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    Army Of One

    This was forwarded to me by a friend. Tom who sent it to him is a active duty solder with I think about 10 yrs in.He is about to join the 10th special forces group. I AM AN ARMY OF ONE > I am the 18-24 year old being targeted by this new > marketing concept, the > very embodiment of "what's in...
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    Dear voter, Log on to to tell state leaders if Arizona should allow background checks of all gun sales. Currently, cities and counties are not allowed to require private dealers to conduct these checks. Some lawmakers are pushing for a change in the law...
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    AT SUPERBOWL?Your pic now on file???Long

    Some other ramifiacations.What is a hacker get into the sustem with your picture and adds it?Don't say it can't be done,it can and will happen. Surveillance In A Digital Age Time For Serious Thought A few years back I was chasing beans and bacon as a high-tech writer and ran across a...
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    MEC GAR Magazines

    As brought up in different thread I checked my mec gar mags(sig 220) for cracks.Found two with cracks. I then emailed them to find out if there is a warrente or if they are doing anything about the defect.I did this a week ago and have recieved no reply as yet.Has anyone else contacted them and...
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    Maybe why we are in so much trouble

    One possible explination. Here's a question posed by a student to God: Dear God, Why didn't you save the school children in Littleton, Colorado? Sincerely, Concerned Student Dear Concerned Student, I am not allowed in schools. Sincerely, God Now read below for how this has unfolded in an...
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    A WEALTH OF INFORMATION This site contains links to many military - firearms sites. Plus much other information.A good site for the inquesative(sp)
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    Trimble GPS system

    Anyone have any experence with them?I picked up a used scoutmaster and am in the process of learning how to use it.Any advise or comments? Thanks
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    A Very Good Letter From A Brit.

    A letter sent to Guns&Ammo magazine; February 2001 issue; page 7, titled "A Confused Brit". This is a wake-up call for American firearms owners. "I am baffled by the way that some of your readers do not practise what they preach, considering they tend to see themselves as defenders of...
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    New York State 50 cal owners BEWARE

    here is a bill pending that bans all .50 cal weapons and even tells you to turn them in to the authorities. notice that they can't find the vote record. If I was voting to disarm you I wouldn't want my name released either. New York State Bill A08992 All available information for bill A08992...
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    Read to about the 4th para will make you SICK!!!!!!!

    Read starting with Solicitor General Seth para.I puked when I read this.A police spate with no checks is what is being talking about pure and simple.Murder with no recourse for justice. Appeals Panel Hears Ruby Ridge Case By DAVID KRAVETS, Associated Press Writer SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The FBI...
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    Military Is still One Big Family

    Thought this would be a good read fro all. FW: Tragedy changes opinion of Army (Editor's note: The following letter was written by Krista Kelly McNeill, 16, and sent to her brother's battalion commander as an open letter to the Army. Krista was the youngest sister of Spc. Michael J...
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    PUNCH for Christmas

    2 qts Hawian punch 1 1/2 qts 100% vodka 1 1/2 qts 151% run(clear) 1/4 pt 56% sloe gin 1 cup sugar 1 bottle cherries(not too much juice) 5 lemons (juice only) pinch of bullseye(to keep it in gun topic) Ends up at 105 proof Hangover cure 1 qt tequla(100% +) 1 qt rum(151%)clear 1 qt vodka 1 qt...
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    Jerry Michels-Mesa Raid by ATF.New Questions???

    Recieved this today so am posting it.I don't know what to think as of right now.Does anyone have more info ? We sent this out as a stand-alone email in hopes it would reach all of the nooks and crannies of the internet where we've been attacked by people who are convicting a gun dealer before...
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    telephone number??????

    I need the telephone number or URL for packmeyr(sp)grips. Thanks
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    Funds For The Federal Police!!!!!!!!!!!

    The Disturbing Trend Toward Federal Police by Congressman Ron Paul The House of Representatives recently approved a mas- sive appropriations bill that will fund various Treasury Department agencies at record spending levels. The bill...
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    How Long Before A Nuke War????????????

    This is a scary piece of information. ISRAEL, SYRIA COULD BE HEADING FOR WAR By Steve Rodan JERUSALEM [MENL] For the first time in a decade, Israel has raised the prospect of a regional war with the Arab world...
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    Looking for a set of rubber grips for a Sig 245

    Went through the catalog today and houge doesn't make grips for the 245.I can't find a packmeyer catalog.Anyone have a source of good quality rubber grips for the 245? Thanks
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    OPEN LETTER If Gore steals the election I pledge the following; 1-I will obey no law that he has signed 2-no presidental decree shall be obeyed 3-I will not reconize gore a the legal representive of the people of the united states nor as the legal president of America I call on all patriotic...
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    My Glock is History

    Well I traded it off today.Took a bath on the glock but at least its gone.Got a Sig 245.Am now happy.The glock shot every time I pulled the trigger but didn't fit me at all.Its pointing characteristics where way off.By the way a friend of mine just sent his back to glock.One of the new ones.It...
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    Check the link for time and places.Read this is scary crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALERT FROM JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization November 10, 2000 ALERT: Socialist Demonstrations From: Liz Michael To: [list] Sent: Friday...