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  1. F

    I met Hillary yesterday....

    A friend and I were at the Museum of New York on 5th Ave, checking out the exhibit / retrospective on Sen. Pat Moynihan, and who should walk in, media in tow, but Hillary herself. She was very nice, shook all of our hands, and then proceeded to examine the exhibit herself. My friend was a...
  2. F

    LE Glock mags....

    Anyone know if LE Glock mags are of the "Drop Free" or Fully Metal Lined variety? There's a few places advertising LE mags, but I've already got plenty of those pesky non-drop NFMLers sitting around, and I'm only looking to buy FML types. Thanks...
  3. F

    Lubricant name ?

    I've been trying to remember the name of a lubricant that was suggested to me some time ago, as well as mentioned on here numerous times. Supposedly it's one of the better lubricants available but the name escapes me. Mil -something? Milspec, Mil-lube? I need to start writing this stuff down....
  4. F

    G-23 Extraction problem

    Here's the problem in a nutshell: My G-23 locks open every five rounds or so, requiring me to rack the slide to eject the spent shell and load a new shell from the mag. I have hand cycled the gun many times through full hi-caps and standard mags, and the slide will not even retract after 8...
  5. F

    Pentagon Conspiracy?

    Watch this.... Pentagon Strike
  6. F

    Thoughts on Brownells GUN-KOTE?

    Anyone have any experience with GUN-KOTE Spray-On/Bake-On Finish from Brownells? Thought it might be a cheap and painless way to refinish some slides, but I'm kinda worried about the overall finished product. Does it look like someone spray-painted a gun? Is it as durable / attractive as...
  7. F

    Personal defense flashlights?

    I was thinking of buying a new flashlight to replace my mini maglight, and I was looking at the LED models and such, but there's so damn many of them. The brand to buy seems to be Surefire, but like anything, a much touted brand is usually overrated and overpriced ($150 for a flashlight is a...
  8. F

    Bring back Keyes...

    After reading MicroBalrog's thread on Alan Keyes' stance on machine guns, I did a little research on Keyes' stance on important issues during the 2000 election. The answer had been staring us in the face all along. Alan Keyes' should be the President of the United States of America. Keyes'...
  9. F

    No flags in Indiana

    Further proof that this country is going down the drain. Make sure you pay attention to the part that refers to the flag as "visual clutter". Flag Ban Of course, this is the same state that refuses to recognize Daylight Savings Time....
  10. F

    Two Russian Planes crash / disappear....

    I don't want to be premature, but: The chances of two planes taking off from the same airport going down within three minutes of each other are astronomical. Add in the fact that these mysterious crashes took place 6 days before the Chechnyan Presidential...
  11. F

    What the heck is this on my brass??

    After spending about 100 rounds or so with my new Glock 23, I noticed while policing the brass something odd on the cases. They weren't bulged, but rather dented in about 1mm, and at the point where the dent is, there is a rough spot that looks like someone took a file to it. This occured on...
  12. F

    Is there any point to "fake" suppressors?

    I received the latest "Guns-n-stuff" catalog yesterday, and there's like a whole page of "fake suppressors" for sale. Then, while surfing around looking for a match barrel, I found another place selling a similar item. Is there any logical reason why someone would want a phony suppressor on...
  13. F

    What would you buy for $150?

    Ok, you're in your favorite gun shop with a hundred and fifty dollars you've recently won from scratch-off tickets. What firearm can / do you purchase for that price? Assume that your favorite gun shop just happens to have a large selection of $150 handguns in stock. No, you can't buy 30...
  14. F

    Glock 23: report and question

    Shot my new G-23 tonight....put a hundred rounds through her, and was pleasantly and consistantly rewarded with sub-three-inch groups at 50 feet. Not bad for out of the box. Now for the question: I've read that the .40 Glock has the ability to swap barrels with the .357 Sig. Is there any...
  15. F

    Additions to the Corral

    I hereby declare August to be my "good deal month" In the past week I picked up a Colt Mustang in 95% condition for $275 and a Factory Reconditioned Glock 23 with two hi-caps for $400. I was planning on making the Glock a IPSC Lim gun, but it looks so perfect in it's little Tupperware...
  16. F

    Glock Magazine question

    I'll keep it short: Will the magazine from a Glock 22 fit in a Glock 23? I realize that it might stick out a bit, but that doesn't concern me. I just wonder if it will function.
  17. F

    Looking for female shooters (for advice)

    No, I'm not trolling for dates.... :) My girlfriend has stated that she is "terrified" by guns, but in actuality she has only held two guns in her life (my Ruger 10/22, which she actually fired, and my Glock 17, which she described as "nasty"). I'd like to get her into the shooting sports, or...
  18. F

    Thinking about a DA

    So I was contemplating purchasing a DA pistol to be used for CCW as my Glock has been relegated full time to IPSC. My SA choice is easy -- 1911, but I don't know too much about DAs. My requirements are pretty picky, and might eliminate some fine weapons, but I'm open to suggestions. At the...
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    Force vs Perceived Threat

    At what point, in your opinion, is it neccessary to draw a firearm if the BG doesn't have a firearm himself? In other words, you are walking down the street and a man who, for purposes of this argument, is the same size as you, begins verbally harassing you. You do your best to walk away and...
  20. F

    Guide rods?

    Since people rarely reply in "The Smithy", I thought I'd posit this question here. I'm thinking of replacing the standard 1911 spring guides with full-length guide rods. Why? Who knows. My question is, has anyone experienced any marked improvement in accuracy with full length guide rods in...