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  1. K

    SCOTUS Accepts Review of Bump Stock Ban

    The Supreme Court also granted review on the issue of the bump stock ban. The order granting review is at The petition for certiorari is at...
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    U.S. Supremes Accepts Review of NRA Suit Claiming NY Violated First Amendment

    The NRA today announced the U.S. Supreme Court has accepted review of its suit claiming New York officials improperly used their authority to "persuade" banks and other financial institutions to blacklist the NRA due to the NRA's First Amendment right to advocate gun rights...
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    Unissued M1 Carbine Mags

    I just bought a few unissued M1 carbine mags from Midway still in original wrapping for $25 each. Thought some of you might be interested. Edited to remove link. See below message by Willie Lowman. Sorry for the error. I didn’t realize I had posted any link.
  4. K

    "a low life piece of dog crap"

    That's how a homeowner described a home invader who killed his daughter, wounded the homeowner, and then fled when the homeowner returned fire. The invader climbed scaffolding to break through an upstairs window, force open the door to the young woman's bedroom, and shoot her several times...
  5. K

    Tips on spotting scam websites

    I’ve seen a proliferation of scam websites in the last year and a half, both firearms related and non-firearms related. And I have seen several posts on gun boards asking if specific sites are scams. So, I thought I would pass along some tips on how to spot scam firearms-related websites. Many...
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    What gun is this?

    There is a story about a lawyer off her rocker (my opinion) at the ABA's website. It includes a stock photo of a revolver that I am unfamiliar with. Any ideas? Story and photo at...
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    California "Assault Weapon" ban struck down - for now

    U.S. District Judge Roger T. Benitez of the Southern District of California has struck down California's "assault weapons" ban. The decision can be found here...
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    Why all the hubub over the newer higher capacity subcompact 9mm pistols?

    Taking nothing away from the newer lines of subcompacts like the Springfield Hellcat or the SW Shield Plus, but I just can't see what all the excitement is about. They don't seem to be any smaller than guns already out there. I had not seriously considered buying one of the newer higher...
  9. K

    I'm being dragged back in!!

    I thought I had stopped buy handguns for at least a good, long period. But, I've seen something that is dragging me back down that path! Beretta is now importing Manurhin MR73 revolvers. Specifically, they are importing the MR73 Sport with target front sight and adjustable rear sights and 5.25...
  10. K

    Biden's Proposed Gun Control Measures

    Per Fox News, Biden has ordered: 1. DOJ to promulgate a rule within 30 days banning "ghost" guns; 2. DOJ to propose a new rule on gun braces within 60 days; 3. DOJ to propose action on "community violence intervention," whatever that means (I would suggest enforcing current firearms laws and...
  11. K

    Dressing up my Python

    I bought a new-model Colt Python a little while back and decided to dress it up even more than it already was. So, I added some Altamont grips, complete with little ponies and a carved holster from Simply Rugged. The holster color is what they call "ox-blood" and I really like it. They had...
  12. K

    Santa Clara officials charged for alleged shakedown for concealed carry license

    The Santa Clara County Undersheriff and a Captain in the sheriff's office have been charged with shaking down applicants for a concealed carry license. As most of you may know, California is a "may issue" state that leaves issuance to the discretion of local officials. Here, the two officials...
  13. K

    Snake Bit

    I really dithered back and forth about it, but I finally decided to buy a 2020 Python (4.25 inch barrel) from an area dealer. He has it on hold and I'm picking it up Tuesday. And I did something normally against my principles, agreeing to pay over MSRP. Why? Because I really wanted a first-year...
  14. K

    Justice Ginsburg has died; McConnell vows to fill the vacancy

    Justice Ginsburg passed away today. Some of her policies aside, she was a pioneer for women generally and especially for women in law. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has vowed to fill the vacancy and the other side is going to fight like hell to sabotage the effort anyway they can. The...
  15. K

    Any Experience with Target USA Sports Branded Ammo?

    Target USA Sports sells ammo from various manufacturers but has anyone used their store brand ammo? I know I'm a bit late in asking because I just ordered a thousand rounds of 9mm. I didn't really need it, but range-grade 9mm has been scarce so I went ahead and ordered some. So, how does it...
  16. K

    BEAR? Time to break out the 10mm

    Yep, there was a bear sighted and video recorded where I live---Lexington, Ky. :eek: I've joked in this forum and elsewhere that I bought my DW 10mm 1911 because a black bear had been...
  17. K

    Value of testing through Clear Ballistic Gelatin?

    In light of the below, do test results through Clear Ballistic Gel have any value? If so, how should we use them? I've always known that ballistic results from Clear Ballistic Gelatin were only approximations of testing through 10% calibrated organic gelatin. However, I recently discovered that...
  18. K

    Supreme Court Relists Ten Second Amendment Cases

    The Supreme Court has relisted ten Second Amendment cases following dismissal of New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. City of New York. The Court had been holding the cases pending the outcome of of NY State Rifle & Pistol. There's a very brief description of the cases at Scotus Blog...
  19. K

    So, what did you carry this week?

    I've seen the "what did you carry today" threads and thought I would ask what you carried throughout the past week. For me, it was: Dan Wesson CCO .45 acp Colt King Cobra .357 mag (new model) SW M&P Compact 9mm SW Model 38 Airweight .38 spl I carried the SW Model 38 a couple of days in the...
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    Picked up another Shield

    I picked up another first generation SW Shield in 9mm today at Bud's Gunshop (local to me). The Shield is one of my regular carry pistols. It's relatively easy to conceal and I shoot it well. I normally don't buy two of the same handgun but couldn't pass it up for the price --- $219 after...