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    Shipment of pre 1898 rifle out of country

    I have a 1876 winchester(manufactured 1884) on auction arms right now. The high bidder on it at this time is from Germany.I recieved an e mail from him stateing that because of its age I could ship to Germany to him and no need for an FFL.Now I know that I can ship this firearm myself to out of...
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    Article on border crossing in AZ

    Can't put this on line as it is in the new Soldier of Fortune magazine.I urge everyone to pick SOF and read this article.Very well written and tells the truth rather then the bull**** the media is writting.
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    Want To Hunt Dino's or ?????Here Is Chance!!!!

    Professor Ronald L. Mallett, professor of physics at the University of Connecticut, says he has found the secret to travelling back and forward in time, and many colleagues are taking him seriously. He says he has the mathematics to back up his theory and hopes in the next 10 years to send...
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    AZ Response Systems Metacol 3 finish

    Anybody have this finish on their firearms?If so how good is it?Durablity and so on? Thanks
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    Expoloded Firearm Drawings Good site to bookmark
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    Washington Post On The Dc Police Department
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    A Must Read About A Police Department Be sure to read day one and allso the stories of the people who where shot.These people are out of control...
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    American Gunsmithing Ass

    Does anyone know anything about this outfit.I am getting info from them and wonder if its all on the up and up.Could use any info you have.
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    Anyone useing Industrail pistol powder?

    I load with IPP from maine cartridge co.Wonder if I am the only one.If not would like to compare loads worked up for 45acp-38-9mm and so on.
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    New Border Threat

    Mexico: The next Lebanon? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- © 2001 We've all heard and read the reports recently about how the Mexican government is actively promoting illegal migration into the United States – even providing...
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    Excellent Read From About .Com On Police Powers Very good read with links.Well worth your time
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    Cartridge Case ID

    Headstamp markings,D at 12 oclock,3 oclock, 87, 6,star,9,11.Case length 1.473,ID case mouth .482 rim dia .585.Straight case,berdan primed.Primer pocket protrudes from base.I think its euro military but I can't find it in cardridges of the world. Thanks
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    Sniper who killed Randy's Wife

    Sorry didn't see the other post on this subject.Please close
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    Winchester blanks

    Anybody have any idea when Winchester stopped making black powder blanks?Box is white with red letters. Thanks
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    Some debateable thoughts by Mr Reed

    Going South A Gringo Among Los Frijoleros As the Great Mexican Squid, Tequila, and Lolligagging Bail-Out creeps closer, I gotta decide what to do about this rattletrap column. A while back, it dawned on me that maybe I'd been in the column racket too long. Since 1973 I've been banging...
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    Assault Victim Castrates Attacker

    From AZ Republic today but not on website. A man has been charged with trying to rape a women who castrated him during the attack,police said. Erik williams,21,tried to force a 42 year old women to perform a sex act on him early Friday,and while the two struggled the women bit off his...
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    Question on casualties?

    Does anyone have a source for the numbers killed in Israel due to terrorist attacks and how many Palistinions have been killed in retaliation.
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    Minn CCW

    Recieved from my brother in MN Fell two votes short in the minnesota senate - passed the house. Our state senate needs some house cleaning.
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    from bonehead awards

    In the Evil Parallel Universe you are innocent until proven guilty but that has nothing to do with whether you go to jail or not or even whether you are killed for a crime. A man, convicted of rape in 1986, who has been incarcerated for 15 years and who lost his wife and children because of the...
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    Film Shows Japanese As Indonesia Liberators

    From todays AZ Republic.I have to type it out as I can't find it on their site A major Jalanese film distributor on Sat debuted a movie that critics say falsely suggests Japan helped liberate Indonesia from Dutch colonizers after WW 11. Merdeka-"independence"in Indonesian-tells the story of...