Search results

  1. F

    Pocket Rocket?

    Considering it's summer, and I can't schlep around a full size 1911, I need something for everyday carry that's small enough for shorts and t-shirts. I used to carry an Iver Johnson TP-22, but in double action it has a 35 pound trigger pull and began to fire only when it felt loved. What's a...
  2. F

    Are we paranoid? Or is it just me?

    I just got finished reading a thread dealing with the various weapons we carry on an everyday basis. After reading all the posts, I thought about what I carry with me everyday: Two Spyderco Delicas, one in right front pocket, one inside waistband, small of back on my left side. Cheap push...
  3. F

    A good gunsmith in NY?

    I'm just looking for an all-around top quality gunsmith in the NY metro area. Not a guy who "tinkers with triggers" or any basement jack, but someone who can tune, fix, upgrade and machine 1911's. I know of one guy, Michael Britt, but he's a bit expensive for routine stuff. Anyone have any...
  4. F

    One of each?

    Ok, assuming you had unlimited funds, and you could buy a whole bucket-load of pistols (and that includes revolvers). But you could only have one model of each Manufacturer. What models would you choose? Ok, obviously, there are hundreds of Manufacturers, but let's keep it to the big ones...
  5. F

    Blued or Stainless

    Ok, after much deliberation, I decided on a Springfield GI .45 as an "all-around" pistol. I intend to keep it pretty much box-stock, with the possible exception of adding some decent sights. My only dilemma is whether to get it in Blued or Stainless. Forget about style for a moment (and let's...
  6. F

    Online Firearm Merchants

    Anyone recommend a good online gunshop? All of my purchases have been in person at small local shops, but lately, I'm finding they either don't have what I'm looking for or they're too expensive. Since I'm rather leery of buying guns online (being in NY, we're programmed to fear anything...
  7. F

    Thoughts on GI Series Springfield?

    Just wondering if anyone who has owned a Springfield GI Series .45 has anything to say about it -- good or bad. I was thinking of picking up one of the 4" versions and wonder how they compare to the Colt Commander in terms of accuracy, reliability, etc. My experience with .45's has only been...
  8. F

    Which Kimber?

    Hey all...after much headaches and frustrations trying to get my Colt 1911's running properly, I decided to save the gunsmiths' fees and go buy myself a new Kimber. I've heard not one negative comment about Kimbers, and figure it's time to buy a nice fresh pistol than to worry about my...
  9. F

    1911 Trigger problem

    Hello all...first post to TFL, but have been a reader for a while. Here's my problem for anyone to help me solve: I have a Colt model 70 that I inherited from my father. He had some work (Heavy slide, BO-Mar rib, compensator, etc) done on it by Clark many years ago and it hasn't been fired in...