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  1. D

    NEED HELP Identifying a Rifle!

    I was asked to try to ID this old rifle, but neither myself, nor anyone in the gun biz here locally has a clue... It's supposedly a Finnish gun, supposed to be at least 40 years old. Manlicher-style stock. Has a rod, under the barrel, that fits into a depression in the underside of the forearm...
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    ATF/WACO parody on Southpark! A MUST SEE!!!

    Oh my GOD! I nearly CHOKED when I saw this! Comedy Channel on cable. Jeez!!!!! Oh, I forgot. 9 p.m. local time. [This message has been edited by Dennis Olson (edited January 26, 2000).]
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    HELP ! Need quotes/facts/news reports in anti-gun diatribe.

    Hey everyone! I also post to the Hyatt board, and currently, there is a HEATED discussion on gun control laws between citizens of the "Crown" and us here in the States. Please check out the link, and feel free to post rebuttals (keep it clean though, okay?) You DO have to register, as the BBS...
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    Despite the earlier political disinformation campaign about the Pine Ridge standoff with the FBI, it now seems that these people are in serious trouble. I got a private email from a person I know well. The text of the email follows: ----------------------------...
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    The Next WACO! Happening RIGHT NOW! FBI "on-scene"!

    The initial post: ---------------------- Subject: URGENT!/FBI-Indian standoff; Pine Ridge Rez! Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2000 20:18:17 +0000 From: "NewsHawk Inc." Organization: NewsHawk Inc. 1.16.00 URGENT!/FBI-Indian standoff; Pine Ridge Rez! Forward this message as far and widely as possible...
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    The Hitler Letter

    I am posting this for discussion purposes only. Note that it was written by a Jewish scholar... -------------------------------- The Hitler Letter by Rabbi Daniel Lapin Mercer Island, Washington I have no intention of...
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    Kid in Texas arrested for creative writing assignment!

    I just heard this on the Today show: A kid in Texas wrote a "Halloween horror story", which was the assignment given by the creative writing class teacher. He wrote the story, basically about him shooting several kids in school, and "accidentally" shooting the teacher. (the actual text of the...
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    CANADA: "So, you want to buy a handgun..."

    I pulled this off another BBS. Thought you all might enjoy reading it. Yes it CAN happen in Amerika.... ------------------------- It is September, 1998 in Anytown, Canada. You walk past the local gun store, and, acting on impulse go back, step in and fall in love! There, locked behind glass...
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    What's this cr*p about "sniper rifles"?

    Lately, I've been hearing about the anti's moaning about scoped, high-powered hunting rifles, and have started calling them "sniper rifles". They are also starting to call for "banning" them?! What the HELL is going on here? What happened to "we won't take away your hunting guns"? (or do we...
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    Call goes out for REPEAL of 2nd Amendment

    Move it or LOSE it people.... A quote from USA Today: "Stymied on Capitol Hill, a grass-roots movement to pressure Congress is gaining momentum. Organizers of a "Million Mom March" hope to send that many women to Washington next Mother's Day to lobby for handgun registration and more zealous...
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    Where can I get .223 62 gr. steel core loaded ammo?

    I have a supplier, but the person ahead of me in line ordered 20,000 rds! Not much chance for ME to get my measly 1,000 rds before next year. (I want them for Y2K) Can anyone direct me to where I can get some? Thanks, Dennis Olson
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    How the Media Spins the Gun Issue

    This is a GREAT thread from the TB2000 board. WELL WORTH a read. The discussion should get interesting there in a day or so. Since it applies to guns and the NRA, I felt it needed posting here... Dennis
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    Grandfather killed by cops; Y2K funds seized as Drug Money!

    UNBELIEVABLE! (The link is to yesterday's "Top Story", and is invalid now...) --------------------------------------- [ Fair Use: For Educational/Research Purposes Only ] Thursday, August 26, 1999, By ANNE-MARIE O'CONNOR, Times Staff Writer...
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    No Ammo After October?

    Hello everyone. I just signed up. Here's an email I got from someone who has consistently sent reliable information in the past. I will not comment, except to say that I'm buying as much ammunition as I can possibly afford. --------------------- I was told a scenario by a member of the Michigan...