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  1. A

    My first S&W gun...

    ..brand new in the box 37 Airweight 38 Spl. mid 60s production..not a very good scan photo..but a flawless piece of handiron...(actually mostly aluminum)..
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    Preferred side arms..

    ..I have the preferred sidearm of my ancestors(Celtic leaf-blade sword) & the preferred sidearm of the nation I live in(Colt 45 Gov't automatic) by each to can't beat either one!..both are deadly and part of you...
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    Should I buy blue or nickle Colt pre-70 Gov't 45?...

    ..have the chance to buy a near mint Colt Gov't 45(mid 60s) in either blue or nickle...I have never owned a nickled gun...what would be the advantages or disadvantages of a nickled gun over a blued one?..Both are sweet looking ...No, I cannot afford both!
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    Is it OK to get excited about an H&R 922?

    ..I just bought a NIB Harrington & Richardson 922 'Bantamweight' .22 revolver with 2 1/2" barrel .....gun still has box, wrapping paper and manual form the late 50s(I think)....cleaned it completely down to the marble plastic grips.. blue shines like new with no cylinder line and perfect...
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    China: another threat to the USA...........

    ..don't be misled into thinking China is expanding economically just to make lots of money from is building itself mililtarily in a very big way..and will soon have the industrial might to convert factories to produce for it's military should war proceed against the USA(remember...
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    Why has my regard for the M1 skyrocketed?

    ..although I gave little thought for the M1 rifle in the past(before handling and shooting one)...I find myself becoming a die-hard fan of it's virtues..only other gun that I have had a similar experience is the 1911 45....amazing how my fondness for this gun has grown....(My first M1 was stolen...
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    Reagan trumps Bush's legacy by being true. conservative(mostly) principles...the Bushs' showed when you compromise...neither side will give you high cannot please both sides...moderates will never rate high respect...despite differences..even Democrats have respect for Reagan because he had a solid foundation of...
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    Amazing our nation still does this well...

    ..given to multitude of terrible politicians over the last three decades...been a long time since we have seen a decent President who was watching out for America's well-being(I don't mean just selected bits of well-being)...a long-sighted leader...not the countless short-sighted ones...
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    McCain must be voted out!!

    ..he is a phony from the get-go who only positions himself at the expense of good policy-making in our nation....and now he is as much to blame for the Republicans loss as anyone...:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
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    Republicans needed a kick in the rear.....

    ..I don't like the switch of control anymore than anyone else...theres too much at stake and too many enemies of what I consider 'right policies".. but Bush is masquerading as a conseravtive, and there are/were too phony Republicans(country-club coots and planted party-switchers)...a cleansing...
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    Cleaning cosmoline off M1 stock? cosmoline, grease, & grime is no problem with metal..but is there anything that should be used to clean a stock without affecting the original finish?...
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    Now that I have seen the pre-war Colt blue

    ...on my first pre-war Colt...the post-war Colts won't be quite the same even though they are also may be beautiful, but 'blue' is even more beautiful!!!!:eek:
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    My first Colt Hammerless....

    made in 1923...
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    Does the 32 auto get a bad rap??

    ...although a little larger and heavier..the 380 that many tout as a small caliber protection gun usually rates only 2 or 3 percentage points higher than the 32(standard metal-case round in both) in the one-shot stopping power(which is really vital only if your gun is a single-shot)...both have...
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    I think political correctness has infected....

    ..some of the site police here...each having a pet subject to lock up upon discovering it....that's all I have to say...
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    Is the phrase..'everytime I pull the trigger.. goes bang(boom, bam, bing, boing)..getting a bit overused by the gun world hobbyists.???
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    If the citizens of neighboring countries...

    would show the respect of one certain North American country, there would be NO illegal problem...the problem is is the blame...but honesty in human-beings is on the decline in modern times...which is why the future days of humanity are short according to one certain Almighty...:eek:
  18. A

    Test results of various vintage 38 Spl loads.

    Remington 158 gr...late 60s-early 70s..840 fps Peters 158 gr...50s...800 fps Western Super-X 158 gr...mid-late 60s...810 fps Western 150 gr metal-piercing...mid-late 60s...1000 fps Remington 158 gr Hi-Speed...50s...920 fps test gun was a WW2 Colt Commando(Official Police)..4" the definite...
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    Day of reckoning for America's economy...

    ...does anyone truly not believe that there must be a day when the bill becomes due...we have numerous converging problems that so far we have not suffered the consequences yet...continuing escalating debt..both national & personal, continued de-industrializing of our nation, the impossible task...
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    Is Bush's Terror War to protect America....

    I need to clarify what I said originally since many don't read further than the first line(headline viewers) doubts about Bush is that I wonder, because of his position on vital problems facing our that he wants to knock down terrorism to insure that a global corporate can be...