! ALARM! CIVILIZATION IS IN PERIL! THE BARBARIANS HAVE TAKEN THE GATES!
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    Antique Air Rifles

    I'm trying to find out as much as I can about large caliber air rifles. Apparently the Lewis and Clark expedition had a .54 caliber and the Austrians had a unit using only air rifles. I've seen a few photos and was recently quite taken by the idea of an air rifle powerful enough for deer...
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    Hitlery and Contemplation Camps: Will We Be Therapized into Bio-Degradable Soap?

    If 20% of what I hear from back home is true, then this topic is not an irrational fear, but an entirely rational apprehension. Any M-1 clearance sales? Until I came to Japan I had very little interest in anything other than muzzle-loaders and single shot rifles. Now, I wouldn't mind having a...
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    Coping with a Psychotic Social Pathology

    The freedoms we have as citizens of the USA can apply only to the sane. Freedom is irrelevant to a hospitalized schizophrenic. The opportunities we enjoy as free people are oppressive demands to the mentally ill. Sick, borderline psychotic thinking is now the conventional wisdom. The people who...
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    Back home I've got a sporterized Martini-Henry carbine that's been rechambered for a .357 magnum pistol round. I'd like to know where to look for general information on Martini-Henries, like disassembly and repair, further customizing, and anything else that may be of practical use. Thanx a bunch!