Search results

  1. B down again?

    Is the site down again? For months it has been painfully slow with recurring outages. Man, I'm glad I didn't pony up the bucks to become a member with that kind of reliability and speed. Thanks for TFL which always works.
  2. B

    What's up with

    Site was down all weekend, then it was very sloooooowwwww early in the week, and now it appears down again! Anybody heard what's going on?
  3. B

    Good home defense handgun for a woman?

    A friend of my wife wants to get handgun for home defense and has absolutely no experience with guns. She is looking to me for recommendations. I'm thinking a revolver such as a Ruger GP100 because of the increased reliability revolvers have over automatics. No chance of jams, FTF or FTE...
  4. B

    Is the site experiencing major problems again? Have not been able to get in for several days now.
  5. B

    Weaver tactical scope

    Does anyone have any experience with the Weaver tactical 4.5-14 with range finding reticle? The scope has target turrets, 1/8" click, matte finish, and a 40MM A0. It looks just like a Leupold for about 2/3 the cost. Any comments or recommendations?
  6. B

    Shotgun chamber cleaning question.

    I've always heard that you never reverse a bore brush in the middle of the bore. So how does one properly use a chamber cleaning brush in your shotgun?
  7. B

    Question for Mossberg 500/590 shotgun owners.

    I will be looking for a used Mossberg HD shotgun. Does Mosberg stamp their product numbers (i.e. 50663)on the gun for identification? With all the product numbers they have this would make identification much easier, esp. with a used gun with no orginal box/paperwork.
  8. B

    Whatever happened to

    A lot of people put a lot of effort into this last year on two petition drives that failed, but Geoff Metcalf promised new efforts until we win. So whats going on? The site seems dead and I can find no activity anywhere.
  9. B

    Remington 700 PSS or LTR?

    These are getting real hard to find (esp. in Calif). A local dealer has one of each in .308 (first he's had in quite a while). I can only afford one or I would get both. The question is which. Will just be used for range shooting out to 200 yds. But I am concerned with which one will more...
  10. B appears to be down again.....

    and again and again, and it usually happens on a Friday night! :mad:
  11. B

    Is down AGAIN?

    Haven't had much luck getting in lately.
  12. B website

    Anybody know what's going on with this PRK activity? It just seems like the whole initiative has been abandoned. The website has not been updated in months, discussion forums are down, and there are no updates of activity. So much for Jeff Metcalf's promises.
  13. B

    Scope mounting questions

    I will be mounting a 30 mm dia. scope on my Rem 700 LTR and plan on using the Leupold quick disconnect mounting system. Would the one piece or two piece mount be better? With the one piece you only have 3 screws attaching it and it may get in the way with loading/cleaning the rifle. The two...
  14. B

    Barrel finish on Remington LTR

    What is the flat black finish on the LTR barrel and how the heck do you clean/wipe it down without leaving 5 lbs. of lint behind. The finish on this barrel attracts it like a magnet and I can't seem to get it off.
  15. B

    .308 in 700 PSS or LTR

    Just wondering what you guys thought would be the better configuration. Given the longer range capabilities and significantly greater recoil of the .308, I was thinking that the heavier longer barreled PSS would be a better platform. But, maybe not. I like the look of the LTR and have one in...
  16. B

    Savage 10FP vs 110FP

    I've been looking a pictures of these two rifles. The only real complaint I have heard about the 10FP is the cheap stock and somewhat rough trigger. Although the pictures I've seen aren't real clear, it looks as though the 110FP has a better stock (appears heavier, no checkering, and two studs...
  17. B

    Scope question for my 700 LTR .223

    I'm looking at installing a Burris scope on this rifle. I am impressed with Burris quality, price and offerings. I am trying to decide between the ballistic mil-dot and the regular mil-dot reticle. The Burris website has an illustration of both but it is hard to tell the difference. Does...
  18. B

    Harris bi-pod suggestions please.

    I am looking at these for my Rem .223 LTR. I have decided on a swivel model but wanted some input on the following; 1. Should I get a BR model with 6"-9" extension or the L model with the 9"-13" extension? Probably will do most shooting from the bench, but may be some occasions to shoot...
  19. B

    Smith and Wesson 3000 shotgun.

    What can anyone tell me about these. When were they made, do they handle the magnum loads, are they any good, etc? I have one in mint condition with police cylinder, but know nothing about it's history. Where could I get an owner's manual?
  20. B

    Winchester pump question.

    Post deleted. [This message has been edited by bullseye (edited August 16, 2000).]