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  1. B

    this may be a simple processs but.

    I have never heard of 'chopping' off a little bit of the handle of a gun. please tell me about this. this is interesting. is it as simple as it sound?. do they just simply grind the handle down a half inch and fix the grip to match it and make it look nice and mod the clip and wala! :confused:
  2. B

    am I correct in thinking that..

    single stack 1911s are skinnier than the double stack ones.
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    I need to find out exactly

    I want to descibe a gun to you and I want you to tell me what action it is. I have looked at sites and they are seem confusing. picture a 1911 gun where you cock it with your thumb the first time and then you fire it and the action recycles on its own but if you do not shoot the whole clip. you...
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    ok I have a deep question for you 1911 0wners

    I do not own a 1911 yet but I a m going to buy one in the next year or two. I am mainly looking at para, kimber, and spring field. I like pistol with shorter butts but long barrels. I was wondering if it is posisble to swap slides and things like that as long as I change the barrel too. what I...
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    Am I correct in thinking that the taurus pt92 will last as long and be as good as the beretta 92???
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    blued or stainless for ccw

    I was wondering looking at all of taurus's revolvers if a blued gun is easier to conceal because it is dark. or would you guys say that it would not matter. I personaly dress clothes most of the time so I was wondering if I should go with blued instead of stainless, what do you guts think...
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    opinions please

    has anyone tried this.
  8. B

    what is the difference

    between 45 gap and 45 acp. I know that g.a.p. stands for glock automatic pistol and I know that 45 colt is a weak loaded 45 with a rim. fill me in please??? :confused: :) :)
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    i am sorry to ask another frame question but....

    I was never really into smith and wesson but I have been noticing their revolvers are donwright beautiful! I noticed they have 3 main frame sizes as does taurus. my question is 'the 'J' frame, the smallest one 'model 60' am I correct in thinking that it would be about in between the taurus...
  10. B

    I have heard that...

    beretta 96s get 'loose' after about 1000 rounds because they were intended to be 9mms but the modify them to be 40. is this true beretta owners??
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    HUGE caliber

    does anybody make a handgun in 45-70 or 444. I know that there is 50 caliber pistols out there but I was not sure about longer ones.??? :D :D :confused: :confused:
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    another quick question - case tumblers

    am I correct in thinking that tumbling is putting your brass in a sand like substance in a cylinder like a dryer and it rotates also like a dryer and it comes out clean in a few minutes. is this all there is to it or do you have to clean it by hand also????
  13. B

    I am wondering....

    I was browsing the midway reloading site and I was wondering two things: 1) can 44mag bullets be used also for 444 marlin???? 2) I noticed that this site has brass cheaper than midway but its once fired. my question is 'how much hassle is it to prepare the brass to being...
  14. B

    please excuse my ignorance

    I am trying to learn about reloading and I have a couple question but one at a time. can I use one powder for all calibers or is there a powder per caliber. I am interested in reloading 45acp and 357/38 and 41mag. I have heard that some powerdes burn faster than others I was wondering if this...
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    yet another question...

    I know that you can 'redflag' yourself by buying a bunch of guns at one time but does buying alot of guns over time also red flag yourself or is it just the buying at one time that is the trigger. anyone who knows the details?? :confused: :confused:
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    hey guys I have another question to bug you with but am sure that everybody loves to put their two cents in so..... I have been looking at brass prices and things on the internet and I am interested if reloading really saves you that much money. what are you guys opinions on the money that you...
  17. B

    revolver question

    I know that 38 special can be fired out of a 357 mag but I have heard that if you do this for a while that you can foul up your cylinder a little bit. am I correct in thinking that if you clean a gun pretty much after every time you shoot it that this is no problem at all or will it still hurt a...
  18. B

    another question to throw out

    I have heard that the one disavantage of 9mm is that it will over penatrate. what are you guys opinion about his concept? would you say that hollow points are better for ccw or is the bullet just to small in diameter?
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    I am sorry to dwell on the subject

    but I want to get all the details in mmy mind straight. can someone trace a fired bullet to a certain gun???? 'this exact bullet came from this exact gun' :confused: :) :) thanks
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    advice please

    does anyone here own a taurus 'compact frame' revolver. I am very curious about these guns and will own one in time but I was curious to see if anyone here has exsperience with them. are they small... big...or how easy would it be for me to conceal one of them. :) :) :) would I be correct in...