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  1. L

    About the pending attack on Iraq

    Where you ever in combat? Not as an REMF but out on the sharp end of the stick? I have no way of knowing if you are being truthful. I have to rely on your honesty to get an accurate reading on this poll. I am trying to see if those amongst us who have "seen the elephant" and actually exchanged...
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    Don't Tread On Me

    Where can I find bumper stickers of the same flag that the Navy is reflying?
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    TFL and the whole Internet in danger

    While this might sound little tinfoil wearing nutcase paranoia, it isn't. Consider how much of the Internet is routed over equipment and cables owned and operated by Worldcomm/MCI. The feds have arreested or are arresting the top two at Worldcomm today. They may go in and close the company down...
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    Walt Disney and guns

    I was searching for something to watch on cable and I ran across the Disney Channel. Walt was on. He was holding a Colt SSA and talking about western heros. They went on to tell the story of Elfego Baca a Mexican American in New Mexico in the late 1800's. The line I liked the best was when...
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    FYI - WoD on ABC 7/30 @10PM EST

    A snippet of the story: It remains to be seen how this is presented but from the way the article is written it looks like it will be interesting if nothing else.
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    Fox news sort of blasts trigger locks!

    On Tony Snow's show they had John Lott on and a nice story about gun locks being more dangerous than not. They will repeat the story on the Fox Report (on now).
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    Jewish groups take-up arms in Brooklyn

    Jewish Group Plans Armed Patrols in Brooklyn By THE NEW YORK TIMES (You need to register to see the article) Brooklyn rabbi said yesterday that he had organized an armed patrol of more than 50 people to guard the streets of Borough Park and Flatbush starting next Sunday night in response to a...
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    40,000 ordered to evacuate in Colorado!

    Due to the wild fires that are burning out of control near Denver, the gov. ordered the forced evacuation of 40,000 people from the South West side of Denver. I suppose we will now see how well evacuation plans run.
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    Gun savy lawyers in San Antonio, Texas

    Can anyone refer me to a lawyer who knows about gun laws in San Antonio, TX? On a similar topic, is there any support for lobbying the powers that be here to add a forum for lawyers to post their info on?
  10. L

    Help an anti-gun poll get it right :o) The poll is at the bottom of the page.
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    Patriotic/pro-gun music

    Listen to with real player. Go visit for some rock and roll music videos that speak to the patriot in all of us.
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    W signed the CFR this morning

    Okay, So the Shrub signed the bill and slipped off to his ranch for a long Easter holiday. My site,, should be online by tonight. I have a PayPal account set up to take donations to support the suit against this law. (I know, they are not our friend but they take the...
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    I need an artist!

    I need an artist to draw a picture to be used as the logo for my anti-CFR site. What I want is a color drawing of a gagged and handcuffed Statue of Liberty, standing defiantly with her crown askew and her torch and book at her feet. The gag should be a handkerchief type across her mouth and her...
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    Please help me help the fight against Congress

    Please help me help the fight against CFR I am in the process of setting up a domain to facilitate channeling donations to the lawyers (whomever they may be) who will be fighting the horror called the Campaign Finance Reform bill. I need suggestions for domain names. I am leaning towards...
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    Shame them into submission

    I wrote a letter to Bush and Cheney yesterday. I am sicked by this administration's lack of resolve to take any meaningful steps to combat terrorism here at home. Hiring monkeys and McDonalds rejects as federal employees to harass people away from flying is a cosmetic change at best and a...
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    Attempted fuel truck hijacking?

    On Wednesday a pair of men in a Dodge Neon tried to run a fuel truck of the road - repeatedly! The NC state PD is treating it as an attempted hijacking and have a multistate alert for the vehicle (NJ tags) and two possibly middle eastern men. Should truck drivers be armed? Should hazmat drivers...
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    Khyber rifle

    I was just given a "Khyber" rifle from my cousin. It is a clone of the Mauser 98 with a straight bolt. All of the markings are in one of the Indian languages. Does anyone have any idea about the value of one of these? I know it is one of those rifles made in Northern India (now Pakistan) and not...
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    2nd A story on Fox news tonight

    I just heard that there is a special report on Shepard Smith's show "The Fox Report" tonight on the Fox News Channel.
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    Michael Moore at it again

    This is sort of off topic but as Moore is so anti-gun I thought it worth chancing the warth of the mods.
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    AR-10 conversion

    Presupposing that I have filed all of the proper papers and paid my tax, How difficult is it to convert a semi-auto AR-10 to selective fire? Are there any sources for info on this?