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  1. K

    Is the tide turning?

    This editorial appeared today in our local paper (Indianapolis Star). After seeing Oleg's post on his feelings that the tide was perhaps turning I thought it a valid question. I never would have thought such an article would appear in any paper while Clinton was in office. So, perhaps the...
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    IN - Teacher w/ 2 guns in school CORYDON, Ind. -- A gun slipped out of a teacher's pocket in an emergency room where he was been treated after going into cardiac arrest during a school assembly, police said. School officials found a second handgun in the teacher's desk...
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    SIG 239 magazines

    Anyone know where I can get magazines for my SIG 239? Haven't seen them anywhere, for any price. thanks for any help...
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    Gun Control depriving the RKBA

    Why hasn't anyone tried to get these wacky gun control politicians brought up on Federal civil rights violations? Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law This statute makes it a crime for any person acting...
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    Guns prevent crimes A former Texas state trooper who was assigned to help fill out the FBI's monthly Uniform Crime Report e-mailed me last week and said beginning in 1997, the bureau "first asked a highly relevant question: How many times in your jurisdiction was a...
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    Pro-Gun logo desired

    Would like to have a logo that has a colt 1911, pump shotgun and semi-auto rifle in silohette with a big red check mark in front of them. Could anyone help me with this? Thanks... Keith
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    2001 World Police & Fire Games Central Indiana could be the safest place in the world for nine days this summer when Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, hosts the 2001 World Police & Fire Games. The Games, to be held June 8-16, are expected to attract 10,000 athletes drawn from the ranks of police and fire...
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    PB Ballot Legal>2000->Ch0101->Section%205608 101.5608 Voting by electronic or electromechanical method; procedures.-- "Any voter who spoils his or her ballot or makes an error may return the...
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    Waco Prosecutor Indicted for Obstruction A former federal attorney has been charged with obstructing the investigation into the botched 1993 seige at the Branch Davidian compound at Waco, Texas that he helped arrange. Former assistant U.S. Attorney Bill Johnston was charged with two...
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    New Anti-Gun Strategy Doomed to Fail

    Interesting article that has been proven in recent posts on First Monday here on TFL. New Anti-Gun Strategy Doomed to Fail Dr. Michael S. Brown Oct. 10, 2000 The always fascinating cultural war over the right to bear...
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    HELP - need some info

    Could use some help with debating this flamming liberal on our local newspapers forum. Here is the topic, the gun debate is down somewhat in the topic. Specifically need: statistics on US vs Austrailian deaths Quotes by the...
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    AMMO - Gun Injuries Down Gun Injuries in Crimes Fall 40 Percent in 5 Years Wires Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2000 WASHINGTON (USA Today) – With violent crime declining across the U.S., gunshot wounds inflicted during the course of crimes fell nearly 40 percent...
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    Indiana to blame for Illinois problems Indiana guns land in Illinois Washington, D.C., October 9–Reportedly federal authorities are now targeting Indiana as one of the nation’s so called ‘source states’ for illegal purchases of firearms used in crimes. Officials from the...
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    Outdoor LIfe - gun control article/poll Let your voice be heard... Keith
  15. K

    Indiana DNR requests comments

    This is a forward from the IDNR, if you have any comments for them this is your chance to meet them face-to-face. Sorry if this is the wrong thread for this but wasn't quite sure where it really fit in. Peace... Keith *************************** Proposals for fish and wildlife rule changes...
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    Debate tactics - turn the argument around

    I've seen us spend countless words debating the issues between each other and with the anti-gun crowd. Just yesterday I posted the article on the failure of gun control in the UK on our local papers forum ( One person tried making...
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    School Police in Indianapolis to get guns

    Smart policy in my book. Don't think you'll see a school massacre here. Board gets earful on gun policy Supporters outnumber foes at a meeting to discuss proposed change that would allow IPS officers to carry weapons at all times. By Kim...
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    Gore for hunters - yeah right

    I had my best friends over my house for Labor day weekend. I was apalled that my best friend is thinking of voting for Gore. Even worse, her husband, an avid hunter and outdoorsman, said he was considering it to. He actually said "Gore is for hunters." Seeing that I haven't seen my friends...
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    I knew that would make you look... In United States v. Miller, the Court sustained a statute requiring registration under the National Firearms Act of sawed-off shotguns. After reciting the original provisions of the Constitution dealing with the militia, the Court observed that...