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  1. D

    Thoughts on ghost guns?

    Hi! Forgive me if this has been discussed before. I dropped off TFL nearly 20 years ago, until someone “name-dropped” the place and jogged my memory. I used to love it here. Anyway, that being said, I’m curious generally about folks’ thoughts on ghost guns. Yes/no, good/bad, necessary or just a...
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    Why Grandpa Carries a Gun

    Why Grandpa Carries a Gun My old Grandpa said to me, 'Son, there comes a time in every man's life when he stops bustin' knuckles and starts bustin' caps and usually it's when he becomes too old to take a whoopin'. But here's a better explanation: I don't carry a gun to kill people; I carry a...
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    Question about the forum software that this board uses

    Hi! My last visit here was in 2012. My life took me in other directions. I was just reminded of this place tonight and decided to drop by. I wanted to ask a question about the software used for this forum. The forum that I run used to use vbulletin 3.x, but I upgraded when 4.x came out. I...
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    So nice to be back

    Hi everyone! I'd joined TFL in 1999, and when the site temporarily closed back in 2002, I left for greener pastures. Just discovered that this place is alive and well, so I asked the staff to please reactivate me (thanks!) At one time, I was a very active member here. I've got several AR-related...
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    Anti-gun liberal pond-scum senator Paul Wellstone killed in plane crash today

    Anti-gun liberal pond-scum Minnesota senator Paul Wellstone killed in plane crash today:
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    Bushmaster .223, scope & tripod recovered from Caprice

    Extra ammo, etc.
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    Molon Labe - the story?

    Can someone post a link to the story behind "Molon Labe" again? I have someone that wants to know what it means. I read the story, but I cannot relate it properly. Thanks in advance.
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    MMM organizer guilty in shooting! Graham Convicted in Revenge Shooting Associated Press Thursday, February 1, 2001; 6:15 PM (AP) — A 48-year-old mother has been convicted of shooting a man she mistakenly thought murdered her son. The jury found Barbara Graham...
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    Sen Hatch ADMITS shielding Reno during conf. hearings

    OMG! That SOB....
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    How Washington Thinks....

    How Washington Thinks by Joseph Sobran I think it was the Roman historian Tacitus who wrote, "A corrupt society has many laws." You don’t hear that observation quoted in Washington very often. Here the demand is always for more new laws, more new programs, more new regulations. There is no...
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    Student sues college for psychiatric abuse

    Okay kiddies, I guess that this little incident CONFIRMS that it's "okey-dokey" to abuse and jail Christians, just for exercising their 1st Amendment rights. Hmmmm..... Though not specifically firearm-related, it clearly demonstrates how those in power threat "the little people" when they can...
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    Alan Keyes on the separation of morals and state

    A MUST READ (agin!) by Keyes. Sure wish HE was prez-elect. But then, he'd have already been assassinated by the liberals...
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    NIght before Christmas, GUNNY-style

    Twas the Night Before Christmas Twas the night before Christmas, cold, dark and foreboding, As I sat at the workbench, quite busy reloading, The empties from autumn were polished so clear, For primers and powder, and bullets from Speer. And Sierra boat-tails, and Nosler´s Partitions (My bench...
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    Emergency! call your congresscritter!
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    It's official: GWB has 271 elec votes!

    Check out the CNN front page.... The fat lady has officially sung.
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    Truer words were never spoken.... For those without a funny bone: WARNING, "The Onion" is a SATIRE website. Most of the web-surfing world knows this.... Read on....
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    Bush is in. NOW is the time to push for...

    National CCW. Quickly, before the 2002 elections. Let's go people. Time to lobby.
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    New road sign in Tennessee

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    SCOTUS decision in!

    Reversed and remanded to FLSC. Vote was 7 - 2 to reverse and remand, and 5 - 4 to PERMANENTLY stop the recount. The considered opinion is that algore is DOA. Rhenquist, Scalia and Thomas said that FLSC violated state and federal law, in that the mandated recount was unconstitutional. Appears...
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    J.J. Johnson's response to Jessie Jackson - MUST READ A Nation Divided: A Response to Jessie Jackson By J.J. Johnson - Posted: 12.12.00 Thank you, Jessie for finally showing your hand and showing your true colors (no pun intended). But, before you play the last trump card of the typical socialist (i.e...