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  1. G

    Unknown carry condition

    Perhaps someone could help me here. I have an older model Taurus PT92 - this must be one of the first ones they made, because it has no internal lock OR a decocker. It is SA/DA How should I carry this heap, should it become necessary? I can't decock it too safely, being that there is no...
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    Opinions, please, on my theoretical assembly of parts

    So. Uncle Sammy gave me back a lot of my own money this year. And my beloved will get her engagement ring. But, as happy luck would have it, there's enough left over for a new riffle! (For me, not her. I would get her one, but she wouldn't shoot it.) Here's what I wanted...a synthetic...
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    Forgive me if these have been asked...

    ...but I am looking to begin reloading. One of the guys I work with has all the fancy doodads and he's being really negative about the whole process, and says it's a giant waste of money. I have searched the threads, but perhaps I am searching wrong, 'cause I can't seem to find an answer to...
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    Springfield: Possibly not junk.

    Howdy, all. In college, I traded all my guns (a cool 870 with an 18" barrel, extended mag, and wood furniture, a Ruger Mark III, and a 6" Taurus .357) for a Springer Mil-Spec. There is no need to tell me how bad this trade was, but I did need a carry gun, and the Springer fit the bill nicely...
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    Fair price?

    I dunno if this goes here, or Mr. Nolden's section... A local shop has taken a weapon off me and put it on consigment. It is a model 1913, made by Sauer and Sons (who I believe later became Sig Sauer) I think it was made in the forties, and it is chambered in .32. The safety appears to be...
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    Little bit of horse trading yields...

    A new toy! My girlfriend allowed me to trade some of the guns in her folks' attic as my own, so I went to Gunshop A. The gentleman there took a Winchester Model 72 bolt-action .22 in fair shape as well as a Charter Arms AR-7 survival rifle from me, and I gave him a hundred eighty five dollars...
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    CT Questions

    Howdy all... I've just moved to CT. I have obtained my CT CCW permit. (I already had a Florida CCW for carry in MO.) For starts, I am not carrying much at all right now...because I don't really understand the laws as I have read them. The permit came with a nice thick book, and the way I am...
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    Theoretical trades way back when?

    I have some theoretical questions for a book I am writing. First, would Colt dealers have offered LEO's a discount in the early fifties? Secondly, what would have been the price of a used 1911, used maybe in WWII at that time, in pretty poor condidtion? Would a LEO have been permitted to carry...
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    Colt D.A. 38

    Hello everyone. I've been offered a gun, and I don't know anything about it...I was hoping I can give you all some info and maybe you could tell me about it. The gun is marked on the barrel "Colt D.A. 38" (I am guessing this is .38 Long Colt, as opposed to .38 Special. Am I correct?) The gun...
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    Dating an anti

    Folks: I need some help here. I have been seeing a gal I really have grown fond of, and not too long ago, things had progressed as they do, to the point where she noticed a lump of steel fastened about my middle. She got real quiet, and I sort of shrugged it off. When we talked about it later...
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    ...I'm gettin' fed up...

    ...with putting grips on this Polish (Radom) P-64 I am in possession of. I broke the original plastic grips in a couple of months CCW'ing it. Fine. Got a set of hand-carved wattle wood replacements. Already splitting. Now, obviously, this gun's got to go as a carry piece. This much is...
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    What's up with my .45?

    Hi y'all... Okay...let me explain, and you guys can maybe help me. Recently, I traded off a Ruger .22 and a Taurus .357 for a brandy-spankin' new Springer Mil-Spec. (Don't flame me on the trade, I know I took a little bit of a beating. I got a carry license, and the two guns I traded were not...
  13. G

    Where do I get grips for this thing?

    I have an old Polish Radom P-64, (the "Polish Makarov") and its grips have developed severe enough cracks that I no longer am carrying the weapon. (It's my main carry piece.) I cannot seem to find grips anywhere but two places guy custom makes them and wants 70ish dollars...the gun...
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    Don't know if anyone cares, but...

    HB 189 passed in the MO senate yesterday.
  15. G

    Is Plus P acceptable in this weapon?

    Have me a Polish P-64. Got a good buy on some 9x18 online, and they sent me the wrong stuff... I now have +p Makarov ammo. Can I put that stuff through this gun? Any help -govmule
  16. G

    Pinky rest, and other stuff, too.

    Howdy. Today, I was breaking down my carry weapon. (Boy, those little suckers get dusty when you put em in a pocket all day!) My daily piece for work and whatnot is a Taurus PT-22 (no flaming, I ride a bicycle, and I feel plenty confident with the weapon, and how I use it.) I decided to pull...
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    Okay, so, been looking, and I don't even know what I need to know. I started out with guns with no one to help me, and two years later, I feel comfortable with what I know. I want to reload, and don't know anyone who does it. What do I need to know? What do I need to buy? I'm in college...
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    FEG info?

    Are these any good? I am looking for a makarov or similar, preferably in .380 or nine...any thoughts? Liam
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    MO CCW questions

    Hello... I just obtained my CCW. It's getting legally hairy. I live in MO, which requires one be 23 to pack. I am not 23, so I obtained a Florida CCW which Missouri honors. I am wondering what the penalties are for carrying in the 'off-limits' places. I know if you are at a private...
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    Flat floor mag?

    I want some of these, for several of my guns (hi-point c9, taurus pt-22) (please no flames on the guns...if ya don't like 'em, don't buy em....Rant over)Anyone know where I could find these / have 'em made? Liam