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  1. P

    The Steyr Männlicher

    Anybody know how to get a Steyr Mannlicher rifle? I don't see them in any gun shops and they're a foreign rifle, Austrian made, so Im not sure about their availability in the USA. They are really high quality and you can expect to spend well over two grand to buy even a used one. Anywhere in the...
  2. P

    What's the deal with Remington?

    From what I know about Remington they used to be a top of the line firearms producing company and they used to make top of the lines long guns but I've heard that as of recently they've been producing junk. Even though their guns are more expensive than certain other brands, some of those...
  3. P

    Colt should bring back the Python

    Colt should start producing the Python again. Such a fine gun and now you can only get it used and it will cost you $3000, $4000 or more. You might, stress the word might, be able to find one in mint condition but than you will be really breaking the bank even more. I wouldn't be surprised for a...
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    Advantages of revolvers over semi autos

    From my observations more and more people are switching from revolvers over to semi autos and people who are first starting out with handguns are often starting out with semi autos, skipping revolvers altogether. For one thing you often get a much greater round count with semi autos and...
  5. P

    Where to hunt large game

    So obviously some places in the USA are better for hunting than others and depending on what you want to hunt, you might have to do some traveling. For instance, Colorado is supposed to be a good state for hunting particularly since there's so much wilderness there. For grizzly bear hunting...
  6. P

    Shotguns, the most common gun used by farmers?

    I know that most farmers do have guns, its one of the tools of their trade just like tractors and plows. As for the most common gun owned and used by farmers, it stands to reason it would be the shotgun. A shotgun is best for taking out vermin that eat and damage their crops so I would think...
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    Carry gun for Alaskan fishermen

    I heard that fishermen in Alaska often carry handguns, specifically the Smith & Wesson .500 with a short barrel. This is for in case they come across a bear since bears are common in Alaska and they might attack fishermen. I was thinking, how about a Ruger Redhawk in .44 Magnum, would an Alaskan...
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    Animal rights activists interfering with hunting

    Animal rights activists who believe that animals should have all the rights as humans and that animals certainly shouldn't be hunted or killed will do everything they can to stop people from hunting. I know they will bang pots and pans and otherwise make noise alerting the game and ruining any...
  9. P

    Good Hunting Handguns

    For all around hunting but especially if you're hunting large game I would think if you're bringing a handgun you would want something of a large powerful caliber. This would apply to a handgun that you carry for backup when your primary weapon would be a long gun but it would be especially true...
  10. P

    Gripping Technique

    I found this video on how to effectively grip a semi automatic handgun. While there are tons of shooting videos out there this one sparked my interest and I will try it out to see how it works for me. So what do you all think of this technique?
  11. P

    Self Defense Rights

    Earlier I started a thread discussing this specific case of a store owner or the son of a store owner shooting a crook. The thread got off topic and was closed and the person who closed it said another thread could be started to discuss self defense rights. So that's what Im starting this thread...
  12. P

    Great American Outdoor Show in Harrisburg PA

    In the Harrisburg, PA area there is the Great American Outdoor Show. I was there two days and its amazing. It will run until Sunday which is the last day but if you have a chance you should check it out. There are tons of guns and gun related paraphernalia there along with all sorts of stuff for...
  13. P

    African Safaris

    I want to go on an African safari hunt sometime when I get the chance. I've got some really big guns that would certainly be suited for that so when I've got the time and money I would like to do it. Anybody here ever been to an African safari? How is it? Im thinking of going to South Africa and...
  14. P

    Age to buy handguns

    In some states supposedly you can buy handguns at 18 but in most states you have to be 21. Personally I see nothing wrong with making the age 18 to buy handguns in all states. After all, you can get drafted at 18, you can sign up at 18 so why shouldn't you be able to buy handguns at 18? And...
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    So what do you think of this article?

    So what do you all think of this article?
  16. P

    Why punish somebody for refusing to be a victim?

    Here the son of a grocery store owner successfully stops a bad guy who held the place up and he has to go before a grand jury and possibly face charges. Why punish somebody for refusing to be a victim?
  17. P

    Where can I shoot a safari grade rifle?

    Anybody know where I can go to shoot a safari grade rifle, specifically a .600 overkill? Im in the eastern Pennsylvania area and most ranges don't allow it. I would think anywhere that would allow a 50 BMG should allow any safari grade rifle round.
  18. P

    As expensive as a Kimber but a better gun

    Anybody who knows Kimbers knows they're expensive. Well, I know a gun that's just as expensive but perhaps even better in terms of quality and performance. What Im talking about is the Coonan. The Coonan is a .357 Magnum semi auto on a 1911 platform and it shoots rimmed cartridges like a...
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    Ruger Redhawk vs Super Redhawk

    With Rugers, both the Redhawk and the Super Redhawk come in .44 Magnum. The Super Redhawk is a bit larger, the frame is thicker, and its a bit sturdier but the Redhawk is also I believe sturdy enough and its not as bulky and heavy and therefore easier to carry and deploy. The Super Redhawk would...
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    Safari Grade Rifles

    Here is a video of people shooting safari grade rifles. They aren't the best shooters and some of the stuff they do is stuff you shouldn't do when shooting but the rifles are cool.