Search results

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    Cooper Open Country

    Anyone have one that can give me some feedback? Looking for another .300Win Mag and it’s caught my eye. Finally located one that isn’t a lightweight proof barrel. Never owned or shot a Cooper, handled a Timberline the other week and liked what I saw though.
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    Kimber Patrol Tactical Manners

    Anyone have one or feedback on one? Uses their 8400 action which on my research is like a blend of the M700, M70 and 98 actions. Sort of a cross between a custom and production rifle. Reviews I've gotten from Kimber owners have been mixed on their cheaper 84 actions and hunting rifles.
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    My Holy Grail......

    Of rifles. I’ve been wanting a Sako 85 Bavarian Carbine chambered in .308win for years. Lady Luck and a very supportive wife who encouraged me to get it don’t hurt either. This one will wear a Schmidt and Bender Stratos 1.5-8X42 with FD7 reticule in extra low Opti-lock rings and carried via a...
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    F.A.I.R. Shotguns

    Specifically the Racing and 802 models. What’s the good, the bad and the ugly on them? How do they stack up against a Beretta Silver Pigeon or Onyx? Looking at getting a clays gun in 12ga but trying to keep the budget around $2-2500.00.
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    Got an itch for a new rifle. Purely a hunting rig capable of taking anything in NA short of the big bears. I want a .30 Magnum as well. The more I read on this cartridge the more I'm liking the sound of it. If you own one or have experience with one I'd like to hear the good, the bad, and the...
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    New Nightforce SHV

    Been looking and thinking about the optic for Project .243 lately. The more I think about the purpose of the gun I'm moving my NXS to it and putting a new optic on the 7mm08. I really like the NF but I like the Trijicon for hunting just as much, until this one popped up. This is going to be...
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    Cold Bore Issue

    Savage Model 10 Precision Carbine .308 in a B&C Medalist stock. DNZ Mount, Timney trigger set at 2#, Trijicon Accupoint 5X20X50. Load is a 165grn NBT over 46grn of Varget. It's always shot great up until last week and today. The first cold bore shot is 3", 5" then 3.5" high. Those are rested...
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    The 7mmRM

    I've had the itch to put together a heavy barreled 7mmRM for a few years now. This will be a hunting and LR rifle for playing around. Like everything I don't want to break the bank with a $3-5K base rifle plus optic. Right now I've got three candidates for the base. Remington 700 Sendero...
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    New Tumbler/Cleaner

    My 20yo, gun show special vibratory tumbler finally bit the dust. Now I'm in the market for a new one. I'd rather not go back the cob/walnut media type vibratory unit. I've been looking hard at the ultrasonics by Hornady and RCBS as well as a rotary with SS pins. Never dealt with or used...
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    10 Days

    10 days until bow season. 26 days until rifle season. And 4.5 months of a passion I love and by the 3rd month my wife hates but understands. I can't wait until the fall, deer season, offshore fishing and college football are all good.
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    Savage PC Facelift

    Take one of these Replace the stock with one of these: Have the stock dipped and spray a little Durocoat to end up with this:
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    Trijicon Accupoint vs NF SHV

    Decisions, decisions, decisions. Reworking the Savage 10 PC .308 and putting new glass on it. I got a quote on a Trijicon TR23 5X20X50 with Amber Post like the one I already have on my 700 Varmint 7mm08 for $1,049.00 and a quote on the Nightforce SHV 5X20X56 IHR for $1,169.00. I've looked...
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    Winchester Ranger

    Got a line on a Winchester Ranger LA in .270. From very little looking this appears to be a Model 70 action in budget trim and parts. Is this true? Would it be suitable to do a build off of or would parts be hard to come by. IE, will normal 70 parts work.
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    Weekend Work

    Friday night I sat in a stand that I knew had activity on it. Started the evening with a spike coming in and sniffing around. He wandered all the way down to the stand, considered pulling the knife out and Ramboin' him but it was too early to go to the ER. About the time that one left a...
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    The Tally

    So far I've sat 9 times in the stand. Very little activity over all. I found a doe and two little one bedded up in some dog fennel one afternoon. Same sit I saw a lot of white on a small deer in the cut-over, thinking it may be a pie-bald. Had a doe and fawn get bumped up by something and...
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    Sako A7 Long Range

    Anyone got one or shot one? Any feedback on the basic A7 platform? Cabelas exclusive from what I understand. Wonder how it compares to a Sendero?
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    Nightforce SHV

    Anyone put their hands and eyeballs on one of these yet? Impressions or reviews?
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    Project 7mmMag 700LR

    Ordered a Remington 700 LR in 7mmMag from Buds for a project rifle. When it comes in modifications will commence: Badger Bolt Knob Timney Trigger set to 2.0lbs DNZ Mount Dip the stock in Mossy Oak Bottomland Rattlecan the metal and receiver using the mesh bag technique over a basecoat of...
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    I've been looking at new shotguns for a while now. I had a long list to start but have narrowed it down some. I eliminated the Benelli SBE because I have one that was my late FIL's and owned a synthetic before trading it, great guns, just want something different. Eliminated: Remington...
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    26 Nosler

    0-415yds point blank and as much energy at 400yds as a 260 at the muzzle. Yep, you got my attention.