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  1. H


    Sirs; There are no words in any language that express my feelings concerning our four dead brothers killed in Lybia! It is time we shut off, instantly, every penney of aid we give these thankless rebels who, in truth, actually hate us, We have bled in the sands of these countries to...
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    Our Soldiers!

    Sirs; I violently reject the uproar the media has caused over the Marines giving the creep they shot a "golden Shower'! Our Marine snipers should be LEFT ALONE! How are we supposed to fight a war with the D.C. politico generals and sec. of defense always trying them for doing...
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    Good Ruger experience

    Sirs; Sometime ago I sent in a Ruger Tropical rifle in 375H&H for barrel work. I recieved a phone call and letter telling me that they couldn't get the barrel out of my rifle, and, that some damage to the action trying rendered the rifle unrepairable. So, they, in the letter told me that I...
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    Sirs; I miss Wildalaska on the forum - has he been ill or just busy? Harry B.
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    Hospital again!

    Sirs; Well, I misbehaved and ate too much, gained too much weight and the real killer was I drank way too much water (fluid)! Well, they took me in again (me thinking it was "IT" again) and took 10 gallons of fluid off me in three days! Call me "STUPID!" I'm fine again and here -...
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    Dave Samples?

    Sirs; I've missed Mr. Samples on the forum; do any of you know if he's ill, or something? Harry B.
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    Heart Attack

    Sirs; Been absent for a time - about 6 weeks ago I had a heart attack that required five stents at Riverside Methodist Hospital and I'm getting along great! This had been coming on for about three years - lack of energy, etc! Didn't want to worry the wife and I was 73 so I figured...
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    High End Work

    Sirs; Dustin Bonar, son of the late Paul "Joe" Bonar of Novaks has a new business now - Lightening Strike Technologies - e-mail at The site is, the address is 62 Sky Road, Williamstown WVa, 26107. phone is (304) 375-2224 and Fax is (304) 375-7799...
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    Long Range?

    Sirs; I hear alot, anymore about long range shooting. Yes, I'm aware it can be done but I frown on it for game hunting. Very, very few of us realize how far, truly, 100 yards is. Fewer yet concieve of 200 yards! I would suppose that most of the big game shot in this country...
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    My Friends

    Sirs; I hope the staff will allow my post. I consider you all my friends and I want your prayers and support in a matter. I've been looking at things on m my computer no one should - especially a Christian man. I want your prayers to help me be a man and quit this awful thing - it...
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    thumbhole Mauser stock

    Sirs; I ordered a JRS 98 Mauser stock from Boyd and I got a "thumbhole" stock instead! How many of you have used and like a "thumbhole" stock and like it? I don't want to ship it back. Harry B.
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    Growing trigger pull weight

    Sirs; Last week I was given a Caspian frame (factory drilled and tapped for their mount) and a slide (no markings whatever) by a friend for whom I did some milling work. I had enough parts to complete the gun. Everything was O.K. until I got to the Trigger! (Kart bbl, S&A nag well...
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    Help with Redfield Scope

    Guys, I have been given an older Redfield Scope. The scope is a J00036 20 fixed power scope with a reat focus abd a front range or focus adjustment with little V marks for various ranges on the front which locks in place by the very front adjustment ring. I think I focus the rear to a...
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    SAAMI specs

    Sirs: Cartridge dimensions (saami) on the belt on the 7 mm, mag are: .220 - .008 which means a case belt could be .212 Chamber dimensions are .220 minimum, .227 max. This means your chamber could be .227 max. Now, if you have a minimum case and a maximum chamber that you have a...
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    back on line

    Hey Guys: I'm back on line on an old Compaq computer. Been having computer troubles. Glad to be back! Harry B.
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    been gone - be back

    Hey Guys! I'm not dead - my computer blew up! Will be back soon. Missed you all. Harry B.
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    need your opinions

    Sirs: I have a grandson, old enough to know better who is a nazi, has an MG42 semi, wears a German issue helmet, comes up to eat with his buddies and tries to convince me that the Nazis were good guys! Last week when he wore his helmet up to, as usual, eat with his buddy I expressed my...
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    Browning T-Bolt

    Sirs: I have a Browning, Belgian made T-bolt that has a few rust spots on the outside of the bbl. Bluing is very good but I wonder if it would ruin the rifles value to reblue the bbl? What think ye? Harry B.
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    A mistake - A learning - Brownells tech dept!

    Hey Guys: I was threading a Mauser - 1.100X12 thd! I set my pins on the quick change (B hole and 6th pin) and went at it, several times! The action would screw on loose because it got tight and wouldnt' shoulder up! I tried two barrels on this setting, checked and rechecked everything -...
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    muzzle brake on 338UM?

    Sirs: Can you believe it - my grandson talked me in to threading and fitting a large muzzle brake on his stainless Sendero!:o It was 5/8X28 thd. and it made the O.D. of the brake even with bbl. O.D. We cut bbl. so you just barely had to put minimum pressure to screw it on right -...