Search results

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    Movie revolver...The Professional

    What is the revolver that Gary Oldman uses in the movie, The Professional? He's the wacked out Federal Agent. My guess is that it's a S&W Performance Center, but I'm just not sure. Mike
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    Cz 75 B Sa

    Anyone have a chance to handle/shoot/own one of these? Mike
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    Ruger P94

    Is there any way to remove one side of the decocking/safety lever on the Ruger series of auto pistols? I know that on Berettas it can be done. Was just trying to think of a way to slim the chunky slide down for CCW. Any response would be appreciated. Thanks, Mike
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    Need help identifying date of rifle manufacture

    My father-in-law has a Winchester lever action rifle that he showed me today, that he acquired decades ago in a trade. I tried looking at winchester's site, but he research link is down. So if any of you have information on the rifle I would appreciate the effort. Here it is: The serial...
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    Uh-oh, speck of rust on the pistol, now what?

    Today, I while holstering my Witness .45, I noticed a speck of rust near the top strap/tang, where the web of my hand grasps the pistol. Now, I have NEVER had rust appear on any firearm, and promptly wiped it down with Break Free. But, what is the best most efficient way to make the little...
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    Kimber Pro Carry

    Does anyone have experience with the ProCarry and Pro Carry HD? I held one recently and found it to have extremely good balance and it felt just right. I liked the weight of the Pro Carry. I understand the HD to mean Heavy Duty and is made of Stainless Steel. Any response would be...
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    Can I, a civilian become a Glock Armorer?

    I was just wondering as to if this were possible, as I saw an interesting job with the LVMPD, as Firearms Specialist. LVMPD(las vegas metro) carries Glocks. Any repsonse would be appreciated. Thanks, Mike
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    BRAVO to JeffOTMG and Shot Show Reports!

    Jeff, Just wanted to say thanks for the effort and quality reporting you gave to the board. My curiousity for the upcoming year is peaked with the interesting developments. When you're here in Vegas next year for the show, gimme a call and I'll give you a hand. Thanks again, Mike
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    S&W Performance Center Revolvers

    Does any TFL'rs have experience shooting these pistols? I saw a pic of the Performance Center Model 629 and it really jumped at me. How durable are these pistols? Cost? Ever since I read Stephen King's The Gunslinger it...
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    Handgun for sister who is arthritic...where to start?

    I need some direction here... My sister approached me this evening and asked to go shooting with me this weekend. I asked why and she stated that she is now working with some people who are "gun enthusiasts," and wanted to begin shooting for sport as well as self defense. We made tentative...
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    Making my own wood grips???

    I recently ordered and received the walnut grips for my Witness .45. They look good, but I like the look of the Coco Bolo on the flat black rather than the plain walnut brown. I looked at the grips, and thought I could make some myself. The frame of the pistol doesn't have any action work...
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    Colt Pocket 9, and KZ-40

    I was in the range this past weekend and saw these 2. There was also the Pocket Lite(.380), but the Pocket Nine really impressed me as a neat CCW piece. The trigger was heavy and gritty, but I know those can be smoothed out. Also saw the KZ-40. This pistol was made by CZ in .40 with the...
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    Need a lock-blade

    I'm looking for a simple, inexpensive(but not cheap), utilitarian lockblade knife. The blade has to be less than 4 inches, as I intend to carry it on me where ever I go. It can have a clip on it, but I will probably just put it in my pocket. I have seen some from Benchmade that I like, but...
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    Physical/Arm Strength for Shooting?

    How do you train to develop arm strength to become better at shooting? For me, it is PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE, pushups, and grip master, and squishing a tennis ball. If I am doing anything someone feels is wrong, or could be doing better, lemme know. Mike
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    I got to meet John Lott Jr. tonight...

    The wife and I were wandering through book stores here in Las Vegas. We have recently moved here and are trying to learn the town. We ended up at Borders Books on Rainbow and Cheyenne. While browsing the isles, I noticed a table set up with books and a bunch of chairs surrounding it. I...
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    I can't believe up and running. FINALLY! :) Mike
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    Pro-Mag G19 polymer mags...

    ...junk or a good deal? I tend to think that any aftermarket mags for the Glock are dicey at best. My buddies ordered 3 of them a few month's ago, and has put 1000 rounds through his G19 without a hiccup using those mags. I saw a recent ad in SGN selling these for $10 apiece. I know there...
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    Hi-cap Witness .45 mags?

    I was searching SGN the other day and found hi-cap 38 Super mags (18 rounders)for the Witness. This leads me to ask the question, did Tanfoglio ever make hi-cap mags in the .45 and send them here to the U.S.? Mike
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    Source on Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk2?

    Did some research and it seems like the No4 Mk2 is the one that is peaking my interest. Now, where to find them, and at what cost? I have read that there are some out there that are assembled, new from parts. Mike
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    Beretta Compact or Cougar for CCW?

    I currently carry my 92 Brigadier in 9mm for ccw. I am contemplating either switching to the Compact Carry, or the fuss size Cougar for ccw. My rationale is that I will be familiar with the operation of either pistol as I am already familiar with my 92. Also, it is my understanding that the...