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  1. P


    I am considering investing in a bullpup rifle. From what I know the bullpup has the advantages of weight reduction and maneuverability. With a bullpup you can have the same barrel length as with a standard configuration and have a shorter overall weapon length. Thus if you want the greater...
  2. P

    Combat Calibers For Rifles

    From what I know two of the most popular combat rounds used for rifles are the 5.56 by 45 and the 7.62 by 39. i also know there is the 7.62 by 40 combat round as well. I was wondering how good the 7.62 by 40 is. By the description its just a little longer than the 7.62 by 39 but aside from that...
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    BB and pellet guns

    Some people like to save money by training with the .22 round which is much less expensive than most other rounds. However, I was thinking about saving even more money by training with BB and pellet guns. Of course a training session at the range with live ammo from time to time as well but for...
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    Sg Sauer in 7.62 by 39 with scope

    I do know Sig does make rifles that are in the 7.62 * 39 caliber but I was wondering if they make any that are meant to be used with a scope instead of iron sights. I do know that Oracle makes a rifle in 5.56 caliber which exclusively uses a scope but Im looking for a rifle in the 7.62 * 39...
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    Rifles haven't changed in 100 years

    Supposedly with the human race as a whole, we double our knowledge every 7 years. However, some things just go on and on without being changed or updated. I suppose technology reaches its peak and then stabilizes. Here is a list of 10 things that haven't changed in 100 years and the rifle is one...
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    Kimber Caprivi

    Anybody have experience with the Kimber Caprivi? I know Kimber is a really good company. In the past I've posted about Steyr Mannlicher and I've gotten mixed responses. Im wondering how a Kimber Caprivi would compare to a Steyr Mannlicher.
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    Iron Sights vs Scope

    Some rifles do not have iron sights and instead use a scope for aiming. Im trying to think of situations where one might be better than the other. I would think if you need to get off quick shots and particularly quick follow up shots iron sights are better since you can aim much faster with...
  8. P

    Best Airlines For Transporting Firearms

    When I travel by airplane sometimes I bring guns along, especially if Im traveling to a location where I will be taking shooting classes. As of right now I use Delta and I've transported firearms when flying by Delta many times and have not had any problems but nevertheless there are apparently...
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    Proper storage of firearms

    It goes without saying that Im pro gun but I do believe there should be some regulations and measures taken. Holding people accountable who knowingly allow guns to fall into the wrong hands might not be a bad idea. Here is an article on this. ... n-storage/
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    Guns & Ammo magazine

    I was wondering if the magazine Guns & Ammo is a good source for knowing what the good guns to get are and how all the different guns and gun companies rate. Supposedly Guns & Ammo is supposed to be like Consumer Reports for guns so are they reliable?
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    Girl about to get married was shot dead by her mom

    This is sickening and it gives us level headed good people who own and use guns properly and responsibly a bad name. This mom should've been put away before this had happened. At least the police did the right thing. ... et-married
  12. P

    No Concealed Carry In California!

    I just heard on the news that in California they ruled in the appeals court that people do not have a second amendment right to carry concealed handguns in public. This is a blow to the gun culture and the gun rights movement. To anybody living in the Golden state you have my sympathies.
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    Semi automatics for hunting

    Anybody hunt with semi automatic rifles? Is there any advantages to using a bolt action instead of a semi auto? I know some places don't allow semi autos to be used in hunting so you would have to use a bolt action if you're going to hunt with a rifle.
  14. P

    So some of the posts have been really helpful for rifles

    Some of the posts here have been really helpful for rifles and for what good rifle companies might be. Forget all the big name commercial brands such as Winchester, Remington, Marlin, even Browning. They're all good but with some of the posts here and from conferring at gun shops I've learned of...
  15. P

    .270 Winchester

    The .270 Winchester from what I've heard is a good round for small or large game. While it doesn't pack the punch of a .30 06 its faster than the .30 06 at 3603 fps with a 90 grain bullet. Does anybody know of any round of similar size that's faster?
  16. P

    Storing powder in gun safes and warning signs

    I've seen warning signs for gun safes that say to not attempt to cut the safe open since powder is stored inside and doing so could set the powder off. Some people do store powder in gun safes and I think that doing so and posting a sign that warns about it is a good deterrent for somebody to...
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    Description of gun control

    I read in this book that describes gun control like a ratchet. Its a ratchet that is constantly turning towards the side of more gun restrictions. The ratchet might slow down or even stop sometimes but it never turns back.
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    Exchanging barrels on a Ruger

    If I want to exchange barrels on a Ruger revolver, lets say I want to put on a longer barrel, how would I do it? Would I need to take it to a gunsmith? Is it hard to do? Also, anybody know where I can get just Ruger barrels?
  19. P

    Keeping guns in the house when there's children boys vs girls

    One of the concerns about people keeping guns in the house is when there's children around. Now it might be prejudicial to say this but I believe boys can be much more of a problem than girls if you've got guns around. Proper storage of firearms would involve keeping them inaccessible to...
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    Interesting article on guns and self defense

    I found this interesting article on gun regulation in Europe including guns for self defense in Europe and how it compares to the USA.