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  1. C

    Brady "State Grades" vs. Violent Crime

    I've just finished making a spreadsheet comparing the new 04-05 violent crime statistics ( with Brady's state letter grades for 2005. TFL won't let me upload an excel file, so you'll have to email me for the full version. Here's a summary though...
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    Firearms Montage with a High Speed Camera The link is for a really cool montage of footage from high speed cameras, taken of firearms and targets. It's also synced up to some music which captures the moment very nicely (IMO). Cheers, Wolfe... (*Drools at their framerate.*)
  3. C

    "Google Bombing" the Right?

    (Link here.) IMO, this article goes hand-in hand with this thread. It was bad enough when smear campaigns were on TV and radio, but Google bombing to influence the results people get when they search for politicians is just wrong. It takes one of the few ways to get mostly unbiased information...
  4. C

    Here's a candidate I'd vote for.

    I found what's probably the most interesting candidate around. Even though he seems fairly gimmicky, I'd probably vote for him pretty quick: To keep it gun-related, here's something to show his opinion on guns. It also shows his opinion on gays --...
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    This is kinda creepy... The report is included in the page... Any thoughts?
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    Garden Eviction... Thoughts? Friday, May 19, 2006 Last chance to save LA's South Central Farm The South Central Farm, which is believed to be the largest urban community garden in the United States, will disappear shortly unless members of the public lend...
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    Taking tacticool to new heights! (Or was that lows?)...

    Cheers folks. I'm taking WebIII, a multi-media for the web sorta course at my highschool... One of our Photoshop section projects was a magazine cover... And so... :D Enjoy.
  8. C

    Gun: "I've been shot!"

    Taken from: What'll they think of next?:confused: Wolfe. (EDIT: There's also a link to the patent in the article.)
  9. C

    More guns on the History Channel!

    Looks like April 17th's a good day to call in sick or take a day off or whatever: 8AM: Naval Guns 9AM: Shotguns 10AM: Guns of Infantry 11AM: The Gunslingers 12PM: The M-16 Repeats again at 2PM. (All times are ET/PT, only on the History Channel...) Cheers, Wolfe.
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    Weird things the day after shooting...

    Ok, so this is from a few months back, but it got me thinking... A few months ago, I did some shooting over the weekend... On Monday, it was back to school for more boreducational stuff. I didn't really notice untill the end of the day, walking to the bus on concrete... But my shoe was making a...
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    Heads up:

    Heads up for those with TiVo, PVRs, VCRs, or an inclination to get "sudden colds"... History Channel's got a good deal of gun-related programming coming up: February 8th, on the History Channel are the following Modern Marvels episodes (all in order, all back-to-back) starting at 8AM ET/PT...
  12. C

    The Bunny...

    Ok, so it seems like every day, someone else on TFL is helping the bunny take over the world... So... Bunny rolecall! :D Just curious to see how many of ya'll are helping out with the bunny, or a similar variant (*cough*azredhawk44*cough*)... Cheers everyone, and happy conquering Mr. Bunny...
  13. C

    Unwillingly signed up for ASVAB.

    Hey guys. I know this is slightly OT (I'll understand if it's locked), but it's kinda urgent. I need a quick response from anyone up-to-date on military testing and enlistment proceedures. --- Background --- Today, I got home from school and my mom told me my school counselor called. The...
  14. C

    It's the blue one, right?

    I'm gonna re-assemble my 10/22 tomorrow, and I plan on loctiting the scope mount screws to keep it from rattling loose after a brick... My dad said I wanna use blue if I'll ever take it off again, and I trust him, but I forgot to ask if it'll have any problems with the aluminum reciever (say...
  15. C

    Super Fun Gun Pic Game!!!

    Pic 1: A guitar gun... Pic 2: I REALLY wanna post the text accompanying this, but ya'll would find it too easy that way so I'll wait 'till someonefinds it... The story behind it is pretty good though. :D Pic 3: Yeah... Umm... This is a real pistol. No more details untill someone finds it...
  16. C

    My new website...

    Ok, not quite new... But yeah. Did this roughly two months ago for a school project (web design). Didn't want to go public with it untill the teacher had a chance to grade it BEFORE I ran out of bandwidth... ;) It's a general site on firearms, definately just a first draft for something yet to...
  17. C

    Mail Call: Knob Creek

    Heads up: Tonight, 8:00PM ET/PT, History Channel... Mail Call's doing an episode about the Knob Creek gun range. Presumably there'll be a fair bit of shooting footage. :D Wolfe... (Who wishes he could be there instead of watching it on TV.)
  18. C

    Monitoring of US Citizens, again...

    Man, this gives me the jibblies... Personally, I'm most disgusted by the idea of not telling people they were investigated after the fact, and by not destroying records obtained after innocence is proven. :barf: Wolfe... (Who's never committed a crime, but...
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    Open-ended question...

    $80 max, must be firearms related. What would you get? Wolfe... (Who still hasn't found a job... GRR!)
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    10/22 Reliability...

    Howdy. I semi-recently purchased a bolt buffer and auto-bolt-release from WeaponKraft, and when I got a chance to test, my 10/22 was less reliable than in the past. Previously, I had about 1 in 50 rounds jam, now it's down to 1 in 10... Most jams are caused by a single fired casing ejecting...