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    Savage or Ruger Lower?

    All, Thinking about starting an AR build. Saw two lowers at Academy Sports today, a Savage @ $69.99, and a Ruger @ $79.99. I had never seen a Savage lower before, didn’t know they produced them....finish of both were pretty much equal, the markings pretty much the same. My reading of AR...
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    Savage 64F

    All, for an inexpensive plinker, the Savage 64F has come onto my radar. A pretty simple, auto, 10 rd mag, synthetic black stock rifle. I can get one for @ $110+tax. Anyone have one of these? I know there are better for rifles for not much more, but for the money, what do you think?
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    Rem 870 Stock/Sling Swivel

    I looked at my 870 HD shotgun stock and it looks like there is room on the interior of the stock to drill and then screw a swivel into it. Has anyone done this? My HD which is the basic plain no frills SG doesn't have any mechanisms for affixing slings/swivels, but it looks fairly straight...
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    New pistol from FN USA. I also saw the DA version of the Hi Power. Does anyone have one yet? Price? Do they take Hi Power mags? Thanks, Mike
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    Best Custom Leather Gun Belt?

    Having never owned a custom leather gun belt, I am looking to do so at this time as my current(regular dress) leather belt is wearing out. I would like a belt that is sturdy, is a dress belt and looks good. Does anyone have experience with metal lined belts? How well did it wear...
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    Gun Shop Sticker Shock! Sig 229

    First, I believe in a free market system. Things are worth what people are willing to pay for them. Well, I had the opportunity to stop in a gunshop in town today. I have been there before, and purchased only ammo and targets etc. because the guy is absurdly high in his prices on all guns...
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    My very first outing...

    ...for deer! Today I went out with a coworker, fresh deer buck tags in hand, to scout for deer. It was a neat experience as I haven't been hunting since I was 10, and that was with my g'pa in E. Washington for Pheasant. Needless to say I was excited. We ended up in the Sisqyou Nat. Forest...
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    Need Help Identifying this Auto

    My inlaw gave me a plastic tub of odds and ends for the 30-06 that I am borrowing from him for hunting season. At the bottom of the tub was this pistol. It has no mag, is heavily rusty through out and especially on the slide where it is difficult for me to read the engraving. Here's what I...
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    XD9 Finish, what is Bruniral?

    I tried looking on SA's site to see the specifics of what this type of finish is. Didn't find it. The one I held a few days ago felt almost like Glock's Tenifer, but was a little smoother. Does anyone know exactly what it is, or is like? How about the durability of this finish? The one I...
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    870 Buttstock question

    Are there any aftermarket replacements for the thick rubber buttstock endcap? I think if this thing was smaller or reduced it would help fit much better. I want to avoid purchasing a whole new buttstock! :) Mike
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    SP 101, for my better half?

    Is there an easy way to lighten the trigger of a SP 101, in addition to dry firing, and not spending big $ ? Me and the wife are looking for a home revolver for her, and we liked everything about it, but I and she thought the trigger was awfuly heavy in double action. Maybe dryfiring it 16...
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    Price check, Kahr P9

    I have been researching prices on Kahr's 9mm's, especially the P9, and they are everywhere!!!! Wherever you are, whats the going rate for a new Kahr? I saw a P9 on Auction arms for almost $700 :eek: Have I been out of the pistol buying circle too long or does this seem a little pricey...
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    New family pet/protector

    Hello All! Got a new puppy(2.5 months old) , german shepard mix yesterday. In addition to having the dog become a new family member, she will help to protect the family when the time may arise. My wife really wanted a dog for the family, and also to help her feel more safe at home when I am...
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    Price Check: Ruger Security Six

    I saw and held a used Ruger Security Six today. It was stainless steel, wood grips and a 2 3/4" barrel. Looked pretty good, and had a smooth trigger. Asking price was $349. Good deal?? Mike
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    Who saw Hannity and Colmes tonight on Fox?

    I caught Hannity and Colmes tonight on Fox. They had a guest on named Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, a professor of Cal-State Hayward. Long story short, she basically said that our Air Force showed our bomber pilots porn movies prior to launching every mission. My wife and I looked at eachother and...
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    EMF Revolvers??

    Saw an ad in Shot Gun News for 1875 Remington Single Action revolvers. I have heard virtually nothing about this revolver, or anything from EMF. I "think" they primarily produce revolvers in a single action/cowboy style. How durable are they? The ad had them in .45 LC, 357 mag, and 44-40...
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    FN Forty-Nine

    2 Days ago I happened into a shop that had one of these in the case. I got to hold it and I was impressed. It fit my hand like a glove. Having read comments on TFL on the trigger I was pleasantly suprised, it felt glassy smooth and consistently broke at the same spot. Again, a really smooth...
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    High Polish?

    Saw a 1911 with a "high blue" polish on it, almost mirror shiny. Is it possible to put a high polish on an auto(i.e. slide) without sending it out to some of the often talked about places that do finishes? I imagine it would depend on the existing surface of the metal, but I'm not sure. It...
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    Stock options for 870 HD

    Hello All, When I bring my 870 up to my shoulder, I find the rubber butt snags like hell on my clothes. My buddy also had the same problem. Are there any other "ends" or stock replacements that are less likely to snag? Even as I practice swinging it up it just wants to snag on me. Any...
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    What conventional weapons are likely to see action in Afghanistan?

    I can think of the basics for the American ground troops (M9, M16, etc.). But what about our allies? Talibad? Are there any challenges that our weapons may encounter in that particular environment? Any new stuff? I've been watching HBO's Band of Brothers , and seen (via movie making...