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  1. L

    Need some help on getting someone out of a bad situation.

    Moderator forgiveness is asked. It's not firearms related, but it's related to generalities with identities. I have a friend of mine who lives in upstate NY. He's 23 years of age. He lives with his mother and her room mate. As a result of social anxiety disorder (At least that's the reason...
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    CHL appointment done; change of policy to follow?

    Today, just one week after my 21st birthday, I went through the process of fingerprinting and photographing for my CHL. Went to the County Sheriff's building, went through metal detector, and went to the record's office. Gave them a check for 65 dollars, got a reciept. Took it and went upstairs...
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    Some Good with much bad

    The recent Homeland Security bill, which was passed by both houses, features these two measures which are interesting: —Transfers the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms from the Treasury Department to the Justice Department to better perform its law enforcement responsibilities. ATF's...
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    Marriage and Civil Unions

    Marraige and Civil Unions Typically, threads here in regards to anything in terms of homosexuality usually get shut down pretty quickly, no matter who posts it. I guess I'm trying to buck the trend here, and hopefully have some civil discourse in this manner. The topic is: Marraige and Civil...
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    CHL Appointment Scheduled!

    Well, I got off the phone with Washington County's CHL unit today. They were willing to schedule an interview without an application, as long as the application is in their hand the day before the appointment. However, it's looking like getting it all done two days after my 21st birthday ain't...
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    Beaverton/Portland/Hillsboro, OR TFL'ers?

    I live out in Aloha, between Beaverton and Hillsboro. I'm thinking a small TFL meet is in order. What do y'all think?
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    Getting carry permit at first opportunity; who else?

    6 years ago, at the age of 15, I decided that I would apply for a Florida CWFL at the earliest opportunity. My state of residence has changed, as I now live in Oregon, but the age for getting a carry permit is the same in Oregon as it is in Florida, which is 21 years of age. Regardless of my...
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    Alabama: May Issue or Shall Issue?

    According to several sources, Alabama is a may issue state. However, anyone who applies for a permit can get one as long as he or she passes a background check. You'd think Alabama is a shall-issue state. But it's not. :confused: Was this one of those states that became de facto...
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    Primary Victories and Losses

    Here's the tally: Arizona: On the Republican side, Matt Salmon was selected as the Republican choice for the general election. Salmon, as you know, bashed state agencies for denying employees the ability to protect themselves if they have concealed carry permits. He will be facing Jane...
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    Shall-Issue Update: KS, NE, IA, MN, what news?

    Hi all, Occasionally, every few months, I ask about this exact issue. These four states in particular have an interest with me, since two of them prohibit CCW, and the other two are discretionary, and they are in the middle of the country. Kansas: I read Kansas' proposed law on CCW. Very...
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    My move

    Moderators, I ask your forgiveness for an off-topic post. Legal and Political did not seem appropriate at all, and General Discussion was the only place that seems to fit. Firearms related stuff in a few paragraphs. In case you were wondering where I was, I just moved from St. Petersburg, FL...
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    NM CCW Opinion Posted
  13. L

    NM CCW Statute Ruled Unconstitutional Baca, the guy who sued, is gloating. However, it appears that the entire law was struck down solely because of the "opt-out" provision. The courts appearently said that the CCW statute was lawful in terms of not violating the state...
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    6th District Court Case on AW Ban. What's the name?

    Hi, I'm trying to get information on the current challenge to the Assault Weapons ban, based on First Amendment grounds, in the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals. Metzenbaum was one of the people used in it's defense. What's the name of the case?
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    Federal Carry Permit Proven

    NEW CASE 5/28/02: Et tu, FEDS? An apparant case of a "crony honorary US Marshall" packin' in DC. For years, we've heard rumors of a "Federal CCW Permit", sometimes connected with the phrase "Honorary US Marshall". We know that Dianne Feinstein had a California CCW as Mayor (and prior, issued...
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    (FL) Sorry to do this, but I give up.

    Someone asked me this over at I was suprised: My response: Wow. I can't believe anyone even remembered the CWFRA that I wrote. I'm glad you're interested in it. Getting anyone fired up in Florida over this has been long, hard, and rather pointless. Florida's politics make it...
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    (UT) Educational Association Supports UofU gun ban :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Wow. Using the 1st amendment to destroy the 2nd. Wonder. :p
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    (UT) AG Shurtleff baffled at Judge's ignoring of law.,1249,400008275,00.html
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    (OR) Self Defense Laws?

    Since we're talking about Florida self defense laws in another thread, I want to bring up Oregon's self defense situation. I know that in pretty much every western state, they do not have a "duty to retreat" provision in the case law. Is this the case in OR? Also, I read about Oregon's law...
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    (NE & KS) CCW Update Nebraska's LB496, the shall-issue carry law, has been indefinitely postponed for the session. Strange, I would have thought that Nebraska, of all places, would support concealed carry. What's...