Search results

  1. P

    Looking for the best .22lr , found a Walther ...

    That I really like. Very tactical feeling .22 at the local Sportsmans Warehouse ... the suggested list is $399 and they want $390 :mad: Is that reasonable or a ripoff and anyone have other suggestions ? Thanks!
  2. P

    Gun Confiscations In Illinois ...

    I'm surprised no one has posted this here yet ... thought I'd come in and see a raging debate going over this. Personally I don't know what to say of this just yet , a bit disturbing and I don't like where it's heading . I'm betting this begins to trickle to other states ------- Confiscation...
  3. P

    Statistics help please ...

    I am having a pro / anti gun ban , conversation with some people and I used to have the stats on legal vs illegal weapons used in crimes. I want to address the point as to why it's more important to get the illegal weapons off the streets and not take away us law abiding citizens weapons...
  4. P

    RON PAUL : Presidential Exploratory Message

    He's got my vote. :cool: Presidential Exploratory Message
  5. P

    Top 10 reasons to ban guns

    A friend sent me this ... it's very compelling. :cool: Top 10 reasons to ban guns 1.) Guns are used in self-defense over 2 million times a year. However, this makes the attempted crime a "non-event," which necessarily complicates the Police investigation. Without civilian ownership of guns...
  6. P

    Giuliani on Gun control ...

    Pretty bold statement ... where are the stats to back it up ? Giuliani says gun control helped reduce N.Y. crime SACRAMENTO -- Rudy Giuliani addressed a potentially troublesome issue with conservative voters, saying his policies as mayor to get handguns off the street helped reduce crime in...
  7. P

    UK Proves firearms ban works!

    NOT! :p Think stats like these will help change gun control advocates minds. I'm guessing nothing but a lobotomy will do the job. :cool: ---------------- Gun crime: Labour 'losing control' Jan 25 3:03 PM US/Eastern Labour has been accused of losing control of gun crime as new figures show...
  8. P

    Question for the Police officers here ...

    I'm curious if Police Officers must live in the community they serve. I always thought this was the case , but someone told me that the local Police officers don't have to live in the community they serve. Is this true ?
  9. P

    I'm so angry I could ....

    Words cannot express my anger right now at our ridiculously *****fied system. As if on cue ... from the other thread closed now about how the times have changed .... My 13 year old daughter , I just had to pick up from the Police Dept. 13 years old , not 75lbs , they cuffed her and took her...
  10. P

    Some of you might like this read ... A Soldier's Story

    I know I did . Another perspective of our situation in Iraq told from Army Special Forces officer Major Bill Edmonds ----------------------------- A Soldier's Story by MAJOR BILL EDMONDS For just a minute or two, step into my life. I am an American soldier in the Army Special Forces. I have...
  11. P

    Leftwing nut Olberman elaborates on the Military Commissions Act and history ....

    Judge for yourself if what he says is true . The Beginning of the End of America ...
  12. P

    If you value freedom , a documentary you should see ...

    This Documentary ... and it's contents were passed off as a hoax when a whistle blower released the information to the media. Iron Mountain - Blueprint to Tyranny. It's a very rare video ... probably won't be around for long. It outlines how to disarm America in order to further the...
  13. P

    If only every town were this way.

    I THINK THIS IS BRILLIANT! -------------------------------- Proposed Ordinance asks Each Household to Have a Firearm Sep 21, 2006 09:26 AM CDT Greenleaf Gun Ordinance Greenleaf, Idaho -- All Americans have the right to bear arms. Some towns have even gone as far as to require each...
  14. P

    14 characteristics you should learn ....

    Look children , what's that sound , everybody look what's goin down. What's wrong with "this" picture ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The 14 Characteristics of Fascism by Lawrence Britt Political scientist Dr. Lawrence Britt recently wrote an article...
  15. P

    An interesting read for your consideration ....

    As America heads down the road to a fascist state ... consider what we are giving up in the name of security . ====== All That's Given Up in the Name of Security by Sibel Edmonds and William Weaver Two days ago we made available to the public news that one of our members, Russell Tice, a...
  16. P

    The North American Union and the beginning of the end of US Sovereignty, marches on

    Don't know if this has been covered here or not . But it should be of concern to every American regardless of your political party affiliations. This is a BIG step towards the end of the USA as we know it and move towards world government , disarmament and as Bush Sr put it ... New World Order...
  17. P

    The Beretta CX4 Storm ...

    Anyone ever tried one of these ? I was hoping to get a carbine in a caliber that I already have plenty of and Beretta makes this CX4 in 45acp. Is this a good carbine ? I was a bit disappointed in it's 8 round magazine :rolleyes: Can larger magazines be gotten or is this a no no due to...
  18. P

    Springfield Armory XD45 ... BEST .45ACP , EVER

    According to Combat Handgun. Great article , I recommend the magazine as a whole. In the XD article , the writer finishes the article with this quote ... "In closing, we are diehard 1911 afficianados and carry a Springfield MC Operator 1911 when on duty as...
  19. P

    Interesting compilation of Handguns ...

    First your standard Semi Auto ... Then a Knife gun ... and then on to automatic handguns. Interesting stuff.
  20. P

    Video of AUTOSHOTGUN

    For those of you that might not have seen this AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN