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  1. P

    M1A Question

    Dumb question but kinda bugging me. I used to hear a ding noise when dry firing my M1a after the trigger is pulled, like a resonating echo I guess is the best description. Anyways, now I dont hear that noise with that rifle, but I do hear it with my brand new standard M1A. Does this mean the...
  2. P

    Hard to work m1a bolt with mag in??

    Basically I cant bring the bolt back all the way when I put a empty mag in and slowly bring bolt back or decently hard as well. ( The bolt is binding with the mag lips im guessing) When I put a snap cap however in, the bolt does not bind or have problems. The rifle is brand new. Does it need to...
  3. P

    Cant get barrel lined up right?

    Rem 700... The barrel is closer to one side of the stock then the other, and it is bothering me. Its not actually tocuhing the stock anywhere, but I cant get it perfectly center. It is still free floated with the hs stock but no matter what I do as soon as I tighten the action screws, which I do...
  4. P

    Headspace Problems?

    Im sorry, I know I am asking a lot of questions. Rem 700 police, 338 Lapua. When I chamber a round i have to slide the bolt fast and then I am able to push the the bolt down. However if I chamber a round slowly and then atempt to close the bolt, it wont move and i have to push foward and down...
  5. P

    Remington 700 sps

    What is the difference in the sps line of 700's and how do they compare to the other versions of the 700's? Is there a quality difference? If planning to change out the stock is it worth getting the more expensive models?
  6. P

    M1A Op Rod

    How much play is there supposed to be in the op rod/charging handle? It seems that in mine there is a little bit of wiggle and I am able to move it around slightly. Is this a big deal/problem? I feel like there needs to be a little play but not sure.
  7. P

    What is this noise?

    I dont know how I noticed this but on my m1a when the bolt is held open I can hear something sliding slightly back and forth when I tilt the gun foward then backwards. Does anyone know what is moving back and forth. I dont notice it when the bolt is closed however.
  8. P

    Rem 700 sticky bolt

    Recently bought a new 700 and it seems the bolt is stiff to get into the chamber. Bolt lift and close are normal. It feels like the lugs are slightly binding with the chamber as the bolt enters, because otherwise the bolt is smooth moving around until the bolt face actually reaches the chamber...
  9. P

    Rem 700 MLR 338 Lapua

    Just a quick overview of my new purchase, which im not thrilled about, although I have not shot it yet. The stock feels somewhat cheap and cardboard like. There is more space/room on one side between the stock and barrel, as if they improperly torked the action screws at the factory. The bolt is...
  10. P

    Another m1a question

    Thanks for the help guys, one more question. i know your suppost to let the bolt slam and not let it ride slowly. Could any damge be caused if dry firjng and bolt isnt all the why closed. i know it wasnt cause as soon as it clicked i felt the bolt close the final distance after trigger was pulled?
  11. P

    M1a question??

    This may be a dumb question but Im a bit of a novice... Ive noticed that when the mag is out and the bolt is closed, the bolt seems to be able to wobble a bit when pushed from side to side. But, as soon as the mag is placed in again, the bolt assyembly is stabalized. I know this may not be the...
  12. P

    Good Ar-15 light

    Im looking for a good quality ar-15 flashlight that attaches directly to a picatinny rail. In other words, I want the light to come out of the box with the attatchments already built in to do so. Also, are there any legalities/restrictions in the State of NJ against lights on weapons? I dont...
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    m1a question

    Is the operating/charging handle suppost to have some play and wobble in it when bolt is closed?
  14. P

    Has this ever happened to anyone?

    I shot a deer the other night with an arrow and had a pretty good idea of where it ran. It was getting dark and the blood wasnt the best. Anyways... I actually walked past the deer as i was looking at the blood trail and it seems the blood went on in the opposite direction of where it...
  15. P

    Off Center Firing Pin

    Shot another box of ammo today and didnt have any problems. Here is a pic of some spent cases. Again the firing pin consistently hit off center. Is this still something not to be concerned about? Thx for the help
  16. P

    Does this look normal?

    I posted before about an off center strike of the firing pin. Heres a pictures of a few spent cases.
  17. P

    Firing pin not striking in center?

    I have a ruger hawkeye in 300 win mag. After looking at the spent cases, I noticed that the firining pin isnt stryking in the center of the primer. Its not terrible, like on the edge or anything, but is certainly noticable. Is this a big deal? It goes bang every time, and looks to consitantly...
  18. P

    Need deer rifle

    What would be a good option around $400 for a deer rifle for hunting in Arkansas and Pennsylvania? I live in NJ where we cannot hunt with rifles so it will only see occasional use. I don't mind used guns. Looking to get a 270 or 308 but open to other options. Any advice will be appreciated.
  19. P

    Play in Receivers

    How much play should there be between the upper and low reciever. For example if an AR-15 is stood up with the stock on the ground and the barrel is rocked back and forth from the muzzle, should there be obvious wiggle and movement felt? At first thought it was the barrel :eek:
  20. P

    AR Question

    Stupid questin... When I tilt back my Ar 15 slowly from front to back I can hear something slide slightly. Im not sure what is moving and cant tell exactly what is is moving. It only is a slight move but i can feel and hear it. Is this normal? What could be moving?