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  1. B

    I have wondering something

    on the ruger single acvtion revolvers that are chambered for calibers like 9mm and 45 acp. do they use the moon clips or is the little egde thingy inside the cylinder holes that catches the case on its way down?:) :)
  2. B

    heys guys

    I am looking at all the 1911 stlye pistols on the other forum and I am wondering. am I correct in thinking that you can change out sights easily or they custom made for the gun? and also which brand of 1911 do you think is the most modifyable? the reason I am asking is that I really like the low...
  3. B

    I have been wondering something

    what is the difference between the springfield Mil-spec and the GI-45. they look the same. in the picture they have tiny differenes. the Gi-45 looks like it has lower sights. is this true? is the grip length the same on both? I would assume that it would be. what are the differences? thanks for...
  4. B

    does anybody make a rifle....

    that is 410 but can take the 3 inch shells. winchester and marlin make 410 shotguns but the can only take the smaller shells. what about this?
  5. B

    light 45acp bullets

    does anybody sell 45acp bullets that are lighter than 180 grains. I like that lighter bullets moving faster. I know that a couple of different companies make the whole round in a light bullet but I am looking for if you can but just the bullets. anyone have any info on this one? thanks. :) :)
  6. B

    let me ask.....

    I have been looking at shotguns on the web and I cant seem to find a 410 shotgun where the tube goes to the end of the barrel. does anybody makes a gun like that??? and does anybody make a double barrel 410??
  7. B

    ruger p90 concealment??

    I have been looking at these guns for about a week now and I read that they were too thick and blocky for ccw but they do not look that thick from pictures I see on the internet. my question is are they too thick or can you conceal them. I held one when I was much younger but I forget...
  8. B

    does anybody make a ....

    45acp caliber rifle. something like rugers accecpt in well.... 45. :) :)
  9. B

    who would buy a 1911 in 357mag?

    the title says it all. I am curious to get a feel what others think about this. if spring field or kimber or para made a 1911 in 357mag would you buy it. I would!
  10. B

    I am not sure

    I am seeing cops come into my job and I look at their gun to try to see what they are carrying. they look like sigs but longer. like a beretta mixed with the sig. why I am asking this is because I notice they are very skinny guns. they look less than a inch thick and I want to look into them...
  11. B

    hey guys!!!!!!

    taurus just released pictures of their short barreled 410 revolvers! I will own one in time. I am curious to see if they woul dbe good for ccw. they are a hair smaller than the full size 1911 speaking in measurements. :) :) :)...
  12. B

    I Need To Know What This Gun Is!! the very last gun on this page, the 10milimeter. is this a spring field but I dont think spring field makes a 10mm. if anyone could tel me what gun this is would have my respect and honor. thankyou so much!!!!!!!
  13. B

    question for silver bullet....

    1) does that model (your mil spec) have a safety? I was reading in the archives of this forum and I got the iompression that it does not but sinse you own it, I thought you could tell me. 2) do you know the differense between the mil spec and the GI 45? they look the same in the pictures...
  14. B

    another pesky question

    can you fire 9'18 in a 9'19 gun. or 380 for that matter. :) :)
  15. B

    is the beretta 92 compact still made?

    :confused: :confused: :) :)
  16. B

    is the beretta 86 still made??

    this seems to be a longer version of the 84 but I like the way it looks. is this gun still in production? :confused: :confused: :) :)
  17. B

    I want to get this straight

    am i correct in thinking that light 9mm bullets will not over penatrate? do you guys worry about 40 over penatrating? I know that 45 wont but what about the other two. :confused: :) :)
  18. B

    hey guys

    is it posisble to load 380 up to the power of 9mm. i would think you could since its just 2 milimeters shorter. has anyone done this before?? :) :)
  19. B

    couple of things..

    hey shorts... is your beretta a compact model or full size? I was looking at it and it looked kinda small. and also for those of you who ccw full size 92 or 96s. are they as wide as the taurus copy or are they skinnier????? when you ccw... how do you hide the thickness of the gun? any tips...
  20. B

    who makes those little 410 or 45 colt derringers??

    are they still in production??? do they last? would I be correct in thinking that they are loud as f@#$?? what all calibers do they come in??? I have held one in 22mag but that is it. thank you for the info. :) :) :confused: :confused: