Search results

  1. G

    Bowhunting: I'm doing it wrong.

    Hope you guys can help me here. I live in a heavily wooded area, but have houses near me - too near to comfortably use shotgun to hunt. (Rifle is illegal in this area, and I don't mean to irritate the neighbors.) I got a bow, practiced up, and thought I'd try bowhunting. It's a tiny little...
  2. G

    Russian load info/I don't want to be a pioneer

    So... I'm having a cool rifle built for me - an NEF re-chambered to accept 7.62 x 54R. Given that it will retain its .308 bore, I think my rifle's ammo needs will closely reflect the Finnish-built Mosin-Nagants that fired 54R through true .308 barrels. Unclenick gave me some super reloading...
  3. G

    I want a custom rifle built.

    I'm looking for extreme accuracy and durability. If possible, I'd like to keep the cost down. Weight is of little import to me. I'd like a rifle, chambered in 7.62x54R. I need a synthetic stocked animal, preferably barreled in stainless. I'll be shooting 180 grain bullets almost exclusively...
  4. G

    A Pocket Carry Tip

    Howdy! First, mods, I really did think about where to put this post. If it's wrong, please feel free to delete with extreme prejudice. We don't really have a 'carry' section, so this seemed to be (to me) better than the 'Tactics and Training' forum. Second, please no heated debate over the...
  5. G

    Pistol reload questions...

    Howdy, fellas. My deer gun is a Mosin. To produce good groups (and affordable hunting ammo!) I began reloading last year. I have the process down pretty well, I think, and I use a little Lee whack-a-mole kit. Overjoyed with the results. I have begun whacking out ammo for my handguns...
  6. G

    $250 Scout Rifle... a story with pictures.

    So... I wanted to get a dedicated deer/longer distance rifle. I have plenty of handguns, and an old break-open shotgun, and a .22 squirrel rig, but NO rifles. I wanted something in a caliber that would take most, if not all, North American game. I'm also a working man. I'm young (25), and I...
  7. G

    Lend me some tools?

    So... I'm a wrench by trade, so I understand being leery about lending tools. If anyone actually does me this favor, I'll be shocked. I'm building a cheapy scout rifle out of an old Mosin 91/30. I want to whack about ten inches off the barrel. I would like to find someone who could lend me...
  8. G

    Come get yer beer...

    ... the next time you're in Philly. I owe quite a few of you some suds. Over a year ago, I started getting the bug to reload, and due to educational and financial restrictions, I just recently had the funds to purchase the necessary components. In the meantime I did a lot of reading I would...
  9. G

    Long Dry Spell for a Bit...

    ...but I finally picked up a deal. Old Taurus PT92, blued, for $150 from a buddy. Great shape, older Pachamayrs on it - and I already own one, so I don't have all the ancillary costs (holster, ammo, defense ammo, spare mags, all that jazz). Finally... I got a bargain. I was beginning to...
  10. G

    My shop isn't much help...

    ...encouraging me to buy a gun. I'm looking to blow some tax return money. I'd like a few specific things, but the shop doesn't seem to want to help me, and I haven't had time to go gallavanting all over the hillside finding a gun. Plus, the shops all seem to bust my stones here in the city -...
  11. G

    What's this worth?

    One of the fellers at work is unloading a never-fired, carried twice (I know, I know...who carries a gun they never shot?!) Seecamp in .32. He is throwing in a box of Winchester Silvertips, and wants four hundred for it. Good deal? -L.
  12. G

    Had a gun stolen...and a question

    My 1966 Jetfire. Some dolt bashed in my truck window to steal my fishy cooler, and helped himself to my gun and a new leather holster for it while he was in there looking around. Cops were called, no prints were could see quite clearly he was wearing gloves. No building...
  13. G

    Good deal? Not a good deal? I can get one of these through the mail?! Is this a good buy, or a rook? And is this a desirable Mauser? I know there are quite a few styles of Mauser, and I wouldn't want to get taken... And which caliber would be...
  14. G

    "Kit" guns?

    Hi guys... One of my colleagues is looking to take, as payment for a debt, a "kit" gun. The gun in question is a copy of a MAC-10 (a firearm I know little looks truly useless to me, but to each his own, ya know?). The gun was evidently welded together from sheet steel that came in...
  15. G

    Squirrel scouting...

    I've been wanting to go hunting for the first time. I cannot, for the life of me, find somebody to go with, so I figured I'd read some books, and start on my own, beginning with small game this year. (I don't have a suitable deer rifle, and want to get my feet wet before I spend time and money...
  16. G

    Some real specific-like questions...

    Howdy, guys. Member of some years...mostly opinionated spewing from me :-) Some questions. Let me give you my experience and background first... I'm a little lost. I grew up on the East Coast, to a non-gun family. I went to college in Missouri, and fell in love with shooting. I've shot...
  17. G

    Security Six Sights

    My, that title was alliterative, wasn't it, now? Gentlemen and Ladies... I have a Ruger Security Six I care to replace the sights on. The SS, as you may now, is different from the Speed and Service Sixes in that it has target (adjustable) sights. I hate these, and mine are all dinged up...
  18. G

    The OTHER gun... (Joseph Manton?)

    Well, m co-worker brought in his other shootin iron today. It appears to be another percussion rifle. This is the funky one with a hexagonal bore - the bore looks to be similar to a thirty-eight - much smaller than the other one. The top of the barrel says L&K, and the side of what I would...
  19. G

    Blissett help?

    Well, at the place I work, I am the firearms expert. Problem is, I don't know nothin' :-) One of the guys wanted me to tell him about his rifle here, and I don't know the first thing about it. But, I told him I knew a great bunch of people who sure would! It's a front stuffer, beautifully...
  20. G

    Taurus PT99 hammer breaks

    So, I yanked out my PT-99 for carry yesterday, and when I was going to holster it, I noticed a crack in/chunk missing from the back of the hammer. I didn't carry it, and stripped the pistol, removing the hammer. I didn't order the parts from Numrich until I figured out how to reinstall the...