Search results

  1. L

    Take Back America!

    I sent the following out in an e-mail to most of my e-mail list. I want to repost it here to make sure that as many people as I can reach see it. I will be looking for an inexpensive web host and registering a domain name as soon as I can raise some funds. This must be addressed! TAKE BACK...
  2. L

    Smart gun law in NJ?

    I just turned on the TV and heard John Gibson (the Big Show - Fox News) saying that NJ just passed a smart gun law. He also pointed out that ther are no smart guns available yet. I am waiting for the full story to get more info.
  3. L

    Hey Buckeyes, you still with us?

    Ohio sure looks a mess. Is everyone here okay?
  4. L

    ROTL, Oleg, Tamara and others in TN

    Are you all okay? No one went to Oz last night did they? While it might be fun as Oz has no gun laws at all, the mess the departure makes is not good at all. Here's hoping you all made it through the twisters okay.
  5. L

    FedEx truck explodes

    A FedEx truck exploded in St. Louis on Interstate 270 just now. Not the fuel tank or cab, it was the trailer that expolded. No other word yet.
  6. L

    Yet another shooting in the news (Tuscon, AZ)

    Three victims and a shooter are dead in the college of nursing. It is amazing how many of these stories run around every vote.
  7. L

    Rifle carry in trunk/vehicle

    Many off us carry a long gun in our vehicles. I carry a mini-14 in my trunk. I wonder how I would respond to the police if I were stopped at one of the road blocks like they are running in DC. How would you?
  8. L

    Consider this (sniper musings)

    Could the sniper's affiliation to Al Qaeda be evidenced by what he hasn't done rather than what he has done? Consider: The Connecticut Ave area of NW DC is very ethnic. There are people from all over the world there. There are many Arabs and many, many Africans. Most dress in traditional...
  9. L

    MD Pres of Firearms dealers speaks on BATF

    The President of the Maryland Licensed Firearms Dealers (he is also an FFL in Baltimore) just said that the BATF has been to the various gunshops in Maryland getting lists of all .223 rifle sales going back 2-3 years and following up on the owners. I wonder what will become of these lists after...
  10. L

    Texas has a Homeland Security site

    Click here to check it out. For those of you who fate has put elsewhere, I'm sorry.
  11. L

    SNL slams the NRA last night

    On their 28th season preview SNL ran a skit showing two hunters in a duck blind. They had no luck so just before leaving one said "How do I make a long distance collect call?" When Carrot top appeared with his pay phone the other hunted jacked a round into his shotgun and pointed it at him,. The...
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    Cake job in Houston

    Click HERE for a dream job in Houston.
  13. L

    Rep. Tancredo (R-AZ) poll in Denver Post

    Rep. Tancredo (R-CO) poll in Denver Post Check out the Article and poll online. Is Tancredo right or wrong in his stance on immigration?
  14. L

    I need some assistance please

    A year or so back there was a story or topic somewhere online (I've forgotten where) on law students being very poorly taught in matters related to the 2nd Amendment and gun laws in general. I need to find quotable sources on this issue. Can any of you help me out?
  15. L

    Trouble closer to home - Arizona

    Story Parker Canyon couple kidnapped by two illegal immigrants ADAM BOROWITZ Tucson Citizen Sept. 12, 2002 A Parker Canyon Lake couple in their 70s were assaulted and kidnapped yesterday by two illegal immigrants demanding transportation north for themselves and four others, authorities...
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    TX CCW

    My CCW has been processed and completed! I hope to see it in the mail in the next day or so. Finally, I am legal here! :cool:
  17. L

    Possible terrorist threat in South Florida today!

    Possible Terrorist Plot Against South Florida MIAMI -- An advisory has been sent out to police departments across the state. It's a warning about three men who may be putting together a dangerous plan involving Miami. A woman at a Georgia restaurant says she overheard three men talking about...
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    FloriDUH primary

    I just heard that Janet Reno is already positioning herself to challenge the primary results that aren't in yet. She alledgly has 53% of the vote. Bill trains his dogs well.
  19. L

    A friend's Synagogue was torched

    I just learned that a friend who I have been out of touch with all summer had his Synagogue torched by arsonists. The story is at B'nai Zion - Key West. They are really short of funds to rebuild. If any of you know anywhere/anyone who can help them get their place of worship rebuilt, please...
  20. L

    Assault truck
