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  1. V

    Thinking about getting a lever action, but.....

    For years I have thought about getting a lever action rifle. Not being a hunter I really have no NEED for such a rifle, but I guess I have always been intrigued by the idea of having a "cowboy" rifle. Watching the "Longmire" series where the main character always carries his 30-30 brought it...
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    Haven't been to the range in months

    I almost cannot remember the last time I went to the range of the private pistol club that I am a member of. With the difficulty and high cost of ammo, I just don't want to use any of my scarce 9mm, 40S&W or 45acp punching hole in paper targets right now. But I think that I will be okay with...
  3. V

    Wonder why the folks on "Life Below Zero" don't use scopes

    I've enjoyed this show for years, although a bit less so since they expanded it to cover a bunch of new folk. I know that those that are on the show like Sue and Chip and Andy are well paid for their roles, so why do most of them still seem to rely on open iron sights on their hunting weapons...
  4. V

    Are pistol caliber rifles as good for personal defense?

    I rely upon my handguns for personal defense, both in my home and with what I carry when out of the house. I also keep a shotgun for when and if the SHTF scenarios. But in considering a rifle for more in depth defense I am concerned with over penetration from most traditional rifle rounds such...
  5. V

    What's going on with Glocktalk?

    If its not forbidden to mention another gun related forum, I wonder if anyone has insight into why Glocktalk has been down for days. Its one of the several gun related forums I try to go to daily and was curious as to what was going on.
  6. V

    Do we really want to judge people by what they might have done as kids?

    I have no love for the governor of Virginia as he scrambles to save his job despite the calls for his resignation over some photos from his youth that are racially offensive. But do we really want to use that as criteria for our leaders? Just a few years ago the most esteemed and honored member...
  7. V

    Is "Life below Zero" returning to the air?

    Seeing re-runs of "Life Below Zero" made me wonder if this series is going to return for a new season. I sure hope so, it has been one of my favorite TV shows since it began (but I am not sure why I enjoy it, but I do).
  8. V

    Status of national reciprocity?

    It made the news when a bill was introduced on the first day of the new Congress to establish national reciprocity for concealed carry licenses, but I've seen nothing in the days since. I was hoping that this bill would quickly be passed by the House and be taken up immediately in the Senate...
  9. V

    Ideal cartridge for AR15 type rifle for self defense

    I have a good variety of handguns, and keep a Mossberg 500 available for home defense, but I'm thinking about adding an AR15 rifle for the just-in-case the SHTF scenario. What round do you consider the ideal for self defense use for this rifle? I won't be hunting or using the rifle for anything...
  10. V

    Anyone yet have a Ruger Mark IV?

    Not long ago I sold off my Browning Buckmark because I just got tired of the problems I was having with it. I almost bought a Ruger Mark III but then saw an article about the new Mark IV with its extremely simple way to take it apart for cleaning. I'm having a bit of a problem actually finding...
  11. V

    What is the appeal of 1911's?

    Over the years I have had two 1911 pistols. one a Browning and one a Kimber. I sold the Browning because I was offered a ridiculous amount of money for it, and I considered it a reasonably good, but limited use gun. The Kimber was beautiful, shot with great accuracy, and had constant FTF's and...
  12. V

    Paris attack bringing new folks to guns

    Just yesterday I was asked by a former work acquaintance about his getting a gun for the first time. He has always been neutral on guns, but never wanted one himself. After Paris, he now wants to have a handgun at home, and might even get a concealed carry license in the future. But he admitted...
  13. V

    Does any state allow non-residents to buy guns and ammo?

    I believe that most (maybe all) states require that you show proof of state residency when buying a gun or ammunition, but obviously I am basing that upon the few states that I have lived in and where I made such a purchase. This made me wonder about whether or not I could ever count on buying...
  14. V

    What ammo do you use in your 9mm carry gun?

    With all the choices of ammo, what do you use in your 9mm carry gun?
  15. V

    Odd problem with Browning Buckmark

    I've had my Buckmark for many years, and have had very few issues with it. I always leave it with the slide locked back since it is really hard to pull back the slide other than the first time when the gun is reassembled after cleaning (I called Browning once and was advised to do this since...
  16. V

    How to take apart a Browning Buckmark magazine?

    Until recently I never did more than wipe down the magazines for my Buckmark, but recently I have had some issues of Failure to Feed with one of my mags. The first round will fire, but the gun will not feed in the next round. It appears that this has something to do with the mag, since it only...
  17. V

    What's up with

    Tried to go to this website today to see what, if anything, is new regarding implementation of the new concealed carry law here in Illinois. Got a white screen with only "403 Forbidden" on it.
  18. V

    Best thing I've seen at the range in a long time

    Went to my indoor pistol club range yesterday and saw something great. A club member was there with four young boys, probably about 11 years old. They were being introduced to shooting and taught basic gun safety. Since I was ready to shoot 40S&W, the club member asked if I could use one of the...
  19. V

    Reliability of 3-inch barrel semi

    Like many on this forum, I am a believer in the 45acp round for self defense. But I also want a small gun for easy concealment. Years ago I bought a Kimber Ultra Carry with the 3-inch barrel and had endless problems with FTF and FTE despite two trips back to Kimber. I traded the gun in to the...
  20. V

    When will all Americans enjoy the freedom of the 2nd Amendment?

    Here in Illinois many of us are rejoicing that finally, finally we are close to being able to exercise our 2nd Amendment rights now that the first concealed carry law has passed. It's anyone's guess how long it will be before we actually have an application form to complete, actually have...