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  1. L

    LA Sheriff Candidate John Stites=Pro-CCW

    Well, I got word from the horses mouth, so to speak, about the situation. Here is the email I recieved from him: .....California law is three fold. Pass a 16 or 24 hour course, be proven to have good moral character (background check) and have sufficient reason. I don't believe that with the...
  2. L

    Komu Mo Ccw Vote!! Click on E-Poll, and vote. We had 95 to 5 in our advantage, and now we are way behind. GO AND VOTE!!!
  3. L

    Scary Situation in the Past

    I've never stated this in this forum before, because I didn't think it was germaine to the forum. Now, after being here, I think it is. There was a scary situation about a year ago where both my mother, her boyfriend, and her best friend (Jeanette) were threatened with death and being stalked...
  4. L

    Want to Claim a Long Dead username.

    To the administrators: I go by the name Glock in almost every online forum I post on. I tried to register as Glock, but the forum already had someone already registered it. glock, as it was registered, signed up in 12/28/98, and only made one post on the same day, and never returned. I'm...
  5. L

    Uh, you guys ever hear of these folks?

    They are called the "Pink Pistols". Someone posted a link to some photos from a 2000 rally for CCW rights in MN. Someone, who had a "Never Let Go of your Life Preserver" JPFO tee shirt, an NRA hat, and something to the effect of a poster saying something to the effect of (I don't exactly have...
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    LA County Sheriffs Election?

    Los Angeles County Sheriffs Election? I'm not from LA or anything, but from what I understand, Sheriff Baca is up for re-election, and his two opponents have said (especially Stites) that they would issue licenses to anyone who applies who is otherwise not prohibited by CA and Federal law...
  7. L

    2004 Gun Rights Battle?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm under the impression that the law making "Assault weapons" (notice I'm using quotations in regards to sarcasm) and hi capacity magazines illegal is going to expire sometime in 2004 (along with the entire crime bill that it was amended to?). Now, the question to...
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    Deus Ex

    Have any of you played this game? Okay, I know it ain't firearms related per se (there's guns in it, though), but it's one of my favorite games, and it really tells you how government can be used as a tool to enslave an entire population. [/b]
  9. L

    FL CCW Supporters: A Call to Arms

    Hello, all. A few years ago, I naively tried to get the age to acquire a concealed firearms license in FL from 21 to 18. It didn't work. You probably don't even know who I am. I tried getting the NRA to help, no help. I tried getting Unified Sportsman of Florida to help. Nada. Marion...
  10. L

    FL CCW Supporters, A Call to Arms.

    Hello, all. A few years ago, I naively tried to get the age to acquire a concealed firearms license in FL from 21 to 18. It didn't work. You probably don't even know who I am. I tried getting the NRA to help, no help. I tried getting Unified Sportsman of Florida to help. Nada. Marion...