Search results

  1. J

    I'm finally settled in and I'm almost an official Idahoan again

    Just have to get the plates off the car. I'm pinching pennies so I haven't applied for the concealed carry permit yet. I'm still unemployed but doing OK. Actually living in Nampa about 20 miles from Boise. Nice little town. Neighbors show up at your door with squash to welcome you to the...
  2. J

    Just got out under the wire; need suggestions for new handle

    Well, with less than 48 hours left until I officially depart the People's Republic I'm shutting off the 'net access until I get to Boise. This is adios for now. When I log back in I'll probably change my handle for kicks. Any suggestions on a new handle are appreciated. Living in California...
  3. J

    Anyone seen/held/touched the new Oly Arms FN-FAL receivers??? They have thier new FN receivers for $300. Anyone have any personal experience with them? A stripped FN receiver is probably my next purchase (don't trust Gore OR Bush).
  4. J

    Is it time for secession?

    This essay makes a good case. I had no idea the freedom movement was so big in Alaska. ++++++++++++++ Advertise Your Banner Here To Alter and Abolish – Secession Movements...
  5. J

    Something to consider about the Supreme Court appointments before you vote this Nov.

    This from Harry Browne: +++++++++++++++++++++++ The Supreme Court Scam © 2000 For the past year, Republicans have been trying to explain to us small-government advocates why we should vote for...
  6. J

    Boy Scout membership at all time high (ESPECIALLY in San Francisco)

    Sometimes I'm almost encouraged: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Boy Scouts grows to a record enrollment By Joyce Howard Price THE WASHINGTON TIMES...
  7. J

    Don't rob former Spec-Ops types

    Totally unfair!!! Victims who can defend themselves obviously need to wear some kind of identification to keep cereberal dynamos like this from committing suicide. NOT!!!!!! ++++++++++++++++++ Man armed with BB gun killed in robbery...
  8. J

    Al Gore is soon to be our Prez

    The ugliness is too much to bear, but the reality is that the proven strategies of the Democratic Party work, almost every time, especially given a sympathetic media and uninformed/apathetic electorate: A) Massive wealth redistribution. The Dems want to use the "surplus" (why do we keep...
  9. J

    Clinton being protested in Columbia - and these people are serious!

    Hey Blues_O_Malley, I told you to head for Columbia if you wanted to see some "action." This from ++++++++++++++++++++ Violence Surges Across Colombia on Eve of Clinton Trip August 29, 2000 2:51 pm EST By Luis Jaime Acosta CARTAGENA, Colombia (Reuters) - Communist rebels...
  10. J

    Quick poll Californians -- How many are leaving?? How many are staying??

    Seems several of us are bugging out, myself included. I'm outta here on Sept. 15. I know several of you have bought property in other states and are working on getting yourselves out too. I'm just wondering: A) Who's leaving B) Where you're going (I'm going to Boise) C) Are you a native...
  11. J

    Attention guys with women problems, here's your 2 'free' guns.

    I pass this along because if nobody had told me, I never would have known. The night before I got married my father-in-law gave me this peice of wisdom which I happily pass on to my fellow TFLers. When you get married, every new gun purchase will be scrutinized by the wife. Think I'm kidding...
  12. J

    Decidedly un-PC opinions from Fred regarding the decline of civilization

    Don't know how many of you know about Fred. His bio on his website is pretty interesting. He's as un-PC as they get. This is a pretty good summary of the decline of American Civilization. WARNING! If you are offended by frankness, directness and...
  13. J

    OT - FCC relaxing the rules?? There's nekkid ladies on my TV!

    This is not exactly a complaint. It just seems that the FCC has pretty much stopped enforcing standards on TV lately. Seems to be about a year or so now that I've been seeing a lot more nudity on cable. I was flipping through the channels the other day and caught fully-exposed breasts on E...
  14. J

    Man pitchforks children

    From Two children killed with pitchfork MERCED, Calif. — A man broke into a home and fatally stabbed a 9-year-old girl and her 8-year-old brother with a pitchfork before he was shot to death by sheriff's...
  15. J

    Chinese officials drown healthy infant in front of parents

    This is the end result when you make the State your God. This isn't necessarily strictly abortion-related, but some of you will undoubtedly note that the forced abortion didn't take. The State is, indeed, a fearful master.
  16. J

    Very interesting read on Reagan. I have more appreciation for him now.

    I was never the biggest Reagan fan, even though I realize he probably saved this country from Socialism (can you imagine what another 4 yrs of Carter would have done to this country?) Anyway, after reading this I think I have a little more perspective on the man now. I always assumed his ranch...
  17. J

    John Stossel - Counter Revolutionary

    I like Stossel. I suspect he's still a liberal at heart, but at least he'll give consideration to points of view outside the party line. Funny how badly he gets treated by his peers once he strays from the official version of reality. Maybe we ought to give up the idea of impartial journalism...
  18. J

    NH Housewife who asked Gore about Clinton rape question is hit with IRS audit

    Watch out if you ever cross the Clintons. This from +++++++++++ AN AUDIT FOR KATHERINE PRUDHOMME Remember Katherine Prudhomme? She's the Derry, N.H., housewife who asked some rather incisive questions of Al Gore during a campaign stop last December. Basically, she asked Gore...
  19. J

    What, me worry? Gore comes out ahead in Newsweek poll

    First poll I've seen with Gored on top. If Zogby confirms, I'm going to start getting real worried:,11746,37220|top|08-19-2000::23:51|reuters,00.html Gore Travels Down Mississippi, Tops Newsweek Poll August 19, 2000 9:51 pm EST By Thomas...
  20. J

    OK, I've done this to death but here's the comparison of SS to private investment

    I knew I could find it. This from the Cato institute: Scroll down halfway to the table. I'll try to paste it here: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Figure 3 Monthly Benefit Comparison of Social Security and the Capital Markets by Date of Birth, Income...