Search results

  1. B

    Uneven 8" concrete block walls and ricochet

    I'm finishing up our basement for my wife to use as a studio (works at home), and I'm evaluating a new defense firearm purchase (any excuse ;-).. Previous work location was suitable for just about anything due to firing angles but I'm a bit concerned about ricochet from the very uneven block...
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    Would you pay for a video tape of your competition performance?

    I'm looking to expand my video production services, not looking to make a bunch of money at it...but I love shooting IDPA and thought I'd try to combine some of my hobbies. Some of you have seen my work (MMM, Lies and Videotape), I like to think I do some pretty good stuff. What I was thinking...
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    Finally creamed my chrony ;-)

    I was out testing some rather hot 158gr LSWC loads (19gr Lil Gun), and the chrony just wasn't picking them up. I switched to my usual IDPA load (158gr RN 4.5gr bullseye) and the chrony had no problems with those. So I figured I must be shooting too high, off I go.. lowering my POA, still...
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    MMM, Lies and Videotape : It's done! Get your copy here!

    Well, not really here. You can find more information about how it's going to be distributed on my website. The basics are, I'll ship out 10 free copies (one already spoken for) to the first 10 folks who respond (use the mail links on my information page link above) and are willing to copy and...
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    Regional forums

    It would be nice to have forums for U.S. regions (Northeast, southest, midwest..etc..not sure what list would work the best). Perhaps Europe, asia..etc... This would be a good place for people to post regional events, with the volume of activity TLF gets, that type of thing has a tendancy to...
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    DA trigger pull and light striking

    Just finished checking DA/SA trigger pull weights on my wife's Tracker and my GP-100 using the 'high-tech' water jugs method ;-). I was very careful so It should be pretty close. The odd thing is, the Tracker doesn't quite strike hard enough to ignite anything reliably except federal primers...
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    Operation Self Defense Needs coverage, I've got a fairly easy method

    Short synopsis (so you don't have to read the whole thing): Operation Self Defense is trying to find news coverage of self defense uses of firearms. The sheer quantity of possible sources makes it difficult, so they get volunteers to search specific sites. This is pretty inefficient, I think...
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    Ohio: Tusco shooters

    I noticed a couple of folks mentioning Tusco gun club, My wife and I just became member this year.. love the place cause we can shoot IDPA style drills without any problems (and the wife loves shooting water filled milk jugs ;-). Just wondering if there's enough of us to have a get together...
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    Respect for the "law" - from Liberty for All

    Posted here , kinda long... Respect for the "law" by Ed Lewis "If you have 10,000 regulations, you destroy all respect for the law." - Winston Churchill Strange that Mr. Churchill thought 10,000 regulations would destroy all respect for the law. Wonder what he would think of a country...
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    CCW holster for 4" GP-100

    I'm looking for suggestions, I'm a big guy (6'2" 250#) so there's no problem concealing it really ;-).. But before I go holster shopping and end up with 50 holsters, thought I'd look for suggestions. I like the safariland high-ride pancake holster I use for my EAA Windicator, it almost fits...
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    John Lott vs. MMM Video CD - Looking for 3 helpers ;-)

    I just finished v0.9 of my MMM, Lies and Videotape VideoCD. Should be playable on any DVD player, and any computer that can handle MPEG1 video). It contains my editorialize version of the MMM blathering (MMM Lies and Videotape has some screenshots and info), the complete John Lott talk from...
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    Poking fun at MMM

    I've mostly finished MMM, Lies and Videotape, and was thinking about sending a copy to the MMM headquarters along with a letter suggesting they screen their 'coordinators' better in the future, as these folks were really pathetic. Just feel like poking someone, OTOH.. it may help them...
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    ANN: Ohio Election Online Community

    Rich said it was okay to post this ;-)... I've started a web BBS system (similar to TFL) specifically for discussion election issues, candidates and related things for Ohio voters. So far it's pretty small, but I have yet to send out press releases (soon, gotta work on them...anybody want to...
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    Ethical Question, kinda political kinda not

    As some of you may know, I'm working on video of the MMM ninnies.. and boy did they provide some good stuff... I've got most of it done, I'm working on the beginning and I found this rather horrid look: Basically I put it in the beginning, after introducing the stars ("Cindy Hazolton as the...
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    Video available: John Lott speaking. 11/03 - Independance Ohio

    This is some video I shot while John Lott was here to counter MMM ninnies whining about their State Rep supporting CCW. They made many outlandish claims. I thought I'd clean up the footage of John Lott and get it posted first, I'm working on an editorialized version of the babbling the MMM...
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    Study refuting John Lott research?

    At a MMM rally (well, 20 of them, details in thread here ) a woman handed the main bimbo a paper and she claimed that a study just published refutes MGLC. I'm pretty sure this was just another lie of theirs, anybody know about this?
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    11/04 Indepencance Ohio, MMM lie fest - HB-274 - John Lott speaks

    Probably only important to House District 17 Ohioans, perhaps some were there. The MMM is attacking Jim Trackas for voting yes on HB-274 which they claimed would allow CCW in schools, hospitals, playgrounds..etc.. Oh, and according to one of their signs, a kid is now aged 0-25. Go figure that...
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    server problems (a thought)

    Just curious, are you using mysql? I'd presume not, but I'm in the midst of converting my mysql sites to postgresql, which turns out with a little work can be done pretty easily. I've got a perl script to convert backup dumps to postgresql statements. thought I'd pass that along, I doubt your...
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    Watch where you point that weapon! I didn't bother trying to link in the pictures, you can go to the original site for them.. Watch Where You Point That Weapon! by Casey Khan The other night I was watching television, fixated on the DC area sniper shootings. They were showing footage of the lock down on I-95...
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    Question re: posting 'announcements'

    I started a web-forum system for Ohio elections/political discussions, kinda late for this year but I plan on officially announcing after the elections. Would it be acceptable to announce this in legal/political? I doubt I'd take any business from here ;-)