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    On left handed shooters, right handed rifles

    According to the January 2024 edition of American Rifleman, page 26, Winchester has awakened to the fact that there are left handed rifle shooters to be considered, something that other makers had long realized. Being a left eye dominant rifle shooter, though retired from competition, I found...
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    seekig Reedfield International Sight set, rear, front includig apatures/inserts

    Anyone having the above, no ionger needing or using same, give me a shout. Rear sight must be in good, working condition. Thanks for your response.
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    might be something to read on those cold winter's nights

    Noticed this evening at the Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) web site the following. The full text of the National Firearms Act of 1934, is available both on line as a download and in book form for purchase. This old law, haunts us still. If this information has already...
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    Chicago blows another try

    See yesterday's National Review or if you prefer other Internet outlets. Another Chicago anti gun/anti gun rights ploy was recently rejected by the federal courts, it having been found, without exception, to be unconstitutional. When, if ever, will Chicago's rulers learn that even those people...
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    Mike Dillon has passed on

    Received the February Blue Press today, containing the sad news. Condolences to Mike's family. He and his company rendered great service to reloaders. One hopes the quality and service offered by Dillon Precision will not be lost. through his passing.
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    Fast and Furious, the sub title doesn't seem to fit

    Just finished the above mentioned title. Having a copy write date of 2012, the book might be somewhat dated, though Obama is still in office, and it appears that the coverup the of the criminality that is and was Operation Fast and Furious carries on, the operators thereof standing unpunished...
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    PA residents might be especially interested

    Regarding Tuesdays primary elections, PA Gunnies registered Republican might find the following worth the time involved in reading. I received the below appearing today from FOAC, Firearms Owners Against Crime. Toomey is unopposed for another senate run on the Republican side. Speaking...
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    document dump mentioned on Public Radio today

    Perhaps already mentioned elsewhere but a few minutes ago I heard on a public radio broadcast mention of a large "document dump" by the Obama Administration, the documents involved being related to the Fast and Furious debacle, documents first sought by the U.S. Senate 4 years ago. This document...
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    re Unintended Consequences

    Apologies if this inquiry is wrongly placed. From time to time, I've seen comment about a "follow up" to Unintended Consequences. It has seemed to be nothing more than an expression of hope on the part of some, as nothing has appeared so far as I know. Anyone here have any information re the above?
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    Down The Slippery Slope

    Dave Kopel banner All the Way Down the Slippery Slope: Gun Prohibition in England and Some Lessors for Civil Liberties in America Joseph E. Olson[1] and David B. Kopel[2] 22 Hamline Law Review 399 (1999). PDF version. More by Kopel on U.K. gun control. I'm not certain whether or not the above...
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    Ex-N.Y.speaker convicted reads the headline seen in Pgh.TR

    Sheldon Silver's conviction is subject to appeal, so he might walk, who knows. Otherwise, if said conviction is upheld, Sheldon will be another in a longish line of elected anti gun/anti guns rights pols to have ended up on the wrong side of the law. Hopefully, if his conviction is upheld, he...
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    seen in Pittsburgh Tribune-Review today

    The U.S. Senate voted 53-46 to reject a United Nations resolution that “called for member states to support weapons collection and disarmament of all U.N. countries.” The vote precludes the United States from becoming a part of Turtle Bay's Arms Trade Treaty. Indeed it is comforting to know that...
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    shooting at a Manhattan McDonalds

    Strange to note, the plethora of existing gun laws in this country, plus an unusually large quotient that are peculiar to New York, State and City were not sufficient to prevent this latest criminal action. Obviously, more gun laws are needed. Strange to note, while more laws might be enacted...
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    Re Oregon college shooting, information missing,it seems

    We've had, from Obama, the usual, expected glittering generalities, nothing specific, nothing new either. As for the shooter, he seems to have aged by 6 years this according to news announcements heard this afternoon/evening, starting at 20,ending at 26. The late shooter had, or so it was...
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    the film serves to debunk Gun Control, I found it interesting, others might too

    An acquaintance sent me the following title and link, Subject: Watch "Virginia Shooting (WDBJ), Gun Control and Hillary Clinton" on YouTube I have no idea as to what, if any copy write problems there might be re posting this material. I will leave that in the...
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    while indictment and conviction differ,Senator Memendez's situation is "interesting"

    As I recall, the Senator from New Jersey, now the subject of 7 plus criminal indictments has been prominent amongst congressional anti gunners. I note in passing that several other members of congress as well as political appointees, and holders of public office who were big on Gun Control have...
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    What next from Gun Control Inc., Paris franchise

    News accounts describing this shooting mentioned "assault rifles" and "automatic weapons" used by the shooters, whomever they might turn out to be. Such firearms aren't likely to be found in the hands of French hunters or sport shooters, assuming that there are such people in France. I don't...
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    a small but interesting non-fiction book on guns and gun controls

    Came across an interesting book at a Barnes and Noble store a couple of days ago.Title of the book is The Future of The Gun by Frank Minter. Available at also, or check your local public library. People here might find it interesting, worth reading. Alan
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    Re the destruction of The Pedersen Device

    Re the above, said destruction taking place in the 1930's, I believe, does anyone have an answer concerning why, even if it's only what might be the "boiler plate" put out by the government.
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    source for recoil spring(s) for Radom P-83

    The above pistol chambered for 9 x 18 mm round, AKA the 9 MM Makarov. As I recall, Wolfe doesn't offer them. Any information/direction appreciated. Thanks.