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  1. H

    Courtesy On The Forum

    Gentlemen: I guess I got a nerve touched. We, the way I look at it, are all "brothers" here on the forum. We ought not always, "be out to get someone, or someones posts or ideas" - we ought to be here to exchange ideas, yes, sometimes incorrect, but our best ideas. Yea, we'll all make...
  2. H

    495 A-Square

    Hey! Guys! Well, Doc. and I finished the p-17 modificatons and it feeds A-Square monolific solids like butter. I got good square threads on the bbl. finally, he did the bolt-face and I set the headspace at .250 - not with the go-no-go guages. We stocked up the 577 gr. Woodleigh bullets...
  3. H

    Monsin Nagant feeding

    Sirs: If you have a Russian Nagant that jams on feeding from the magazine take out the bottom mag assy, remove spring with screw and form the heavy spring up with more curve - it works fine. Harry B.
  4. H

    Square Threads

    Sirs: Doc and I were doing a 495 A-Square - I was helping him. I had the bbl. tennon at .800, the tennon minor dia, cut and started threading 10 TPI! Everything looked fine - then, at the proper time we started the bbl. on#R@R$TT^%&&^*%&&. Visibly, the first thread was wider! Well, my...
  5. H

    Chinese Mauser 98 style??

    Sirs: I was given a supposed "Chinese" 98 Mauser, and it does seem like a dead ringer, bolt interchanges, and other parts. Broke the bbl. out with action wrench and pipe wrench and faced off the front ring even and fitted a stainless 26" 25-06 bbl. to it - test fired two Federal Premium -...
  6. H

    fine model 19 357

    Sirs: I'm in need of some info - I suppose Jim will know, (Don't know how he knows so much about everything). My 19 - 4" bb. is the best Smith I've ever found - tight crane, cylinders timed correctly, minimum bbl. cyl gap, perfect function but I have a question about Smith ejector rods...
  7. H

    Hawken Help

    Sirs: Am building my first 54 cal. Hawken full stock Hawken. Cherry stock. Can someone show me a picture of an original so I know where to put furniture? The bbl. is inletted, the lock, the set triggers and the butt-plate. I don't know how many or where to put the bbl. retaining keys -...
  8. H

    400 CORBON in 1911 package

    Sirs: I'll be as concise as possible - The 1911 package is not suitable for these modified pistol cartridges. You are supposed to "drop in" a bbl, use the sights, magazine, and springs with the 400 CORBON? Not so! First, there is no such thing as a "drop in" part - some will "drop in"...
  9. H

    Thank You

    Veterans: I'd like to give a big respectful thanks to all of our veterans and all of you on the forum. Thank you for your service to our country! Harry B.
  10. H

    22 rifle

    Hey! Guys! Do any of you know about the old heavy target rifle made by Stevens - the one with the heavy bbl. with the "bullzeye" stamped on the bbl? I'd really like to get a-hold of one. Harry B.
  11. H


    Sirs: There is nothing - nothing in the whole world like a good Mauser Action! Harry B.:)
  12. H

    muzzle brakes etc - confession - oops!

    Men: I was going through my guns the other day and guess what I realized? I have a beautiful Jap 6.5 engraved sporter (done by a pro) and looked at the muzzle - egad! it has an old Herters muzzle brake on it! I assure you I did not put it on - but after my diatribes about muzzle...
  13. H

    495 A-Square

    Sirs: Doc is using a P-17 Enfield action for this round - it is precisely the action A- Square uses for their big rifles. A-Square is hard to get hold of - do any of you smiths know how to do the rail and action work for this behemoth? If so would you please share it with me and doc...
  14. H

    Back on line

    Hi! Guys! I.m back on the forum/internet with an old Gateway computer that's as slow as Moses! Great to be back with you fellas. Harry B.
  15. H

    dear members

    Sirs: I probably will be leaving the internet in the future. I want to thank the members and guests for a very pleasant experience on this Forum - thank you all. This is the best forum I know of, everybody is respectful and the staff is experienced and knowledgeable. Harry B.
  16. H

    495 A-Square?

    Hey Guys: Doc and I are contemplating building a 495 A-Square and he has two High Number Springfield actions. We are wondering how long the magazine box is because the 495 is 3.600 long. Do any of you fellas have a Springfield action you could measure and look and see how much of a job it...
  17. H

    Old Calibers for new men

    Shooters: As you all know I've been building some German and other large calibers. I'm restricted by cash to use the Mauser action - VZ24s. and Turkish 38s. I've found these actions suitable for some good large calibers like the 9.3X62, 9.3X64 and 416 Taylor (458 necked to 416!) I...
  18. H

    9.3x64 Oal

    Friends: I've just completed my 9.3X64 bbl'd. action, welded handle on, opened bolt-face etc. and works like a charm (yes, in a 1/2 Mauser test stock it does kick) but it ia a soft big push, not a sharp Tyson jab. I'm looking for ctg, oal and cannot fint a dm. I'm thinking of...
  19. H

    Merry Christmas

    Guys! I wish you a happy, merry Christmas to all and a good New Year. Harry B.
  20. H

    To: The Staff

    Dear Sirs: I had made no posts today but the post on case head separation. I was allowed the time - great! Then upon completing the post I was told I had to wait 30 seconds because I had posted too soon? I had not posted today! It seems that "staff" needs to tell me what I'm doing...