Search results

  1. G

    Bernardelli SX801L fron CDNN? Mag tubes?

    I'm thinking about purchasing one of these shotguns from CDNN ($399). They seem like a great deal with ported barrel and 4 extended trulock chokes. Does anyone have experience with these shotguns? Do you know if extended mag tubes are available or if other brands fit them?
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    3.5 Glock trigger causing FTF?

    I just installed a Lone Wolf 3.5 trigger connector in my G-26 and a friends G-34. We went shooting the other day and the G-34 had many (maybe 10-11 out of 100 rounds) failures to feed. This gun had not been previously fired (bought new) and I was a bit surprised at a Glock having these issues...
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    270 for varmint?

    Is the 270 acceptable for small varmint hunting, like prairie dogs, gophers,etc. Or is it too much?
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    FNP 45 who's got one yet?

    So my stimulus check is slapping me in the face to buy an FNP 45, but I have yet to locate one (even to rent). How many people here have one and how do you like it? Pictures would be a big help! Thanks.
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    Cougar F to G conversion. HELP!

    I posted this in the gunsmith section as well but thought someone here may have a suggestion. I'm trying to do the home conversion of the Stoeger Cougar from an F model to G (decocker only). Step 1 is to drive the firing pin catch spring pin, that holds the firing pin and pin safety, out of the...
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    Removing Cougar firing pin. HELP!

    I'm trying to do the home conversion of the Stoeger Cougar from an F model to G (decocker only). Step 1 is to drive the firing pin catch spring pin, that holds the firing pin and pin safety, out of the slide. I cannot get that sucker to budge! It is a roll pin running the width of the slide...
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    357sig barrel for Stoeger Cougar?

    I just purchased a Stoeger Cougar in 40SW. It is a great gun and an absolute steal at $350. I would like to know if anyone knows where I could get a 357sig barrel for it. I would imagine Beretta barrels would work. I tried to contact Beretta, but can't get any contact info. Any thoughts?
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    32H&R Magnum in Nagant?

    So what is the concensus for shooting 32 H&R magnum loads in a Nagant revolver? I've done the searches and come up with varying info. What say ye?
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    Sugarland Express revolver?

    I was just watching Spielberg's "Sugarland Express" and was trying to identify the revolver they take off the DPS officer. I'm thinking it is a S&W model 27 or 28. Can anyone identify?
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    CZ-82 tigger/sear problem

    I recently recieved 2 82's from AIM. They are both in excellent condition, looking brand new. Unfortunately, during the 1st range session, a few problems arose. One gun had the now infamous missing slide release spring. Had it before shooting, lost it somewhere during. Have ordered a few new...
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    CZ-82 tigger/sear problem

    I recently recieved 2 82's from AIM. They are both in excellent condition, looking brand new. Unfortunately, during the 1st range session, a few problems arose. One gun had the now infamous missing slide release spring. Had it before shooting, lost it somewhere during. Have ordered a few new...
  12. G

    Differnces in M&P trigger vs Sigma.

    I am interested in the S&W M&P pistol, probably in .40. I have yet to shoot one or really get a good "feel" for it. Is the trigger different than those on the sigma? They look the same. I shot a Sigma years ago and was VERY unimpressed, but I have heard good things about the M&P. :confused:
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    $225 for a like new Model 36?

    I have a chance to buy a like new S&W model 36 for $225. I comes with original grips, rubber boot grips, oversized wood target grips, a fobus holster, and hks speed loader. Does this sound like a good deal to you guys? What about a Model 10 police turn-in in good condition and holster wear...
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    .308 for varmits?

    I was thinking about getting a Savage 110 in .308 for deer hunting. Question is can it also make a decent varmit gun?
  15. G

    45LC in a 410 shotgun?

    I didn't know wether to post here or in the shotgun forum. Anyway could you shoot 45 long colt in a smoothbore 410 shotgun? I know some revolvers and derringers have that possibility.
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    Opinions: Federal Personal Defense 115gr 38 spl hydrashok

    Anybody have any knowledge of this non- +p round? I just purchased a box and wonder what others think of it. Supposedly it has low kick for faster follow-up shots, but still has substantial stopping power. I like the thought of using them in my model 36 snubby, but in a larger gun does it make...
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    Shipping a handgun to the factory, best way?

    I need to send a Taurus revolver back to the factory for repairs. What is the easiest way to go? Which carriers are best? Do you have to declare it a firearm?
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    1911 defense ammo--ball or HP's?

    How many load ball ammo for defensive purposes and why. I'm not looking for a debate on which HP is better, I'm interested in how many prefer ball to any HP. What is the best quality ball ammo?
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    Removing safety from a Tokarev

    I have seen Toks with the crummy preban sefeties removed for sale at Cruffler (actually, they said the safety was never installed, just the holes drilled). I took the safety off of mine and it feels much better. Other than the obvious possible legal ramification involved in an actual shooting...
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    Where to buy USP barrels?

    I just bought a HK USP compact in .357sig (and love it), where is a good place to get a .40 barrel for it?:confused: