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  1. K

    870 Disassembly Questions

    How does one get the magazine extension off the darn shotgun? Have an 870 Express Magnum, shoots real nice, just wish I could shoot it more often. Would like to possibly put a different barrel on it. Currently has a 20" w/ adjustable sights. I need something brighter, was thinking the light...
  2. K

    Good Luck & God Bless Our Troops

    I hope they know they've got a lot of people proud of them over here. Wish I could join them over there. Good luck and God Bless you... Maybe you'll get lucky and have shore leave in Australia or Hawaii. Keep warm this winter.
  3. K

    AZ Heads up

    Received this via Hackworths newsletter. Has anyone read or seen anything like this?
  4. K

    Life during wartime

    Words to live by from the soldiers soldier...
  5. K

    More Anthrax Info

    Got this today from Hackworths newsletter, looks like a lot of good info.
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    Breaking News - Anthrax cases

    Just listening on FoxNews to reports that there are 2 confirmed cases of inhalation anthrax, and 2 possible deaths. God help them if they do, from my reading, inhalation anthrax is 99% lethal if not treated within 48 hours.,2933,36991,00.html
  7. K

    Keep your eyes open

    I don't normally buy into stories such as this, but it seems credible enough. And these days I think we can't be careful enough.
  8. K

    Russian Perspective An interesting perspective IMO -------------------- Peace... Keith "We are in a fight for our principles, and our first responsibility is to live by them. No one should be singled out for unfair treatment or unkind words because of their...
  9. K

    2nd Ammendment converts in Afghanistan

    If ever there were a more just cause, arm the oppressed. Make them equal in force. Wish I knew what special/psy ops we are doing now. Pepper them with leaflets on our Constitution, and drop food and guns to anyone willing to be free. Those areas of the world where these problems come from...
  10. K

    Non-leathal ammo

    Saw in one of the gun magazine ammo that stuns. It looks like some sort of soft/medium rubber bullet of some sorts. I would expect the fps to be high enough to be reliable. Inflicts pain, but not lethal. Anyone heard of it?
  11. K

    know thy enemy

    A great scholar once said "know thy enemy." Now, I am not trying to state that people of the Islamic faith are our enemy. I thought it would be helpfull for everyone to actually read what scholars have to say about the Koran. What's more...
  12. K

    Counter Terrorism

    Just a thought after watching the Discovery special on terrorism. They had this case of a Russian airforce general or some such, who was "mysteriously" evaporated by a missle. Seems the Russkies tracked him down via his cell phone. And had the missile home in on the signal... Now, just...
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    Defending against attacking dog

    Last night a dog attacked my neighbors dog while we were both in our back yards walking our dogs. It happened so fast I barely had time to warn my neighbor before it was attacking his dog. My neighbor grabbed hold around the dogs throat and was starting to choke it, but it still wouldn't let...
  14. K

    What I do stand for...

    I am 100% behind whatever mission our President tasks our military with. They should not be hampered with restrictive rules of engagement. They should have whatever resources are needed to complete their mission. I don't find anything wrong about ensuring the target of our justice is correct...
  15. K

    States of Alert

    Watching the local channel here in Indianapolis. They have taken the precaution of limiting traffic in the state capital area. Only people with tickets are being allowed into the airport. Employees in the Federal building downtown have been given the option of leaving. They evacuated the...
  16. K

    Bad Dream

    Last night I woke up from a dream in a cold sweat (could have been the finger food we ate while watching "Band of Brothers") Here's the dream... Was coming out of a movie and waiting for my wife to get out of the bathroom. All of a sudden two rather large thugs come towards me. One of them...
  17. K

    Colt Agent - Sights

    Boy, I do love my new Colt Agent. My wife even likes it (because it's so little.) Two things I want to improve are the grips, which I want to replace with Houge, and the sights, or correctly, the front sight. When practicing at the range the sight seems to get lost in the target. What are my...
  18. K

    Good Deal - Mossburg 500 for Colt Agent

    Traded last night with my brother-in-law, my Mossberg 500 for his Colt Agent. Seems in pretty good shape, a little wear where it hits the holster, a little corrosion on the sides of the hammer. Shoots low, but could just need to get used to the sight. What would be a good self-defense round...
  19. K

    RED FLAG: government to increase beer sales

    Does it worry anyone else to have government wanting to increase beer sales. Maybe they have some bad news and they want to break it gently...,2933,29342,00.html